Su Dongpo's articles are free and unrestrained, and he is unrestrained, but it is not good for an official. In the tenth year of Xining in Song Shenzong, namely 1077, Su Shi was the magistrate in Xuzhou, just when the Yellow River burst. Su Dongbo served as an official for the benefit of one party, led Xuzhou people to fight for more than 70 days and nights, and finally built a dam to surround Xuzhou. Xuzhou people sent wine and meat to Su Shi's home in order to thank their parents who shared the joys and sorrows with the people. Su Shi could not refuse, so he had to order people to cook these pork into red crispy meat, square, delicious, fat but not greasy braised pork according to his own requirements, and return it to people who fought day and night in the front line of emergency rescue. After eating it, the people praised it and said it was delicious, but at that time, they didn't know what it was called, so they named it "Chongqing pork", which became a famous dish in Xuzhou, but it didn't spread all over the country.
In the third year of Yuanfeng, Su Shi was demoted to Huangzhou, tilling the fields and cooking, and he was named | "Dongpo Jushi". Because Su Shi often cooks "braised pork" for others to taste, this kind of "Dongpo pork" has been circulating in the local area for a long time. But at this time, "Dongpo Meat" is still only famous in Xuzhou and Huangzhou.
"Dongpo Meat" became famous in the north and south of the Yangtze River during Su Dongpo's tenure in Hangzhou. At that time, due to repeated rainstorms, the water in Taihu Lake and West Lake often overflowed, and the people were miserable. Su Dongpo then led everyone to dredge the river and renovate the lake, making the surrounding area of the West Lake look brand-new. The local boss, surnamed Su, heard that Su Shi liked to eat pork when he was in Xuzhou and Huangzhou, so he rushed to send wine and meat to his home during the New Year. Su Dongpo followed the practice of Xuzhou and cooked pork into "Dongpo meat" and then shared it with you. After people ate it, it was passed on from mouth to mouth. Since then, "Dongpo Meat" has become a famous dish. And Chairman Mao is also a lover of Dongpo meat.
Dongpo Meat originated in Meizhou, Sichuan, and spread in Xuzhou, Huangzhou, Hangzhou and other places through Su Dongpo, and finally became a famous dish that has been passed down through the ages.