Get one's hands on Yu Ding's ancient book allusions

Twenty-two years, Zheng Miaogong died, and Zizi became Gong Ling.

In the spring of 200 AD, Chu presented Yun to Gong Ling. Zijia and Zigong would face each other, and Zigong's forefinger would move, saying that Zijia said, "If he moves his finger, he will eat foreign objects." When I went in, I saw Gong Ling eating soup. Zi Gong smiled and said, "Sure enough!" Gong Ling asked him why he was laughing, so he told Gong Ling. Gong Ling called it and gave it to him alone. Zi Gong got angry, dyed his finger and tasted it. Public anger, want to kill the child. Son first. Xia, kill the spirit. Zheng people want to set up a spiritual brother to get rid of the disease, and they say, "Be virtuous and get rid of the disease." If you must be smooth, then your son will become stronger. "Strong, mentally and ordinary brother, is a sick brother. Therefore, Li Zijian was established for the benefit of Xianggong. Zhai Chu people dedicated this huge catfish to Zheng. Son Song and his family will meet. Zi Gong showed his forefinger to his family and said, "One day I will taste a strange smell when I do this. "As soon as he enters, Zaifu will solve the problem and smile at each other. Ask the public, the son will sue, the doctor will eat, and the son will be blessed. In a rage, Zi Gong got Ding and tasted it. Public anger, want to kill the child. Son first. Zi Jia said, "You old beast, but you still dare not kill it. What happened? "Against a son, a son is afraid, also follow against. Xia, kill the spirit. The book says: "Zheng Gongzi came back from the dead to kill you. "Insufficient motivation. The gentleman said, "Benevolence without force can accomplish nothing. "Whoever regicide, called the king, you have no way; Being a vassal is also a vassal's crime.

Chu presented Zheng with a giant salamander. Zheng was very happy and asked the cook to make soup. It happened that his son Song and his son came to the front of the temple. My son Song's forefinger moved greatly and whispered to everyone, "Every time my forefinger moved greatly, I could taste a rare delicacy. This time, the king must share delicious food with everyone. "

When I entered the temple, I saw the chef cutting the giant salamander, so I smiled at each other. Gong Ling was very strange, so he asked, and everyone told him truthfully. Gong Ling was very unhappy after hearing this, thinking: I won't give it to you, no matter how your index finger moves, it's useless.

After the soup was cooked, Gong Ling called many ministers and gave them soup. Finally, Song Linggong summoned his son Song, but did not give him soup. Sun Song was furious, desperate to put his index finger into the tripod, dipped it in soup, and left. Gong Ling flew into a rage, claiming that he had to kill Sun Song.

Song was very angry when he came home. When he heard that he wanted to kill him, he killed him first to avenge his failure to give him soup. After experiencing a chaos, a new country was solemnly established, and his son Song was also punished for murdering the monarch. Later generations condensed this matter into the idiom "get your hands on the tripod", which is a metaphor for grabbing illegitimate interests.

Although this incident started with appetite, it eventually led to a country falling into the quagmire. From this short story, we can know that the ancient sage's "exterminating human desires, preserving justice" and "self-denial" are really the foundation of governing the country and calming the world! Although appetite, conniving at it, will also become a hidden danger of being killed in the future!