[Original] (Excerpt)
Volume 10
On military affairs
Lin and Sun discussed the matter of soldiers in front of them. The king said, "May I ask the soldiers?"
Lin said, "You have the right time to go up and down in the right place, and you can observe the changes of the enemy, who will come first. This is also an important skill in using soldiers. "
Sun said, "Otherwise. I have heard an old saying that the purpose of attacking war with soldiers is to care for the people. Bow and arrow are not harmonious, not moderate; If the six horses are not in harmony, Zaofu can't be so far away; Soup and martial arts can't win without a scholar. Therefore, people who are good at attaching themselves to the people are also good at fighting. Therefore, soldiers should care about being good to the people. "
Lin said, "Otherwise. Your soldiers are snobbish, but the walkers become treacherous. People who are good at fighting feel very confused and don't know why they want to come out. Sun and Wu are invincible. Is it necessary to be attached to the people? "
Sun said, "Otherwise. The way of giants, the soldiers of the benevolent, and the ambition of kings. You are expensive, you are snobbish; What you did, you took it and turned it into fraud, which is also a matter for governors. The benevolent soldier can't be bullied; He can cheat, neglect, be careless and neglect between the monarch and the minister. Therefore, it is lucky to cheat J.J. Cheat Yao with Jie, throw stones with eggs, and cook with your fingers; If you go to the fire and water, you will be in a hurry! Therefore, the benevolent people will go up and down, and the three armed forces will be United; I belong to you, I belong to you, I belong to you, I belong to you, I belong to you, I belong to you, I belong to you, I belong to you, I belong to you, I belong to you, I belong to you. One of the two ways is to attack by fraud, surprise first and then attack. The benevolent uses a country of ten miles, and there must be a hundred miles of listening; Where there is a country of a hundred miles, there must be a hearing of a thousand miles; With a country thousands of miles away, there will be universal listening; Smart and alert, pass one. Therefore, the soldiers of benevolent people, if they gather, will be soldiers, and if they disperse, they will be listed; If procrastination is Mo Xie's long knife, the baby will be broken; If the exchange goes against Mo Xie, it will be defeated; Stop in the circle, if the rock is natural, the horn of the person who touches it will be extinguished, and the deer will plant in the east cage and retreat. Who will be the king of this country? Those who travel with him must be his people, and their relatives. If they are parents, they will be happy. If they are good, they will look back. If they burn whales, they will hate. People's feelings, though stubborn and arrogant, are willing to do evil for good? If you still let other children steal from their parents, they will tell you. Why can a husband cheat? Therefore, benevolent people use it, and the country will be bright in the future. The princes are safe first, then dangerous, and those who worry about the enemy will be beheaded, otherwise they will die. " "Poetry" says:' The prince of Wu relies on his hair and is sincere; If the fire is fierce, I dare to stop it. "This is also called.
Xiao Cheng Wang and Lin said, "Good! What should Wang's soldiers do? "
Sun said to him, "Anyone who is in the king will lead the last thing. Please understand the survival effect and safety trend of kings and princes. The monarch is the ruler of the country, and the monarch cannot be the chaos of the country; Ruling the country with long ceremony and high righteousness, while simple ceremony and low righteousness are chaotic. The rule of law is strong, and chaos is weak, which is a strong foundation. You can use it if you print it on your feet, but you can't use it if you print it on your feet It is common to be strong if you have strength, and weak if you don't. Long Li, Xiao Gong, Shang Ye; Heavy Lu, expensive festival, time; On merit, humility and health: it is the power of everything. Good scholars are strong, bad scholars are weak; Those who love the people are strong, and those who don't love the people are weak; Those who believe in laws are strong, and those who don't believe in laws are weak; Strong people, weak people; Those who appreciate heavily are strong, while those who appreciate lightly are weak; It is the strong who are punished and bullied, and the weak who are punished and insulted; Those who are convenient to attack with mechanical weapons are strong, and those who are inconvenient to attack with mechanical weapons are weak; Those who reuse soldiers are strong, while those who neglect them are weak; One person's strength is strong, and two people's strength is weak; There are always strong and weak. Qi people are good at fighting, and their martial arts are good. If they win a song, they will get redemption money without any reward. If it is a small enemy, it is stealing, if it is a big enemy, it is wandering. If it is a bird, it is a soldier of national subjugation, just fighting for a city servant. Wei soldiers, taking the degree as one of the three genera of clothing, held twelve crossbows, took fifty arrows and placed them on them to win the championship? Take a sword, win food for three days, and travel a hundred miles at noon. In the pilot test, it will return to its family and benefit its farmland. It will decline in a few years, but it will not be taken away. It is not easy to change it. However, although the old land is large, its tax will be low, and it is also a soldier of national subjugation. Qin people are also narrow-minded, making the people cruel, robbing them with potential, hiding them with kindness, protecting them with kindness, celebrating them, punishing them with punishment, and letting the people below benefit the people above. There is no reason not to fight; If you use it, you will get it, and if you use it, you will benefit. Going to five stores is the best for a long time, and many places are positive, so the fourth generation won, which is not lucky, but also counted. Therefore, Qi's martial arts can't satisfy Wei's ranks, Wei's ranks can't satisfy Qin's sharp soldiers, and Qin's sharp soldiers can't be restrained by Huan and Wen, and the restraint of Huan and Wen can't confront the benevolence of Tang and Wu. If you meet someone, if you throw a stone at him. Those who are from several countries at the same time reward soldiers and servants who follow their interests to sell goods. There is no reason to be expensive, safe and frugal. If a vassal can be subtle, he must have both! Therefore, it is a gradual move to postpone the election, cheat and be utilitarian; So are manners and education. Therefore, it is clever and clumsy to cheat by fraud; When you meet Qi by fraud, you still fall to Mount Tai with a sharp knife. No fool in the world dares to try. Therefore, the soldiers of the king do not try; Tang, Wu, Zhou, and Gong Yi refer to people who are eager to make,,, Zhou and other governors. So Qin Shi said "single husband", which is also called. Therefore, a great soldier will rule the world, while a small soldier will rule the neighboring enemies. If the husband recruits and delays the election, he will be deceitful and utilitarian, and he will be invincible. If you replace Zhang, you will be born and die, hermaphrodite. The husband said that he was stealing soldiers, but the gentleman could do nothing. Therefore, Tian Dan of Qi State, Zhuang Qi of Chu State, Yang Wei of Qin State and Miao Nationality of Yan State are all secular so-called elite soldiers. However, if they are clever and clumsy, they are unequal. If they are a way, they are not harmonious. Cheating and overthrowing tactics are thieves. Qi Huan, Jin Wen, Chu Zhuang, Wu Helu and Yue Goujian are all soldiers of the State of Qi, which can be described as entering its territory, but there is no such system; So you can dominate, but you can't be king. This is the effect of strength. "
Xiao Cheng Wang and Lin said, "Good! Excuse me, may I? "
Sun said: "Knowing is nothing more than abandoning doubts, inaction is nothing more than inaction, and inaction is nothing more than regret. It is necessary to stop without regret. Therefore, the formulation of laws should be strict; Celebrate punishment, you must believe it; In the house, I want to be practical; Move forward and backward. If you want to be safe, you must be quick; Look at the changes of the enemy, want to dive deeply and want to participate in it; In the decisive battle with the enemy, I will know what I know, there is no doubt about it; Husband's name is Liu Shu. Don't want to waste things, forget to lose, don't want to make a quick decision, don't care about the outside, don't care about its benefits, just want to exchange money for Thailand. Husbands are called five powers. Therefore, there are three kinds of disobedience to the Lord: can kill without making the earth infinite, can kill without making the attack invincible, can kill without deceiving the people, and the husband is called three. Where the three armies make orders, the three armies are established, the officials are orderly, and everything is right, then the Lord is not gratifying and the enemy cannot be angry, and the husband is called the supreme minister. Think about it first and apply it with respect. Be cautious to the end, be consistent. Husband is called good luck, and all the achievements of Pepsi should be respected. Its failure must be slow. Therefore, respecting victory is auspicious, delaying victory is destructive, seeking victory is smooth, and seeking victory is fierce. Fight like defense, do like fighting, and be positive like luck. There is no way to respect the plan, affairs, officials, people and enemies, and the husband refers to five things. Treat these six achievements with caution and be respectful and innocent. If the husband is called the general of the world, he is connected with the gods. "
Lin said, "Good! Excuse me, the military system of the king. "
Sun said, "Drums will die, hammers will resist, officials will die and literature will die." . Drum goes in, gold goes out, obey orders first, make meritorious deeds second; If you don't advance, you will retreat. If you don't advance, you will retreat. The crime is only flat. You won't get anything if you don't kill the old and weak, hunt crops, serve birds, give up and run for your life. Whoever punishes who is not punishing its people, but also punishing its disorderly people; Man is a thief, but he is also a thief. Therefore, live with the blade, die with the blade, and those who flee for their lives pay tribute. Kaifeng, Weizi in Song Dynasty; Cao touched the dragon and folded it in the army; Yin is for the people, so the health-preserving person is no different from Zhou people. Therefore, those who are near sing it, enjoy it, and those who are far away pursue it. Without leisure, they are eager to be a humble country, so they are happy. If it is a family within the four seas, it is obedient, and the husband calls the teacher. "Poetry" says, "From west to east, from south to north, there is nothing to be dissatisfied with". This is also called. The king punishes not to fight, the city guards not to attack, and the soldiers do not strike. If you are happy, you will celebrate it. Don't kill the city, don't dive, don't leave the crowd behind, and don't exceed the time. Therefore, the chaotic people are happy with their politics, uneasy about it and want it. "
Lin said to him, "Good!"
Ask Sun: "Sir, when discussing the army, you always base on benevolence and righteousness. Benevolent people love others, righteous people are reasonable, but why do you want to do this? Anyone who has soldiers is fighting for it. "
Sun said, "This is not known to women. The benevolent loves others, and loving others is also the harm of the wicked; The righteous follow the ceremony, and the ceremony leads the wicked to chaos. He is a soldier, so it is forbidden to fight violence with violence and eliminate pests. Therefore, the benevolent soldier, the God survives, the transgressor passes, and if it rains, it is called joy. So Yao cut Huan Dou, Shun cut Miao, Yu cut * * * workers, Tang cut Xia, Chong and Zhou. These two emperors and four kings all walked in the world with righteous soldiers. Therefore, those who are near are close to their goodness, and those who are far away cut their righteousness. The soldiers are bloodless and far away, and virtue is here and applied to the four poles. " The poem says:' A gentleman is a gentleman, but his manners are not strange, and his manners are not strange. It is the four kingdoms. This is also called. "
Li Si asked Sun, "Qin IV won, and the soldiers were stronger than the sea. He ruled the princes by force, not because of benevolence."
Sun said, "It is unknown to women, but inconvenient for women." What I call benevolent, shit is also. He is a benevolent man, so he is also a politician; Political repair * * * kiss it, enjoy it, and die. Therefore, all lies on the monarch will lead to the end. Qin IV won, but he was always afraid that one of the worlds would merge and crush himself. This so-called Armageddon warrior has no unified system. Therefore, putting soup is also awkward, not a time to read it one by one; King Wu's punishment is not to go to court with Jiazi and win the case; They all go to cultivate themselves, and this so-called righteous man is also. Nowadays, women don't seek roots, but seek ends. The world is chaotic. "
Etiquette, the rule of discrimination, the foundation of strength, the way of prestige, the sum of names. The princes let nature take its course, so they won the world; I had no choice but to lose my country. Therefore, it is not enough for Qiang Bing to win, for the high city to be deep and solid, for the complicated punishment to be severe, and for the road to be followed, not for the road to be followed.
Chu people think that leather armor, rhinoceros armor and scorpion armor are rock-solid; A huge shovel, as miserable as being stung by a bee; Light profit, death is like the wind; However, when the enemy was on the battlefield, Tang Yi died; With the rise of Zhuang Jian, Chu was divided into three or four parts. No armor and soldiers? The reason why it is unified is not its own way. Especially, you should think of risks, Jiang and Han think of pools, Deng Lin is the limit, and Fangcheng is the edge. However, when Qin Shihuang arrived, it was a shock. Is there no solid plug-in resistor? The reason why it is unified is not its own way. He fought Ji Zi and imprisoned him. He has been branded with punishment, and he has been killing people. However, when Zhou Shi arrived, he couldn't do it, so he couldn't use his people. Does that mean no torture, no complexity? The reason why it is unified is not its own way.
Ancient soldiers, such as swords, spears, bows and arrows, are just gone. However, the enemy does not wait to try. The battlements are inseparable, the ditches and ponds are not broken, and the machine becomes unstable. However, those who are fearless and impregnable in the country have nothing to do with it. Divide it by the monarch, make it, love it sincerely, and its harmony also affects it. If they are not ordered, they will be punished. Therefore, if one person is punished, the world will obey, and the sinner will not post it, knowing that the crime is in himself; Therefore, the punishment is preserved and the power is flowing. There is no reason for it, but also because of its way. The ancient emperor Yao ruled the world, killing one person and punishing two people while ruling the world. Kawabata Yasunari said: "Do your best, or you will be punished if you don't use it." This is also called.
Mortals also move, celebrate it, and then see how to stop hurting. Therefore, the potential fraud of rewarding and celebrating punishment is not enough to make the best efforts and lead to death. As a host, he is rude, honest and trustworthy, and cheats with rewards and punishments and celebrations to get its effect. When a big coach arrives, if he catches Cheng Wei, he will be on the side. When he meets the enemy, he will fight in the north. If he is tired and humiliated, he will run away. How can he resist? Therefore, the rewards and punishments are clear, and those who bully the market are the way, and the way to sell porridge is not enough for the public and the family, so the ancients are ashamed and ignorant. Therefore, benevolence is the first, propriety and righteousness follow the Tao, loyalty and love follow, and virtuous talents take the second place. The knight service celebrates and rewards it, so as to nurse for a long time, such as protecting a son. The decree has been made and the custom is one. If you deviate from the custom and violate it, then people will hate evil and do evil. If you are unlucky, then the punishment begins. What's the shame? Do you think it is good and evil? Then increase the punishment. If it is not crazy and confused, who will see what is right and not change it? Then, all the people know the law, and the law is like the ambition of the world, so they can be good, cultivate their virtues, accumulate their rituals and respect their virtues. The people are respectful and respectful, and then they will be rewarded. This is the addition of Lu Feng. What is the honor? Will it be evil? So high will support him and give birth to people, which is not willing. Carving the noble title of Yan county is rewarded in front, and the punishment of counties is greatly humiliated in the back. Although it doesn't want anything, how can it? Therefore, the people return to it like running water, some are gods, and the walkers are the changes. And shun, violent and brave, private, arrogant and dazzling, husband said as one. "Poetry" says: "Wang Shang allowed the plug, but Xu Fang came." This is also called.
People who are both human and moral, human and powerful, human and rich have three skills. He valued my reputation, beautiful my virtue and wanted to be my person, so he opened the door to welcome me in. Because of its people, attacking its land, and the people are safe, the legislative order is unparalleled; Because of the land, the power is heavy; Yu Qiang is both a man and a soldier, and he is also a man of virtue. I don't value my reputation, and I don't value my virtue. He was afraid of me and robbed me. Therefore, although the people are eccentric, they dare not worry about it. If so, it is necessary to support them. Because of this, the land is light and the soldiers are weak, so people are also influenced by strength. My reputation is not expensive, my virtue is not beautiful, I seek wealth with poverty, I seek satisfaction with hunger, and I eat with an empty stomach; If so, it will take three years to win the trust of the people. Therefore, the land is light and the country is poor, so it is also rich and people. Therefore, the king who combines virtue with people is weak in strength and poor in wealth. Ancient and modern times
Merger is easy to do, but it is difficult to do. Qi can combine with Song without coagulation, which was captured by Wei. Swallows can be combined, but not condensed, and Tian Chan can take it. The land above Korea is hundreds of miles, completely rich and inclined to Zhao. Unable to condense, so Qin took it. So, if you can combine them without solidification, you will take them; If you can't combine it and unite it, you will die. If it can be condensed, it will become one. If you get it, it will be condensed, and the merger will be unstable. The soup of the ancients is thin, and the king of Wu is a hundred miles. The world is a family, and the princes are ministers. There is no reason to concentrate. Therefore, we should treat the people with courtesy and treat the people with politics; Etiquette and service, political peace and people's safety; Men serve the people, and their husbands are called Da Ning. Cure the solid, levy the strong, order the ban, and the king will finish.
By Xunzi and Xun Kuang. There are 32 articles today. Among them, the last six articles "Introduction" and "Sit in the Middle" were all written by disciples.
Xunzi (about 365438 BC+03 BC-238 BC) was a thinker and educator in the Warring States period, named "Qing". Han people avoid Xuan Di and call it Sun Qing. Zhao Guoren. Studying in Qi State. The last three are wine. After going to Chu, Chun Shen Jun took this as the order of Lanling (now Lanling Town, Cangshan County, Shandong Province) and wrote a book to the end. Han Fei and Li Si are both his students. He criticized and summarized the academic thoughts of pre-Qin philosophers and developed ancient materialism. Oppose the theory of destiny and superstition of ghosts and gods, affirm that "Heaven is always there, not for Yao's existence, not for Jie's death", that is, the law of natural operation is an objective existence that is independent of human will, and put forward the view that "those who master their destiny and make use of it" will conquer heaven. However, his view of the universe also has the color of circular theory, affirming that "the beginning of heaven and earth is also today", and the situation when heaven and earth opened up was the same as today. He admits that people can know the objective world through the perceptual functions of "heavenly officials" (senses) and "heavenly kings" (hearts), and emphasizes the superiority of thinking to feelings. It is believed that "everything is different, so it must be covered with each other", and to get a comprehensive and correct understanding, the heart must be "empty and quiet". However, it is wrong to regard the "heart" as "the king of form and the Lord of God, giving orders without taking them", and it is inferred that the gentleman (the people of the ruling class) is the master of "managing heaven and earth" and "governing all peoples" and Mencius' theory of good nature. Only by "learning the law and the way of etiquette and righteousness" can we be kind and pay attention to the influence of environment ("noting the wrong customs") and education ("turning nature into falsehood") on people. From here, he established his own political view of combining the rule of courtesy with the rule of law, adhered to the Confucian theory of "correcting the name", emphasized the necessity of ranking, and advocated that "the law is king", that is, imitating the way of literature, martial arts and Zhou Gong. Economically, it puts forward the ideas of "saving money, expanding sources and reducing expenditure" and "saving labor and agriculture". His theory of "Correcting Names" contains rich logical theories, which contributed to the establishment of ancient Ming studies.
Xunzi is a concrete manifestation of Xun Kuang's thought. There are 32 books. The title is as follows:
Persuade learning, cultivate one's morality, be cautious about honor and disgrace does not mean twelve sons, Zhong Ni, Confucianism, hard work, being king, rich country, Wang Ba, gentleman, minister, soldier, country, right side of heaven, right side of ceremony, right side of joy, gentleman, right side of right, right side of right.
Xunzi's content is a summary and development of pre-Qin philosophy. Explain the concept of nature, mainly "Tian Lun"; Explaining epistemology has "revealing secrets"; Explain logical thinking and have a clear name; The thoughts that explain ethics and politics include the theory of evil nature, the theory of propriety, Wang Ba and Wang Zhi. Fei Shi Er Zi is a critical summary of hundred schools of thought's theory in pre-Qin period. The chapter "Xiangcheng" publicizes the way of governing the country in the form of folk literature. Fu, composed of five short poems, is a prose style and has a certain position in the history of literature. On the other hand, the chapter on soldiers is devoted to Sun Tzu's Art of War, which is the record of Xunzi's discussion on soldiers before Zhao Haoqi Cheng Xiao. In the form of question and answer, the whole article makes a profound discussion from the point of using soldiers to making them know how to do things, which embodies Xunzi's military thought.
First of all, it summed up the experience of war in history, and clearly pointed out that the root of war victory lies in winning the hearts of the people and realizing the unity of the whole army and the whole country. "Anyone who attacks with soldiers cares about the people." "The people are strong and the people are weak." In this article, Xunzi demonstrated the relationship between political line and military affairs in detail. He believes that if the political line is correct, the army can be invincible in the world, and if the line is incorrect, even if the weapons are excellent and the defense is solid, it will be defeated. "Do it by its own way, and if you don't do it by its own way, it will be abolished." The purpose of war should be to "prohibit violence and eliminate pests", otherwise it is "stealing soldiers" or "soldiers who have never lived in the world"
On the issue of army-building, Xunzi put forward a relatively complete line of legalist army-building, namely, the rule of law, respecting talents, distinguishing rewards and punishments, strict discipline and unified government orders; A general should know six arts, five forces, three five forces, and how to treat people. Xunzi believes that such an army can be "United as one, and the three armed forces are United as one", invincible and invincible. Xunzi also pointed out that it is easier to annex other countries by force, but it is more difficult to consolidate the occupied land. He believes that to consolidate, it is necessary to "consolidate the soil with courtesy and consolidate the people with politics." "Courtesy and clothes, politics and people's safety, are called big coagulation. The code is solid, the levy is strong, the order is banned, and the king is finished. "
Xun Kuang himself has not participated in actual wars, so his military thoughts are mainly based on reasoning. The discussion of soldiers only raises some questions about military philosophy, and rarely involves specific strategic and tactical issues. The article sometimes exaggerates the function of "benevolence and righteousness" and needs to be analyzed correctly.