1. Check in official website Stock Exchange.
Official website of the stock exchange is one of the direct ways to find the stock code. Take official website of China Stock Exchange as an example, enter the "Quotation Data" page and click "Stock Quotation" to view all stock codes.
2. Query in stock trading software
Stock trading software is also one of the important ways to find stock codes. In most stock trading software, you can find the stock code by entering the stock name or pinyin initials.
3. Query in the financial website
Financial websites are also one of the important ways to find stock codes. For example, go to Sina Finance website and click on "Stock" to view all stock codes.
4. Query in securities analysis software
Securities analysis software is one of the necessary tools for stock investors, and can also be used to find stock codes. For example, in securities analysis software such as Straight Flush and Oriental Fortune, you can find the stock code by entering the stock name or pinyin initials.
All the above methods can be used to find the stock code, and investors can choose the method that suits them according to their own habits and needs. Either way, we need to pay attention to accuracy and timeliness, so as to avoid the investment risk caused by the wrong or expired stock code.