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If there is a temple in Chu, give it to someone else. Mr. Scheeren said to each other, "A few people have enough to drink, and one person has more than enough to drink. Please draw a snake and drink the first one. "
A snake came first, so he took out the wine and drank it. He held a swastika in his left hand and drew a snake in his right hand, saying, "I can do it!" " "Before it was ready, a person's snake became a snake, and he took it away and said," There are not enough snakes. Can Zi 'an do it? "Then drink its wine.
The man who makes snake feet will eventually die of his wine.
There was a man in the ancient state of Chu who offered a pot of wine to the guests who came to help with the sacrifice after sacrificing their ancestors. The guests discussed with each other and said, "This pot of wine is not enough for everyone to drink together. There's some left to drink alone. Tell everyone to draw a snake on the ground, and the person who draws first will drink this pot of wine. "
A man finished drinking first, picked up the hip flask and prepared to drink, but he held the hip flask in his left hand and drew a snake in his right hand, saying, "I can draw feet for it." Before he finished, another man drew a snake, grabbed his hip flask and said, "Snakes have no feet. How can you draw feet for it? " No sooner had I finished speaking than I finished drinking the can of wine.
The gild the lily finally lost the pot of wine.
lay bare the truth
1: Don't reinvent the wheel, or you will lose something sometimes, and the loss outweighs the gain.
No matter what you do, you should respect the objective facts and seek truth from facts.
This fable tells people that to do something, you must have specific requirements and clear goals, pursue it with a clear and firm will, and don't be carried away by victory. People who are carried away by victory are often covered up by blind optimism, leading to failure.
reference data
A complete collection of ancient books China ancient books [citation time 20 17- 12-20]