What are the original text and translation of Uncle Zi's Wonderful Plan in Shuo Yuan?

original text

Uncle Wen Zi served as Chu Lingyin for three years, and no one dared to enter the DPRK. Uncle and son met and said, "Is it strict?" Confucius said, "The imperial court is strict, why not let the clouds interfere with the state system?" Uncle said, "Strictness leads to embarrassment, and embarrassment leads to deafness. If you can't figure it out, how can you control it? Gavin also said: those who follow the needle and thread, form a curtain, gather and rise, form a warehouse, and flow bit by bit, form a river and sea. People who know the Lord are ordered to do something but don't do it. "

-"Talking about Garden Management"


In the third year of Chu Lingyin's tenure, no one dared to enter the DPRK. Uncle and uncle saw this phenomenon and said, "It's too harsh."

King Wen of Chu said, "The court is not as harsh as governing the country."

Uncle said, "If you are too strict, you will become dumb below and deaf above. Deaf and dumb people can't communicate with each other. What country can you govern? " Needles can be inserted into curtains, barrels can be synthesized into warehouses, and streams can be merged into rivers and seas. A wise monarch only listens to opinions and does not implement them. There is no one who doesn't listen. "