Only in the seventy-first time did it appear: "When the soldiers arrived at Tongguan, Cao Cao saw the trees on his horse, which were extremely lush. He asked the waiter, "Where is this? Answer: "This name is Lantian. Among the trees, it is Cai Ye. Today, my daughter Chae Yeon and her husband Dong Si live here. "Originally, Cao Su and Cai Yong are good friends. At first, his daughter Cai Yan was Wei Zhongdao's wife. After being captured by the north, he gave birth to two sons in the north, made 18 beats of Hu Jia and flowed into the Central Plains. Damn deep, let people take their daughters to the north to redeem them. Left was afraid of Cao Cao and sent Moon Hee back to Han. Cao Cao married Dong Si in marriage. On that day, when I arrived at the village, I thought of Cai Yong, so I ordered the army to go ahead and Cao Cao led hundreds of followers to dismount at the gate of the village. Cai Yan was at home when Dongsi was not at home. Yan Wenzhi rushed out to meet him. When Cao Cao arrived in the hall and finished his daily life, he stood aside. Cao Cao occasionally saw an inscription hanging between the walls, so he got up to watch. Asked Cai Yan, Yan said, "This is a monument .. When he was emperor, there was a witch named Cao Jue in Shangyu who could entertain her mother-in-law. On May 5th, he got drunk on the boat and fell into the river and died. Her 14-year-old daughter cried around the river for seven days and seven nights and jumped into the waves; Five days later, my dead father's body floated on the river; A river that buries people. Shangyu's orders are still heard in the court, and she is a filial daughter. Duchamp ordered Han Danchun to carve a monument in his composition to commemorate it. When Han Danchun was thirteen years old, without any words, he waved his hand and stood on the edge of the stone tomb, which was amazing. My father, Cai Yong, read the inscription in the dark and wrote a big book on his back. Later generations carved stones and carved this word. " Cao Cao read the eight-character cloud: "Yellow silk young woman, grandson mortar." Cao Cao asked Yan, "Do you understand this?" Yan said, "Although my ancestors left a pen, I really don't understand its meaning." Cao Cao looked back at his advisers and said, "Have you solved it?" Everyone can't answer. A man in the room said, "I have understood what he meant." "Fuck, it is the main book Yang Xiu also. Cao Cao said, "Don't say anything, let me think. "So he resigned Cai Yan and led them out of the village."
From this short passage, we can see that Cai Yan has five points:
1, daughter of Cai Yong. The family background is very prominent.
2. Being plundered by Huns has a tragic fate that is inconsistent with his life experience.
3, brilliant, write "Eighteen Beats of Hu Jia"
4, very popular, a * * married three men. Bought by Cao Cao, Cao Cao revisited his old haunt while her husband was away, so he also had an affair with Cao Cao.
5, maybe not so smart, because I never guessed my father's horoscope, and Yang Xiu guessed it at once.
Therefore, this woman, who has read a lot of poetry books since she was a child, has rich experience and is also related to Attila and Wang Wei, is not simple.