Tools: iPhone 13, iOS 15.5, tiktok210.5.0.
1. Enter Tik Tok, select the video to download, and click the share icon in the lower right corner.
2. After opening the sharing window, find and click the Save to Album option.
3. Wait for the video to be downloaded successfully, and click Go to Album View at the top of the window to open the Album to view the video downloaded by Tik Tok.
Function introduction of Tik Tok
Tik Tok Security Center announced that in order to maintain a real and orderly discussion atmosphere and reduce bad behaviors such as pretending to be a hot event party, malicious rumors, and traffic, Tik Tok plans to show the IP ownership of the account on its personal homepage, and related functions will be tested at the end of April, and will be fully launched in other scenarios according to the test results.
Tik Tok launched the "comment click" function. When malicious comments appear in the comment area, users can click on the "heartbreak" icon to click on the comment, and the comment will be folded in the user interface after clicking. When a comment is clicked by a large number of netizens, the algorithm will reduce its ranking display or give priority to manual processing and other penalties.