My conversation with Confucius

Confucius concentrated on reading in the bamboo forest! "Saint, is that you? I asked, and Confucius said, "Of course!" I bowed deeply and cried, "Mr. Kong! Please accept me! " I cried and said, "My name is _ _ _ _. Confucius looked at me with sympathy. I gave him a string of sausages as tuition, and Confucius accepted me gladly. The next morning, Confucius was still reading. I didn't want to disturb him, so I hid behind a big bamboo tree. During class, the students were settled in their seats by Confucius. At this moment, I couldn't help laughing. Confucius found out and introduced me to everyone. After class, the students scattered in the bamboo forest to have a rest. I asked Confucius, "Mr. Kong, what kind of person is Yan Hui?" Confucius said, "Yan Hui's credit is excellent, and I am not as good as him." I then asked, "What about Luz?" Confucius said, "Lutz is brave and famous far and near. I am not as good as him." I asked again, "What about Zhang Zi?" Confucius said to me, "Zhang Zi is rigorous and solemn, and I am not as good as him." The more I listen, the more confused I am. I can't help asking, "What you said really puzzles me. Since they are better than you, why do you want to teach them? " Teacher Kong kindly told me: "Yan Hui is very trustworthy, but he doesn't know how to be flexible;" Lutz is brave, but he still needs to learn humility and patience. Zhang Zi is cautious and serious, but others are not easy to get close to him. My three students have their own advantages, but they still have to keep learning ... Oh, yes, I am not perfect. " I nodded deeply, and I knew that this was also the teaching of Mr. Kong to me as a freshman. In class again, I looked at Mr. Kong with great respect ... Q: Can there be more? Answer: 1, "Master, you are knowledgeable, can you tell me the flight principle of Shenzhou VII?" 2. "Master, were those poems written by Zhao Lihua?" 3. "Master, will you punish the students?" 4. "Master, some people say that your thoughts are harmful to China people, but there are Confucius Institutes all over the world. What do you think of this? " (Hehe, foreigners accepted China's philosophy, but some of us abandoned Confucius) 5. "Master, how is the air in our city compared with your time? Will you miss your usual starry sky when you come to us? We accept light pollution, and we can't see many complete and clear starry sky. "