Original text:
There is a fish in the North Ming Dynasty, and its name is Kun. The Kun is so big that I don't know how many thousands of miles it is. It turned into a bird, and its name was Peng. The Peng's back is thousands of miles away, and it flies in anger, its wings are like clouds hanging from the sky. It is a bird, and the sea will migrate to Nanming. The one in Nanming is Tianchi. Those who are "Qixie" are also those who are ambitious and strange. "Xie" said: "The Peng migrates to Nanming Ye, and the water hits it for three thousand miles, and it surges upward for ninety thousand miles.
It is the one who goes to rest in six months." Ye Ye, Dust is what living things blow with their breath. The sky is blue, is it righteous or evil? Is it so far away that it is extremely evil? It looks down upon it, and if so, that’s it. Moreover, if the accumulation of water is not thick, it will not be able to carry a large boat. Put a cup of water on the col hall, and the boat will be made of mustard; if you place the cup on top, it will be glued. The water is shallow and the boat is big. If the accumulation of wind is not thick, its large wings will be weak. So ninety thousand miles.
Then the wind is blowing down, and behind you is Jin Peifeng; those who carry the blue sky on their backs and don’t care about Yaolan are behind Jin Jiangtunan. Xiaoxue and Xuejiu laughed and said: "I will rise and fly, grab the elm and Fang, and stop. The time will not come, and I will only control the ground. How can I go south for ninety thousand miles?" Those who are suitable for the wilderness, three meals. On the contrary, the belly is still clear; if it is suitable for a hundred miles, it will be used to grind grain, and if it is suitable for a thousand miles, it will gather grain in three months. How do you know about the two insects? Little knowledge is not as good as great knowledge.
The small year is not as good as the big year. Xi Yi knows this? The bacteria in the morning don't know Hui Shuo, and the crickets don't know the spring and autumn. This is the young year. There are ghosts in the south of Chu who regard five hundred years as spring and five hundred years as autumn. Those who possess the big chun above will regard eight thousand years as spring and eight thousand years as autumn. But Peng Zunai has heard about it for a long time now, and everyone is equal to it. How sad! Tang Zhi also asked Jiji: "To the north of Qianfa is the Minghai, Tianchi. There is Yuyan, which is thousands of miles wide.
No one knows how to cultivate it, and his name is Kun. The name of the bird is Peng. Its back is like Mount Tai, and its wings are like clouds hanging from the sky. It reaches up ninety thousand miles away from the clouds and carries the blue sky, and then it goes to the south. It is also called Nanming. "Is he so disdainful?"
There is a fish in the northern sea, and its name is Kun. The size of Kun is really thousands of miles. When it transforms into a bird, its name is Peng. Peng's back is really thousands of miles long; when it rises and flies, its outstretched wings are like clouds in the sky. This roc bird migrates to the southern sea with the rough waves of the sea. The sea in the south is a large natural pool.
"Qi Xie" is a book dedicated to recording strange things. This book records: "The roc migrates to the southern sea, and its wings beat the water to stir up waves of three thousand miles. The violent winds spiraled upwards ninety thousand miles into the sky, and it took six months for them to calm down after leaving the northern sea." On a spring day, the mist evaporates and floats like galloping horses over the forest and swamp fields, and dust boils in the low altitude.
It is all caused by the breath of various creatures in nature. The sky is so blue, is this its true color? Or is it that Gao Kuang is too far away to see the end of it? The Peng bird looked down from high in the sky, but it just looked like this. Besides, if the water is not deep enough, it will not have the power to float a large ship. Pour a glass of water in a low place in the courtyard, and a small mustard grass can be used as a boat.
The cup stuck because the water was too shallow and the boat was too big. If the wind does not accumulate enough power, it will not be strong enough to support its huge wings. Therefore, the Peng bird flew ninety thousand miles high, with the strong wind beneath it. Then it flew with the power of the wind, carrying the sky on its back and no power could stop it, and then it flew to the south as it is now.
The cold cicada and the little gray sparrow laughed at it and said: "I take off rapidly from the ground and bump into the branches of elm and sandalwood trees. I often miss the flight and fall to the ground. Why do I have to fly to an altitude of 90,000 miles?" How about flying south? "If you go to the confused countryside, you can go back and forth with three meals, and your stomach will still be full; if you go to a hundred miles away, you need to spend a whole night preparing dry food; if you go to a thousand miles away, you will need three meals. Food must be prepared a month ago.
What do these two little things, Han Chan and Gray Bird, know! Little cleverness cannot keep up with great wisdom, and a short life is not as good as a long life. How do you know this is the case? The fungi in the morning don't know what Hui Shuo is, and the cicadas don't know what Spring and Autumn are. This is short life. In the south of Chu State, there is a big turtle called Ming Ling, which regards five hundred years as spring and five hundred years as autumn. In ancient times, there was an ancient tree called Dachun, which regards eight thousand years as spring.
Considering eight thousand years as autumn, this is longevity. However, Peng Zu is still famous for his longevity. Isn't it sad that people compare with him? Shang Tang asked Ji what he said: "In the north where there is no vegetation, there is a very deep sea, which is the 'Tianchi'. There is a kind of fish there. Its back is thousands of miles long. No one knows how long it is. , its name is Kun.
There is a kind of bird, its name is Peng, its back is like a mountain, its wings are spread out like clouds in the sky, and its wings flap rapidly. The swirling upward air flow rushed straight into the sky ninety thousand miles away, passed through the clouds, and carried the blue sky on its back before flying south, intending to fly to the southern sea. The scolding bird laughed at it and said: "Where is it going to fly to?" It flew up, but fell down after only a few feet.
This is the limit of my flying. '"This is Xiao Yu? Big difference.
Therefore, those who are intelligent enough to be qualified for an official position, whose conduct is in line with the wishes of the people of the country, whose morality can satisfy the king, and who are capable enough to win the trust of the people of the country, they view themselves in the same way. But Song Rongzi laughed at them. People all over the world praise him.
He will not work harder because of this. People in the world will criticize him, and he will not become more depressed because of this. He clearly demarcates the difference between himself and the outside world, and distinguishes the boundaries between honor and shame, but that's all! Song Rongzi never pursued anything in a hurry for the whole society. Even so, he still failed to reach the highest level. Liezi can ride on the wind and walk, which is really light and beautiful.
And it took fifteen days to return. Liezi never seemed to be in a hurry when it came to pursuing happiness. Although this saves him from the labor of walking, he still has something to rely on. As for following the laws of all things in the universe, grasping the changes of the "six qi", and traveling through endless realms, what else does he rely on! Therefore, it is said that the "perfect person" with high moral cultivation can achieve the state of selflessness.
The "gods" whose spiritual world is completely detached from the outside world have no fame and career in their minds, and the "sages" who have perfected their ideological cultivation never pursue fame and status.
Extended information:
Zhuang Zhou wrote a book of more than 100,000 words, titled "Zhuangzi". The emergence of this document marks that during the Warring States Period, China's philosophical thought and literary language had developed to a very profound and profound level. It is a treasure among ancient Chinese classics. Therefore, Zhuangzi is not only a famous thinker in the history of Chinese philosophy, but also an outstanding writer in the history of Chinese literature. Whether in terms of philosophical thought or literary language, he has had a profound and huge influence on Chinese thinkers and writers of all ages, and plays an extremely important role in the history of Chinese thought and literature.