What font is used for reference materials?

Reference is the whole reference or quotation of a book or a paper in the process of academic research. The cited documents have been noted in the notes and no longer appear in the following references. The general text is in small four fonts, and the reference is in five fonts, depending on the requirements of the paper. Extended citation refers to the documents cited in the process of writing articles or works, and citation refers to the whole citation or reference to a work or paper in the process of academic research. The cited documents have been noted in the notes and no longer appear in the following references. "References", four numbers in bold, followed by a colon. The specific content quoted is the fifth song .. When writing, you need to start a new line in the following order: (Chinese) author-title-publication information, or (English) author-title-publication information. There are three points to note when starting a new page in the whole reference: 1. In the list of references at the end of the paper, all references should be sorted by Arabic numerals in the order in which they appear in the text. Note that it must be numbered in the order in which it appears in the text; 2. Please change the Chinese references in the reference list into Chinese and English; Please write the full names of English periodicals and conference papers in the bibliography of periodicals and conference papers.