Poisonous plants of Euphorbia Euphorbia
It is recorded in Compendium of Materia Medica that Robinia pseudoacacia, Yunshi, Zandou and Gleditsia sinensis are poisonous. If Robinia pseudoacacia is eaten, it will make people vomit, and if Yunshi flower is eaten too much, it will make people crazy. For a long time, people are used to eating some non-toxic plant parts after processing and detoxification, or using their nutrients as livestock feed, but they are often poisoned because of improper handling before eating. This kind of poisoning accident happens every year in the vast areas of southern China. It is not uncommon to report that people and animals are poisoned by kidney beans, sea beans, dog claw beans, pig excrement beans and other seeds. Therefore, as a kind of edible and potentially harmful specific poisonous plants, they deserve attention. In pastoral areas such as North China and Northwest China, leguminous plants are widely distributed or valuable grazing feed introduced and planted. However, it should be pointed out that some of them also contain toxic ingredients, which may cause harm to livestock in large quantities or for a long time, and various acute or chronic poisoning symptoms may occur. For example, crazy horse bean, Oxytropis parviflora, Oxytropis kansuensis, Melilotus officinalis, Trifolium pratense hybrids, and Vicia faba all have certain hazards, and the extent of these hazards is related to the geographical distribution of plants, seasons, other feed additives and other factors. In addition to the absorption, detoxification and excretion of poisons by livestock themselves, it is often found that untimely or improper treatment may cause serious economic losses. Another example is Cassia. ), pig shit beans (pig shit beans. ), plantain (CytisusL L.), Erythrina (Erythrina. ) and lupinus L. are toxic to nervous system, digestive system and cardiovascular system because they contain a variety of physiologically active alkaloids.