What are the effects of taking Diedai Pills regularly?

Dieda pills are traditional Chinese medicines and most of the side effects are very small. But if you take too much of it like your father, it won’t be very good, but the impact is not very big, so you can rest assured in this regard, your father. It is possible that your hands and feet feel flexible after eating too much, because the main functions after a bruise are: relieving pain, activating blood circulation and removing blood stasis, stimulating menstruation and collaterals, resuscitating the bones, dispelling wind and cold, etc., dilating blood vessels, promoting local blood circulation, and improving It nourishes the surrounding tissues to reduce swelling, inflammation and analgesia. However, your father has not suffered any injuries after all, so he can still eat like him. It is still beneficial to eat occasionally. There are no side effects after the injury. It will not have any impact.

Supplement: You can’t persuade the old man to eat more. No, you’re looking for someone to persuade him. If that doesn’t work, go to a psychiatrist and see. Now Diedi Pills don’t have any side effects, but no matter what kind of medicine they are, they are 30% poisonous. ! !