The full names of the biographies of Six Arts are The Book of Songs, The Book of Songs (Shangshu), The Book of Rites, The Book of Changes (Zhouyi), Jing Yue and Chunqiu. Jing Yue has been lost, so it is usually called the Five Classics.
These six ancient books were not written by Confucius, but existed long before Confucius. Confucius just did some sorting work on them. These six ancient books, preserved from ancient times to the present, were owned by the royal family and nobles before Confucius, and were highly valued by the rulers of past dynasties. These six ancient books are included in the textbooks listed by Shen Shushi when he talked about educating the prince in "The Country is in Danger at the Beginning and the Business is in Danger".
We often say that the six arts refer to the six arts, namely, etiquette, music, archery, bending, calligraphy and mathematics. The aristocratic education system in the Zhou Dynasty in China began in the Zhou Dynasty in BC 1046, which required students to master six basic talents.
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