Where is artemisinin extracted from?

Artemisinin is extracted from Artemisia annua and distributed in Jiujiang area. At present, it has not been planted in a large area, but wild Artemisia annua can be seen everywhere. From the botanist's point of view, Artemisia annua is a very common compositae plant with a unique smell. Tu Youyou found through research that artemisinin should be used to fight malaria by "wringing juice" instead of the traditional "decocting medicine", because high temperature may destroy the drug's efficacy. Accordingly, Tu Youyou treated Artemisia annua L. with ether with boiling point of only 53℃ to remove the invalid acidic fraction and keep the effective neutral fraction, and the efficacy was obviously improved. Then, following the modern pharmacological and chemical methods, artemisinin was purified through strict pharmaceutical processes such as purification-animal experiment-chemical structure determination-toxicity and curative effect analysis-animal experiment-clinical experiment.