Hu Quan was sent to Zhaozhou, and Lin 'an sent people and machines to be demoted. Dunfu went to see Zhang Cheng, the bodyguard, and said, "When you say Prime Minister, everyone knows that when your ancestors are humiliated by their words, Kaifeng will be even worse." Thank you for your shame. At the beginning of the visit, when he made it, he congratulated the courtiers and said with a unique melancholy: "Treacherous courtiers." When Zhang Zhiyuan and Wei Zhi heard about it, they both exaggerated their words. Finally, he jumped on the throne and said to people, "You guys don't think it's a good idea to talk about the traitor of Qin, but today you dare to specialize in the country." Why can't you be there tomorrow? "
The minister in charge of the official department is also the envoy of Jiang and Huai. In the story, the attendants passed the cabinet of the prime minister, and when they retired, the prime minister had to send them several steps. When I saw Dunfu again, I didn't see him off. Every time I say, "People will insult themselves, and then others will insult themselves." Looking for an invitation, I learned about Quzhou in the Bachelor's Office of Baowenge and promoted Mingdao Palace in Bozhou. He wasted a few years and died at the age of seventy-one.
If you can't speak in silence, you can't avoid talking about things The emperor tasted it and said, "You have great courage and dare to speak. It can be said that you have no ancestors. "
(From Song History? Yan Dunchuan ")
Hu Quan was banished to Zhaozhou, and Lin 'an sent someone to send him to Zhaozhou with instruments of torture. Yan Dunfu went to see Rizo, the satrap, and said, "Hu Quan commented on the Prime Minister, and everyone knows that his ancestors were relegated because of his words. People who rule divination must never do such a thing. " Mr. Zhang apologized shamefully, so he chased Hu Quan's instruments of torture. When Qin Gui first became prime minister, the will had just been issued, and all the people in the imperial court came to congratulate him. Only Yan Dunfu said with a sad face: "The treacherous villain became the prime minister." When Zhang Zhiyuan and Wei Zhi heard this sentence, they both thought he was exaggerating. When Hu Quan was framed this time, Yan Dunfu said to people, "I used to say that Qin Gui was a traitor, but you all thought I was wrong. Now that he has just come to power, he dares to do such a thing. What will he dare to do in the future? "
Yan Dunfu is a senior official in the official department and also serves as a Taoist official in Jianghuai and other places. According to the old practice, he will report to the prime minister's cabinet, and the prime minister must send him a few steps when he quits. However, Yan Dunfu has never seen Qin Gui come out to see him off, so he often says to people: "People must insult themselves first, and then others will insult him." Soon, he asked for a transfer and became the Baowenge of Quzhou Magistrate as a bachelor, supervising Mingdao Palace in Bozhou. After living at home for several years, he died at the age of 7 1.
Yan Dunfu is taciturn, as if he can't speak, but he never avoids anything in court proceedings. The emperor once commented on him: "You dare to speak with an honest and frank person, so you can say that you have not humiliated your ancestors."
2. Yan Dun retransmitted the classical Chinese answer translation
Hu Quan was banished to Zhaozhou, and Lin 'an sent someone to send him to Zhaozhou with instruments of torture. Dunfu went to see Zhang Cheng, the prefect, and said, "Hu Quan commented on the Prime Minister, and everyone knows that his ancestors were relegated because of his words. People who rule divination must never do such a thing. " Mr. Zhang apologized shamefully, so he chased Hu Quan's instruments of torture. When Qin Gui first became prime minister, the will had just been issued, and all the people in the imperial court came to congratulate him. Only Deng Fu was very worried and said, "The treacherous villain became the prime minister." When Zhang Zhiyuan and Wei Zhi heard this sentence, they both thought he was exaggerating. When Hu Quan was framed this time, Dunford said to people, "I used to say that Qin Gui was a traitor, but you all thought I was wrong. Now that he has just come to power, he dares to do such a thing. What will he dare to do in the future? "
Dunfu is a senior official in the official department and also serves as a Taoist official in Jianghuai and other places. According to the old practice, he will report to the prime minister's cabinet, and the prime minister must send him a few steps when he quits. However, Dunford has never seen Qin Gui come out to see him off, so he often says to people, "A person must act like bring disgrace to oneself before others insult him." Soon, he asked for a transfer and became the Baowenge of Quzhou Magistrate as a bachelor, supervising Mingdao Palace in Bozhou. After living at home for several years, he died at the age of 7 1.
Deng Fu is taciturn and seems unable to speak, but he never shies away from anything in court proceedings. The emperor once commented on him like this: "You dare to speak honestly for honesty, but you have not humiliated your ancestors."
Insufficient funds-there is no way to make the temple flourish.
The answer means: to be the host, of course, you need to raise funds to make it flourish-that is, money is the key to the temple and the abbot is the key to money.
3. Yan Dun retransmitted the classical Chinese answer translation
Hu Quan was banished to Zhaozhou, and Lin 'an sent someone to send him to Zhaozhou with instruments of torture. Dunfu went to see Zhang Cheng, the prefect, and said, "Hu Quan commented on the Prime Minister, and everyone knows that his ancestors were relegated because of his words. People who rule divination must never do such a thing. " Mr. Zhang apologized shamefully, so he chased Hu Quan's instruments of torture. When Qin Gui first became prime minister, the will had just been issued, and all the people in the imperial court came to congratulate him. Only Deng Fu was very worried and said, "The treacherous villain became the prime minister." When Zhang Zhiyuan and Wei Zhi heard this sentence, they both thought he was exaggerating. When Hu Quan was framed this time, Dunford said to people, "I used to say that Qin Gui was a traitor, but you all thought I was wrong. Now that he has just come to power, he dares to do such a thing. What will he dare to do in the future? "
Dunfu is a senior official in the official department and also serves as a Taoist official in Jianghuai and other places. According to the old practice, he will report to the prime minister's cabinet, and the prime minister must send him a few steps when he quits. However, Dunford has never seen Qin Gui come out to see him off, so he often says to people, "A person must act like bring disgrace to oneself before others insult him." Soon, he asked for a transfer and became the Baowenge of Quzhou Magistrate as a bachelor, supervising Mingdao Palace in Bozhou. After living at home for several years, he died at the age of 7 1.
Deng Fu is taciturn and seems unable to speak, but he never shies away from anything in court proceedings. The emperor once commented on him like this: "You dare to speak honestly for honesty, but you have not humiliated your ancestors."
Insufficient funds-there is no way to make the temple flourish.
The answer means: to be the host, of course, you need to raise funds to make it flourish-that is, money is the key to the temple and the abbot is the key to money.
4. Song Shiyan sent Hu Quan to Zhaozhou, and Lin 'an sent people and machinery to the demotion place.
Dunfu went to see Zhang Cheng, the bodyguard, and said, "When you say Prime Minister, everyone knows that when your ancestors are humiliated by their words, Kaifeng will be even worse." Thank you for your shame.
At the beginning of the visit, when he made it, he congratulated the courtiers and said with a unique melancholy: "Treacherous courtiers." When Zhang Zhiyuan and Wei Zhi heard about it, they both exaggerated their words.
Finally, he jumped on the throne and said to people, "You guys don't think it's a good idea to talk about the traitor of Qin, but today you dare to specialize in the country." Why can't you be there tomorrow? " The minister in charge of the official department is also the envoy of Jiang and Huai. In the story, the attendants passed the cabinet of the prime minister, and when they retired, the prime minister had to send them several steps.
When I saw Dunfu again, I didn't see him off. Every time I say, "People will insult themselves, and then others will insult themselves." Looking for an invitation, I learned about Quzhou in the Bachelor's Office of Baowenge and promoted Mingdao Palace in Bozhou.
He wasted a few years and died at the age of seventy-one. If you can't speak in silence, you can't avoid talking about things
The emperor tasted it and said, "You have great courage and dare to speak. It can be said that you have no ancestors. " Hu Quan was exiled to Zhaozhou, and Lin 'an sent someone to take him with instruments of torture and escort him to Zhaozhou.
Dunfu went to see Zhang Cheng, the prefect, and said, "Hu Quan commented on the Prime Minister, and everyone knows that his ancestors were relegated because of his words. People who rule divination must never do such a thing. " Mr. Zhang apologized shamefully, so he chased Hu Quan's instruments of torture.
When Qin Gui first became prime minister, the will had just been issued, and all the people in the imperial court came to congratulate him. Only Deng Fu was very worried and said, "The treacherous villain became the prime minister." When Zhang Zhiyuan and Wei Zhi heard this sentence, they both thought he was exaggerating.
When Hu Quan was framed this time, Dunford said to people, "I used to say that Qin Gui was a traitor, but you all thought I was wrong. Now that he has just come to power, he dares to do such a thing. What will he dare to do in the future? " Dunfu is a senior official in the official department and also serves as a Taoist official in Jianghuai and other places.
According to the old practice, he will report to the prime minister's cabinet, and the prime minister must send him a few steps when he quits. However, Dunford has never seen Qin Gui come out to see him off, so he often says to people, "A person must act like bring disgrace to oneself before others insult him."
Soon, he asked for a transfer and became the Baowenge of Quzhou Magistrate as a bachelor, supervising Mingdao Palace in Bozhou. After living at home for several years, he died at the age of 7 1.
Deng Fu is taciturn and seems unable to speak, but he never shies away from anything in court proceedings. The emperor once commented on him like this: "You dare to speak honestly for honesty, but you have not humiliated your ancestors."
5. Song Shiyan sent Hu Quan to Zhaozhou, and Lin 'an sent people and machinery to the demotion place. Dunfu went to see Zhang Cheng, the bodyguard, and said, "When you say Prime Minister, everyone knows that when your ancestors are humiliated by their words, Kaifeng will be even worse." Thank you for your shame. At the beginning of the visit, when he made it, he congratulated the courtiers and said with a unique melancholy: "Treacherous courtiers." When Zhang Zhiyuan and Wei Zhi heard about it, they both exaggerated their words. Finally, he jumped on the throne and said to people, "You guys don't think it's a good idea to talk about the traitor of Qin, but today you dare to specialize in the country." Why can't you be there tomorrow? "
The minister in charge of the official department is also the envoy of Jiang and Huai. In the story, the attendants passed the cabinet of the prime minister, and when they retired, the prime minister had to send them several steps. When I saw Dunfu again, I didn't see him off. Every time I say, "People will insult themselves, and then others will insult themselves." Looking for an invitation, I learned about Quzhou in the Bachelor's Office of Baowenge and promoted Mingdao Palace in Bozhou. He wasted a few years and died at the age of seventy-one.
If you can't speak in silence, you can't avoid talking about things The emperor tasted it and said, "You have great courage and dare to speak. It can be said that you have no ancestors. "
6. Yan Dun translated "Song Shiyan Dunhou Biography" Yan Dun compound word Jingchu, the prime minister's great-grandson.
Learn less from Cheng Yi. That's awesome. The first Jinshi was the judge of Yushitai.
At the beginning of Shaoxing, the minister recommended and called for a trial position. I appointed the Ancestral Hall Langguan and moved to the official department, so as to abide by the laws of Lv Yihao and know the situation in Guixi County.
There will be people who can rehabilitate Dun, and they will be renamed Linjiang Army, calling them Langguan in the official department. Zuo Si suggested that they should be given the power to inspect and rectify the situation in the provincial government under Zhongshumen. Liu Guangshi, the messenger of Fu Xuan in Huaixi, invited Huaidong private field to Huaixi field, and the emperor agreed.
Dun replied: "I have never heard of being dealt with unscathed by the imperial court, but it is easy to occupy an acre first." Compared with Yue Fei, he is an official engaged in private affairs in the imperial court. If he flies, he is guilty. Chinese and foreign people call it a beauty, which means that ancient sages will wind it up.
Shi Guang's own place will not fly down, begging for my words to show Shi Guang, and making Huainan, the manager, take care of the people, thinking that the capital is built in Jiankang and ZTE will be in a certain period, so why not do it for personal gain? "Right official assistant minister, detailed imperial edict.
After crossing the river, ordinary things were created, and Gefado was in power in four elections. Dunfu is just strict and lives in the official department. Please ignore it and let nature take its course.
On the winter solstice, we ordered the Ritual Department to take 400 gifts from Dad. Dunfu said: "It costs a lot of money to build an army, so those who can help pay for it should cherish it. The two palaces are far apart. It is impossible for your majesty to get a gift of longevity if he wants to take this as a holiday. Do you want to celebrate as usual? " Go to sleep.
If a pawn does not publish a post, he will be given the main points. The doctor too much begged for exemption from the test, and said again, "It is an evil law to be a small pawn, even to blaspheme a saint, and to exempt medical officials from the test. Since the worship of Ning and Daguan, traitors have been bullying the city and taking orders at the right moment, calling them' secret orders', and their discipline has deteriorated, leading to danger and chaos. Just like the previous drawbacks, it can't last long. "
Wang Boyan's son summoned the heirs except Jiangxi supervisor and said, "Bo Yan is a traitor, but his son has no talent and it is difficult to clarify." Change your understanding of Yuanzhou.
He also hit: "Call the heir to be neither a supervisor nor a guardian." After living in the right province for two months, the arguer was afraid of all 24 things.
Back to the official department assistant minister. Look at the comet and ask the truth.
Dun also played: "In those days, Kang Cheng thought that' the wise man hid, four people moved their posts, and the shame was removed, the reputation was destroyed, and the truth was not heard'. What I have tasted is what I have said, mostly because I am close to school, and evil deeds cleverly transfer the meaning of my master.
If evil is straightforward and ugly, it can make the wise hide; If it is every cloud has a silver lining, you can make four people do business; Its winding and sealing can make the upper and lower sides deviate; Its false pet steals power and pretends to be vulgar, which can make the sense of shame disappear; It can confuse reputation and truth by falsely accusing others of meritorious service; If it is smart, it can make the truth be ignored. I am willing to guard against procrastination in order to help cope with the reality of heaven. "
On the other hand: "Billy refused to take responsibility when he came to Buys, and trivial matters all depended on the DPRK. If there is something wrong, it will annoy the listener. Give more examples. Therefore, it is necessary to cure troubles, not to reduce departments, to listen to every detail, and not to be a politician.
I want to know its size in detail, but in a little detail. "Eight years, gold afford difficult line, a letter to the attendants, Taiwan Province.
Dunhou replied, "Kim sent messengers directly to make peace, not because he was afraid of me, but because he knew it was not a temptation." And call it self-defeating, then one thing wronged me, and other things will wronged me.
Today's emissary was sent in the name of imperial edict. What can I do if I want your majesty to change clothes and worship, and I want to be equal? If you follow one or two of them, you can order me from now on. The slightest mistake will be in trouble, and the survival of the country is in your control. "Fang said, arguing outside, although the plan is decided, but dare not do it.
Goulong Ruyuan said that it is advisable to choose people as Taiwan officials, so that different opinions can be eliminated, and then things will be easy. Therefore, places like Yuan, Shi and Shi are all important places, and everyone is shocked.
Dunfu and Shangshu simply said, "The day before yesterday was as deep as a dollar, and now the stone uses it to cross the couch. Many people are boiling and gnashing their teeth. I won't take this as the correct history. The husband is as deep as the abyss, and the courtiers are mediocre, but if you know how to wait and see, you are a traitor. How can your majesty ruin the country with this generation? Begging for more and expelling more, Du Qun abandoned the door and tried his best to stand on his own feet. "
Both with Tao and other categories into the right, for it. The relatives of the messenger told Dunfu, "The masses can bend and obey, and the two places can arrive at any time."
Dunford said, "I will not mistake my country for my body. As I am ginger and cinnamon, the older I get, the hotter I get. Please don't say anything. " Chess can't bend.
Hu Quan was sent to Zhaozhou, and Lin 'an sent people and machines to be demoted. Dunfu went to see Zhang Cheng, the bodyguard, and said, "When you say Prime Minister, everyone knows that when your ancestors are humiliated by their words, Kaifeng will be even worse."
Thank you for your shame. At the beginning of the visit, when he made it, he congratulated the courtiers and said with a unique melancholy: "Treacherous courtiers."
When Zhang Zhiyuan and Wei Zhi heard about it, they both exaggerated their words. Finally, he jumped on the throne and said to people, "You guys don't think it's a good idea to talk about the traitor of Qin, but today you dare to specialize in the country." Why can't you be there tomorrow? " The minister in charge of the official department is also the envoy of Jiang and Huai.
In the story, the attendants passed the cabinet of the prime minister, and when they retired, the prime minister had to send them several steps. When I saw Dunfu again, I didn't see him off. Every time I say, "People will insult themselves, and then others will insult themselves."
Looking for an invitation, I learned about Quzhou in the Bachelor's Office of Baowenge and promoted Mingdao Palace in Bozhou. He wasted a few years and died at the age of seventy-one.
If you can't speak in silence, you can't avoid talking about things The emperor tasted it and said, "You have great courage and dare to speak. It can be said that you have no ancestors. "
Hu Quan was exiled to Zhaozhou, and Lin 'an sent someone to take him with instruments of torture and escort him to Zhaozhou. Dunfu went to see Zhang Cheng, the prefect, and said, "Hu Quan commented on the Prime Minister, and everyone knows that his ancestors were relegated because of his words. People who rule divination must never do such a thing. "
Mr. Zhang apologized shamefully, so he chased Hu Quan's instruments of torture. When Qin Gui first became prime minister, the will had just been issued, and all the people in the imperial court came to congratulate him. Only Deng Fu was very worried and said, "The treacherous villain became the prime minister."
When Zhang Zhiyuan and Wei Zhi heard this sentence, they both thought he was exaggerating. When Hu Quan was framed this time, Dunford said to people, "I used to say that Qin Gui was a traitor, but you all thought I was wrong.
Now he dares to do such a thing as soon as he comes to power. What will he dare to do in the future? "Dunfu is the official department minister, and is also an official in Jianghuai and other places. According to the old practice, he will report to the prime minister's cabinet, and the prime minister must send him a few steps when he quits.
However, Dunford has never seen Qin Gui come out to see him off, so he often says to people, "A person must act like bring disgrace to oneself before others insult him." Soon, he asked for a transfer and became the Baowenge of Quzhou Magistrate as a bachelor, supervising Mingdao Palace in Bozhou.
After living at home for several years, he died at the age of 7 1. Deng Fu is taciturn and seems unable to speak, but he never shies away from anything in court proceedings.
The emperor once commented on him like this: "You dare to speak honestly for honesty, but you have not humiliated your ancestors." .
7. Wang Fuchuan answered the classical Chinese Wang Fu, whose real name is Chu Yang and Gu 'an. In the seventh year of orthodox school (1442), he was admitted to Jinshi. Give punishment to this matter. Loud voice, gorgeous appearance, good at stating your own ideas. Promoted to general political participation. First, he invaded the capital and invited ministers to go out to meet the emperor. Everyone was afraid to go, and Wang Fu asked to go. So he was promoted to Right Zheng Tong, acting as assistant minister of rites and traveling with Zhao Rong, a calligrapher in China. The enemy exposed the blade and threatened them, and Wang Fu and others were not afraid. After returning to China, he still served as the general political department and was promoted to the general political envoy.
In the first year of Chenghua (1465), General Yansui's government was able to catch up with and attack Hetao people, and the emperor issued a decree to reward them. Wang Fu thinks it is not appropriate to go to 700 miles, and he is worried that disputes will arise because he hopes to succeed unexpectedly. Please tell him by decree. The emperor thinks he is right. Be promoted to Shangshu.
Chen Jue was originally a painter. By the time of his death, nephew Chen asked to inherit 100 households. Wang Fu said: "It is the order of the first emperor to carry on the family line, but it is not a meritorious military service and should not be allowed." So stop it.
When children invaded the border, the emperor ordered Wang to return to Beijing to inspect Shaanxi border guards. From Yansui to Gansu, observing the terrain, he suggested: "Yansui starts from the bank of the Yellow River in the east and reaches Dingbianying in the west, lingering for more than 2,000 miles. All the risks are in the mainland, but there is no barrier outside, only relying on the dock to defend. But the army is stationed inside and the people live outside. Once the enemy entered the customs, the loyal subjects did not act, and the people were plundered. Coupled with the southwest to Qingyang, more than 500 miles apart, the bonfire can not be connected. The bandits came and people didn't know. Please move 19 fortresses such as Fugu and Xiangshui and put them in important places near the frontier. And from Anbianying to Qingyang, from Dingbianying to Zhou Huan, building a pier every twenty miles is 34 * *. Trenches and city walls are built with the terrain. In order to hear each other's voices quietly, it is easy to defend. " After the throne was presented, the emperor followed his advice.
Wang Fu was reassigned to the Ministry of Industry. Wang Fu strictly abides by laws and regulations, and his reputation exceeds that of the Ministry of War. At that time, China officials asked to build a cloister in the northwest of the imperial city. Wang Fa lied about it, but Rafe suggested slowing down. Gao Fei also said that disasters are frequent, so it is not appropriate for 10,000 people to do useless things. The emperor will not allow it. The officer in charge led Tengxiang Siwei and asked for a cotton coat and shoes and trousers. Wang Fujian refused, saying, "These things were originally made by the imperial court for the soldiers who went to war, so that they could leave today without bothering to sew them. The Beijing army supplies cloth and cotton for winter clothes every year. This is an established system. How can I change it? " In response to the death of French King Gershbar, China officially requested the construction of temples and towers. Wang Fu said: "All benevolent French kings only build towers, not temples. This system should not be created now. " So he just ordered the tower to be built, or sent 4 thousand soldiers to serve him.
Wang Fuxi likes to learn ancient books, abides by the rules of honesty and restraint, has no talent for dealing with people, is an official and knows everything, and has worked in the Ministry of Industry for 12 years. In the face of disaster, the admonition officer said that he was old and Wang Fu asked to retire. The emperor won't allow it. Two months later, the admonition officer impeached Wang Fu again. Then the emperor issued a decree ordering him to resign and go home. After his death, he was given Prince Taibao and Mi Hao Zhuang Jian.