Snakehead is commonly known as snakehead (commonly known as "flower fish" in Guangdong and Guangxi, and "talent/god fish" in Hubei). It is called Li Yu along the coast of Fujian, Guiyu in Zhangping of Longyan, and Toulouse in Shandong. It has a fierce nature, strong reproduction and a huge appetite. It can often eat all the other fish in the lake or pond. As early as 2000 years ago, it was listed as the top grade of insect fish in Shennong Herbal Classic, along with honey, bees, beeswax (propolis), oysters, tortoise shells, ootheca mantidis, meretrix meretrix, clams and carp. Snakehead can also slide on land, migrate to other waters to find food, and live for 3 days without water. It is a common edible fish in China and a "dish delicacy" for China people. In Guangdong, Guangxi and other places, it is often used as a food supplement for surgical wounds to help them heal quickly, which has a miraculous effect. Translated from English to Japanese, it is also called snakehead or thunder fish, which is the favorite name of Luya and ornamental fish lovers.