Shen Zhi knelt down and said, "The restaurant is willing to listen."
The elder said, "If you meet the forest, you will be rich. If you meet the mountain, you will move. If you meet the state, you will stop."
After listening to the four sentences, Lu bowed nine times to the elder, carried a package, a purse and an abdominal bag, hid letters, bid farewell to the elder and the monks, left Wutai Mountain and went to the blacksmith's sub-district inn to rest. When the mord was finished, his martial arts were complete.
All the monks in the temple are unhappy that Lu has left.
The elders taught firefighters and Taoist priests to come and clean up the broken King Kong and pavilions.
In a few days, Mr. Zhao will bring some money to Wutai Mountain to rebuild King Kong and Banshan Pavilion.
Besides, Lu stayed in the inn for a few days until the two guys were ready, made a scabbard, put the Buddhist monk's knife in the scabbard, but the mord was painted; I gave the blacksmith some broken silver, carried the parcel on my back, passed the monk's knife, raised a Zen battle, bid farewell to the innkeeper and blacksmith, and set off on my way.
I used to look at it and it turned out to be a headstrong monk.
Shen Zhi left Wutaishan Wen Shu Hospital and set foot on the road to Tokyo. After walking for more than half a month, I didn't go to the temple to rest on the way. During the day, I lit a fire in the inn and bought food in the pub.
One day, between business trips, I greedily looked at the beautiful scenery, but I didn't realize that it was getting late and I couldn't catch up with the night. There is no companion on the road, just stay there; After another 30 or 20 miles, I crossed a slab bridge and saw a cluster of Xia Hong in the distance. There is a manor shining among the trees, and the mountains behind it are all chaotic.
Shen Zhi said, "We must go to the villa for the night."
When I ran to the front of the village, I saw dozens of dealers rushing around.
Lu went to the front of the hall, leaned on a mord and sang a song with the guests.
"Monk, what are you doing in my villa tonight?" Asked the guest.
Shen Zhi said, "The restaurant can't catch up with the overnight stay. If you want to spend the night in your villa, tomorrow morning will do. "
"My village has something to do tonight, so I can't rest," said the guest.
Shen Zhi Road; "Just borrow a hotel for one night, and tomorrow will do."
"Let's go, monk," said Zhuang Ke. "Don't beg for death here!"
Shen Zhi said, "This is also very strange; It doesn't matter if you take a night off, why are you asking for it? "
The banker said, "You go, you go. If you don't do this, you will be caught and tied here! "
Lu was furious and said, "You are so unreasonable! If I don't say anything, I will tie up the restaurant! "
Zhuang ke is also scolding and persuading.
Shen Zhi raised the mord, but he was about to attack.
I saw an old man coming out of the village.
When Lu saw it, he was an old man in his late sixties, walking out on crutches. "What are you doing?"
"This monk is trying to hit us," said Zhuang Ke.
Shen Zhi said, "The restaurant was opened by a monk in Wutai Mountain. He wants to go to Tokyo to do something. I can't make it to the hotel tonight, so I'm going to spend the night in your villa. The banker is very rude and wants to tie up the restaurant. "
The old man said, "Since you are the master of Wutai Mountain, come in with me."
Shen Zhi followed the old man to the hall, and the two sides sat down.
"Don't be surprised, master," said the old man. "The banker didn't save the living Buddha. He showed up unusually. The old man never respects the Buddha or the Three Treasures. Although I have something to do in the villa tonight, I have the right to leave my master and rest for one night. " Shen Zhi stood up with a mord and sang a song to thank him: "I thank my benefactor. The restaurant is afraid to ask the high surname of Guizhuang? " The old man said, "The old man's surname is Liu. This place is called Taohua Village. The villagers called the old man Liu Taigong of Taohua Village. How dare you ask the master's dharma name? What are you afraid to say? "
Shen Zhi said, "My master is Zhizhen's elder, and he brought a taboo word with me. Because this restaurant is surnamed Lu, it is called Lu. " Too fair. "Master, please have a meal. I wonder if you would like to eat meat? "
Lu said: "restaurants don't avoid meat and wine, and they don't choose any turbid and innocent wine." Beef, dog meat, but eat it. "
Too fair: "Since the master doesn't avoid wine and meat, ask the guest to fetch wine and meat first."
Soon, the guest put down a table, a plate of beef, three or four kinds of vegetables and a pair of chopsticks, and put them in front of him.
Shen Zhi took off his purse and belly bag and sat down. The guest spun a pot of wine, took a lamp, sifted the wine and ate it with Shen Zhi.
Shen didn't give in or refuse. After a while, he ate a pot of wine and a plate of meat. The squire saw it at the table and took it for a long time to eat, so he began to eat again.
Lift the table.
The squire said separately, "The teacher's father will spend the night in the outer wing. If it's busy outside at night, don't come out and peek. "
Shen Zhi said, "May I ask if your villa has any activities tonight?"
Too fair: "It's none of your monk's business."
Shen Zhi said, "Grandpa, why don't you like it so much? Don't you blame the restaurant for bothering you? The restaurant will pay you back tomorrow. "
Too fair: "master heard that my family often fasted and gave alms to monks;" Then fight for the master. It's just that my little daughter is getting married tonight, so I'm worried. "
Shen Zhi said with a smile, "Men need to get married, while women need to get married. This is an important event in human relations and a gift from the P5. Why bother? "
Too fair: "Master, I didn't know this marriage was unwilling."
Shen Zhi smiled and said, "Taigong, you are an idiot! Since you are not in love, how can you be a son-in-law? "
Tai Gongping: "The old man only has this little girl, and now she is 19 years old. He is called Taohua Mountain here. Recently, there were two kings on the mountain who built a stockade and gathered five or seven hundred people to rob the house. Here, Qingzhou government troops catch thieves and ban them. Because they came to the old man's villa to ask for gifts, they met the old man's daughter and left 220 taels of gold and a red brocade as gifts. The old man couldn't argue with him, so he had to argue with him, so he was upset. It's not about master alone. "
Hearing this, the Shen Zhi said, "so that's it! The restaurant has reason to teach him to change his mind and not to marry your daughter. How about it? "
Taigong Ping: "He is the demon king who kills people without blinking an eye. How can you win his heart? "
Shen Zhi said: "The restaurant learned karma from the true elders of Wutai Mountain, and even the stone man advised him to change. Teach your daughter to hide somewhere else tonight. I talked about karma in your daughter's room and advised her to change her mind. "
Too fair: "Good is good, just don't take a big risk."
Shen Zhi said, "This isn't life in a restaurant, is it? You only follow my advice. "
Too fair: "Yes! I have it at home, and I want to meet this living Buddha! "
Zhuangke was taken aback.
Taigong asked Shen Zhi, "Do you want more food?"
"Don't eat rice," Shen Zhi said. "Come and eat when you have wine."
Too fair: "Yes, yes."
He immediately asked Zhuangke to take a cooked goose and pour wine from a big bowl, and told Shen Zhi to eat thirty or twenty bowls as much as he could.
The cooked goose was also eaten.
Please pack the package and put it in the room first; Holding a mord and a Buddhist monk's knife, he asked, "Taigong, has your daughter escaped?"
Too fair: "The old man has sent his daughter to a neighboring village."
Shen Zhi said, "Take the young monk and the bride to her room."
Taigong led him to the side of the room and pointed, "This is it."
Shen Zhi said, "You go and hide."
Taigong and all the guests went out to arrange a banquet.
Shen Zhi covered the tables, chairs and other things in the room; Put the Buddhist monk's knife on the bedside, and the mord rests on the bedside; Put down the pin, undress, jump on the bed and sit down.
Seeing that it was getting dark, Taigong told the guests to light up and light candles before and after, so he put down a table on the threshing floor, which was filled with fragrant lanterns and candles. One side called Zhuangke a big plate of meat and a big pot of wine.
About the first time I was on duty, I heard gongs knocking on the hillside.
This Liu Taigong is pregnant with a fetal ghost, and the dealer is holding two handfuls of sweat. When they looked out from the gate of the village, they saw forty or fifty torches shining like daylight in the distance, and a group of people were rushing towards the village.
When Liu Taigong saw this, he told the guests to open the stockade door wide and come to meet him. He saw the front covered and the back covered, and all the bright equipment and guns were tied with red and green silk. Small potato heads with wild flowers; There are four or five pairs of red gauze lanterns in front, holding the horse king; Wearing a pinch of dry red concave towel; Insert a silk beside the temple like a flower; Wearing an embroidered golden green robe and a golden wolf around his waist; Wearing a pair of boots with clouds and cowhide; The king rode a white horse with high head and curly hair, came to the front of the village and got off the horse.
I saw all the minions congratulating in unison: "Your hat is bare, be a groom tonight;" The clothes are narrow, so be a charming guest tonight. "
Liu Taigong hurriedly kissed the lamp, poured a glass of good wine and knelt on the ground.
All the guests are kneeling.
The king put his hand in his hand and said, "You are my father-in-law. How can you kneel to me? "
Too fair: "Don't say that, the old man is just a family under the control of the king."
Wang was already seven or eight minutes drunk. He smiled and said, "I don't owe you anything for being your son-in-law. Your daughter is good enough for me. "
Liu Taigong dismounted and took the cup.
When I came to the threshing floor, I saw flowers and candles and said, "Taishan, why did you greet me like this?"
After three more drinks, he went to the hall and asked his minions to tie their horses to the poplar.
The minions beat drums in front of the hall.
The king went to the hall and sat down. He cried, "Grandpa, where is my wife?"
Justice: "I dare not come out."
The king smiled and said, "Bring the wine, and I will return it to my husband."
The king picked up his glass and said, "I met my wife, but it's not too late to have a drink."
Liu Taigong asked the monk to persuade him, saying, "The old man leads the king himself."
He took the candlestick and led the king behind the screen until Taigong pointed to the bride's house and said, "This is it. Please go in by yourself. "
Taigong took the candlestick and walked all the way.
I don't know if it's good or bad. Let's take a walk first.
The king pushed open the door and saw the hole in it.
The king said, "Look, my father-in-law is a housewife; There is no light in the room, so my wife is sitting on the ground in the dark. Tomorrow, ask my junior to bring a bucket of good oil from the cottage and order it from him. "
Shen Zhi sat in the tent and couldn't help laughing. Without saying a word, the king touched the room and shouted, "madam, why don't you come out to meet me?" Don't be shy. I want you to be Mrs. Zhazhai tomorrow. One is called miss, and the other is groping around; As soon as he touched the golden curtain, he lifted it, stretched out a hand to touch it, and touched Lu Zhi's stomach. Caught, pulled the corner of the headscarf and got out of bed. The king struggled. Shen Zhi clenched his fist in his right hand and cursed, "Straight mother thief! "
Even one punch in the ear and neck.
The king shouted, "You can hit your husband if you want!"
Shen Zhi shouted, "Teach you to know your wife!"
Dragged down on the bed, fists and toes together, beating the king to cry "help!" "
Liu Taigong was shocked; It's just that sooner or later, I said that karma advised you, but I heard it calling for help. Taigong hurriedly held a candle and rushed in with his minions.
When they looked under the lamp, they saw a fat monk, naked, riding on the king and beating him in front of the bed.
"Come and save the king!" Shouted the leader.
When the slaves came to the rescue with guns and sticks, Lu saw it, left the king, grabbed the mord by the bed and hit the ground.
When the minions saw the fierceness, they let out a cry and left.
Liu Taigong just complains.
During the fight, the king climbed out of the door, ran to the door and touched the empty horse. He analyzed the wicker branches in the tree, jumped on the horse's back and whipped the horse with a whip, but he couldn't run away.
The Great King said, "Bitter! This horse still bullies me! "
Looking at it again, I was so flustered that I couldn't untie the reins. I quickly tore it off and rode away. I went out of the village gate and cursed Liu Taigong: "Don't panic, old donkey! I am not afraid that you can fly! "
Tie the horse with two sticks and carry it to Dawangshan.
Liu Taigong grabbed it and said, "Master! You have suffered the old man! "
Shen Zhi said, "Don't be rude. Let's get some clothes and clothes, and the restaurant will wear clothes to talk. "
The banker went to the house to get it, which was wise.
Taigong Ping: "I only expect you to talk about karma and persuade him to change his mind. You can beat whoever you want. " It must be to report to the strongman of the cottage to kill my family! "
Shen Zhi said, "It's a public holiday, so don't panic. I'll talk to you. The restaurant is none other than an old-school official in charge of "xianggong" affairs in Yan 'an Prefecture. Becoming a monk for murder. Hugh said that these two birds are two thousand troops, and the restaurant is not afraid of him. When you don't believe me, let me see my mord. "
Zhuang guests can lift it there.
Shen Zhi twisted it like grass.
Taigong Ping: "Master, don't go, but you have to save our family!" "
Shen Zhi said, "what gossip! I will never leave! "
Fair enough: "Let's bring some wine to Master-don't get drunk to death."
Lu said: "A restaurant has only one skill in drinking for one minute, and it has great strength in drinking for ten minutes!"
Too fair: "when you are on the ground, it is best;" I have plenty of wine and meat here, and I only care about the teacher's father. "
Let's talk about the leader of Taohua Mountain. He was sitting in the village and was about to send someone down to inquire about the second leader of the son-in-law. I saw a few little people, furious, walking to the cottage and shouting, "Bitter! Bitter! "
The big leader quickly asked, "What's the matter?"
The slave said, "Second Brother ate it and hit it!"
Big head was frightened.
I was asking for details and saw a report: "The second brother is here!"
The big leader saw that the red scarf of the second leader was gone and the green robe was torn to pieces. He got off the horse, jumped in front of the hall and said, "Brother, help me! ... "There is only one sentence.
The big leader asked, "What?"
The second leader said, "Brother went down to his villa and went into his room. I was afraid that the old donkey would hide her daughter, but I taught a fat monk to hide in her bed. I didn't pay attention, so I opened the curtain and touched it. I was caught by that guy and hit my toe. I was hurt all over! Seeing that all the people came to help, the guy released his hand, raised his mord and beat the generals out. Therefore, I must get rid of my body and get my life back. Brother and I take revenge! "
"There is a lot of land," said the big leader. Go to your room and rest. I'll accompany you to make the thief bald. "
Doodle left and right: "get my horse ready!" "
All the minions are going.
The big boss got on the horse with a gun in his hand, and all the minions were attracted and shouted down the mountain together.
Besides, I'm eating wine.
Zhuang Ke reported: "The leaders on the mountain are all here!"
Shen Zhi said, "Don't panic while waiting. If the restaurant is overturned and all you care about is tying it up, please take a lawsuit and reward it. Take out my Buddhist monk's knife. "
Lu took off his jacket, lifted his clothes, crossed the Buddhist monk's knife, raised his mord and strode out of the threshing floor.
I saw the great leader in the torch. As soon as he rode to the entrance of the village, he immediately stood up with a pike and shouted. "Where is the bald donkey? Come out early to decide the outcome! "
Chi Shen was furious and scolded, "It's only after picking up thorns and splashing! Let you know the restaurant! "
Turn the mord and roll it up on the ground.
The leader stopped his gun and shouted, "Monk, don't try. Your voice is familiar. You have a name. "
Shen Zhi said, "This restaurant is none other than that old one. It governed Luda on the premise of "paying tribute to each other". I am a monk today, and my name is Lu. "
The big leader laughed, got off the horse, dropped his gun, rushed over, bowed and said, "How are you, brother? I know the second brother touched your hand! "
Shen Zhi only earned him a hand, stepped back and collected the mord. When I looked at it on a sunny day, I recognized that it was none other than Jong Li, a Jianghu coach who made guns and sold drugs with sticks.
It turns out that it is not good for the army to "bow down" without saying this word; It is just called "breeze", which is auspicious.
He got up to hold Lu and asked, "Why did my brother become a monk?"
Shen Zhi said, "Let's talk inside."
When Liu Taigong saw it, he only complained, "This monk used to come all the way!"
Lu went inside, put on a straight yarn and went to the hall to meet him.
Lu sat in the front and called Liu Taigong out.
The old man was afraid to go forward.
Shen Zhi said, "Grandpa, don't be afraid of him. He is my brother. "
When the old man saw that he was a "brother", the more he panicked, the more he dared not come out.
Jong Li ranks second; Taigong won the third place.
Shen Zhi said, "You are both here. I killed the town of Kansai with three punches from Weizhou and fled to Yanmen County, Daizhou, because I met his old man Jin in a restaurant. The old man has never been back to Tokyo, but he also lives in Yanmen County with an acquaintance. His daughter works with Mr. Zhao, a principal in this office. When I meet my companion, I will respect him. I didn't want the lawsuit to hold the restaurant tightly, so the foreign minister accompanied the money to send me to Wutai Mountain to become a monk. The restaurant has a monk hall because of two drunkenness. Our teacher has been writing books for me and teaching restaurants to vote for a monk at Suoguo Temple in Tokyo. Because it is late, I live in this villa. I don't want to see my brother. Who is the Han I hit? Why are you here again? " Li Zhongdao said, "From that day on, my brother and I were separated in a restaurant in Weizhou. The next day, I heard that my brother killed Zheng Tu. I went to discuss with Shi Jin, who didn't know where to vote. Hearing the news of the arrest, I hurried away, but I passed the mountain. Han, who was beaten by his brother, camped in Taohua Mountain for the first time and was called Little Overlord. At that time, people came down to fight with my younger brother, and I beat him, leaving my younger brother on the mountain as the stockade owner and letting him sit in the first place. In order to become an outlaw here. "
Shen Zhi said: "Since my brother has come, Liu Taigong's marriage will never be mentioned again; He only has this daughter, and he has to support him all his life; It's true, you took him away and taught him that the old man was lost. "
Seeing this, Taigong was overjoyed and arranged drinks and food to take care of you two.
The minions each ate two steamed buns, two pieces of meat and a big bowl of wine.
Taigong will pay the original gold satin.
Shen Zhi said! ! "The lees brothers, you go with him. It all depends on you. "
Li Zhongdao: "This might as well be done. And ask my brother to live in Xiaozhai for a while. Liu Taigong also took a trip. "
Taigong asked the guest to arrange a sedan chair, carry Lu, and bring a mord, a Buddhist monk's knife and luggage.
Jong Li got on the horse, too.
Taigong also took a small sedan chair.
But it was just dawn and everyone went up the mountain.
Shen Zhi and Taigong came to the village and got off the sedan chair.
Get off the horse, please go straight to the village, and when you get to Juyi Hall, the three of them sit down.
Li Zhong asked Zhou Tong to come out.
When Zhou Tong met the monk, he said angrily, "My brother didn't retaliate against me, but invited him to the stockade and let him sit on it!"
Li Zhong said, "Brother, do you know this monk?"
Zhou Tongdao: "If I knew him, I wouldn't have to eat him."
Jong Li said with a smile, "This monk is the one I tell you every day. He killed Kansai Town with three punches. "
Zhou Tong touched his head and cried, "Ah," and rushed over and blew.
Lu said, "Don't blame the collision."
All three are seated, and Mrs. Liu is in front of them.
Shen Zhi said, "Brother Zhou, come and listen to me. Liu Taigong this marriage, but you don't know. He only has this daughter, and it is all on him to support the elderly and offer sacrifices to incense. You marry him, you teach him that the old man is lost, and he is afraid of being reluctant. You followed the restaurant and abandoned him. Don't choose the right one. The original gold satin will be here. How is your heart? "
Zhou Tongdao: "Listen to your brother's words, brother dare not come to the door."
Shen Zhi said, "Don't regret what a person has done."
Zhou Tong swore by an arrow.
Liu Taigong thanked him, returned the gold satin, and went down to Zhuang.
Slaughter the cattle and horses, set up a banquet, took care of it for a few days, and led the tour around the mountains.
Fruit is a good peach blossom mountain: fierce and strange, surrounded by steep. There is only one way to go, and there is grass everywhere.
Shen Zhi looked at it and said, "What a dangerous place this is!"
After living for a few days, I saw that neither he nor she were generous people. They were very stingy at work. As long as they stay down there, they refuse to live there. They just said, "How can I be a fugitive now that I am away from home?"
Jong Li and Zhou Tong said, "Since my brother refuses to leave the grass, I will go down the mountain tomorrow if I want, but I will give him as much as I have."
The next day, sheep and pigs were slaughtered in the hut and a farewell banquet was held. There are many gold and silver wine vessels on the table.
Just as he was sitting at the table drinking, he saw a little man reporting, "There are two cars at the foot of the mountain, and a dozen people are coming!" "
The newspaper reported that many minions were ordered, leaving only one or two to wait on Lu to drink.
The two heroes said, "Brother, please help yourself to a few drinks. The two of us went down the mountain to get money and saw our brother off. "
When the payment was over, they led the people down the mountain. Let's talk about the idea: "These two people are so stingy! I saw a lot of gold and silver lying there, but I didn't give it to me; Wait until you want to rob others before giving it to the restaurant! This is not the official road when human feelings, only suffering others? The restaurant will surprise this guy! "
He called these little men over and sifted the wine to eat.
Just after eating two cups, he jumped up, knocked over two little people with two fists, untied them and tied them together, and stuffed some walnuts in his mouth; Then he took out the package and opened it. Everything that doesn't matter is forgotten. He only took the gold and silver wine vessels on the table, printed them on the plaque and tied them to the package. In my chest pocket, there are letters from my true elders; He crossed the Zen master's knife, raised his mord, put on his clothes and walked out of the village.
I looked at the mountains behind, all steep, but I thought, "If the restaurant goes to the front mountain, those guys must have eaten it." It is better to roll down on the grass here. "
Tie the Buddhist monk's knife and the parcel first, and throw it away with your head down; He also dropped his mord; However, he looked down and rolled to the foot of the mountain unscathed. He jumped to his feet, found the package, stepped over the Zen master's knife, picked up the Zen stick, pulled away and took the road.
In addition, Ya Zhou Tong went down to the hillside and faced several people, each with his own equipment.
The man with a gun in his hand rushed forward and shouted, "Wu! Then the guest will stay and buy the road money! "
One of the guests twisted ju to cut Jong Li's head, one by one, one by one, more than ten times, regardless of the outcome. Zhou Tong was furious, rushed forward, had a drink, and all the minions went together. The guest couldn't stand it, so he turned and left. Some left late, and seven or eight died early. They hijacked the car and slowly went up the hill singing a triumphant song. When I went to Dezhai, I saw two little people tied together by the pavilion pillar, and all the gold, silver and wine vessels on the table were gone.
Zhou Tong asked the generals, "Where is Lu?"
The slave said, "I was knocked over and tied up, and some utensils were rolled up and taken away."
Zhou Tongdao: "This thief is bald and not a good man! Beat that guy's hands and feet! But where did it go? "
Tuan Tuan followed the path to the back hill and found that the weeds there had grown flat.
Zhou Dao looked at the sidewalk: "This donkey is an old thief! This steep hill rolled down from here! "
Jong Li said, "If we go after him and ask him for help, we will be ashamed of that guy!"
Zhou Tongdao: "Stop it! The thief closes the door, where can he catch it? -When you can do it, ask him if he can. If they don't have something, you and I will be enemies, but it will be difficult to meet each other in the future; Better stop and meet again later. We took the car apart and divided the gold and silver pieces into three parts. I'll give each of you one for your minions. "
Li Zhongdao said, "I didn't lead him up the mountain and broke many things for you. I gave you all my points. "
Zhou Tongdao: "Brother, I live and die with you. Don't take it to heart."
Readers remember to stop: this Jong Li, Zhou Tong, comfortable Taohua Mountain robbery.
Besides, I left Taohua Mountain and put down my steps. From morning to afternoon, he walked more than fifty or sixty miles. He is hungry and there is no place to make a fire on the road. He thought, "getting up early is just greedy, but he didn't eat anything, but where should he go?" ... "Looking around, I suddenly heard a bell in the distance.
Shen Zhi listened to, "all right! Either a temple or a temple: the wind blows the bell in front of the eaves. Let's find a restaurant and go there. "
It was not Lu who went to that place, but was taught differently: more than ten lives were lost in half a day; A big fire destroyed the famous Lingshan historic site.
Zhijiao: There is a red flame on the Golden Temple and black smoke in front of the Jasper Temple.
After all, what temple did Lu Shenzhi throw in? Listen to the next decomposition.