Relative symbols: for example, "=" is an equal sign, "≈" is an approximate symbol (that is, approximately equal to), "≦" is an unequal sign, and ">" is a greater than sign. "
"≥" is a symbol greater than or equal to (it can also be written as "∨", that is, not less than), and "≤" is a symbol less than or equal to (it can also be written as "∨", that is, not greater than).
"→" indicates the changing trend of variables, "∽" is a similar symbol, ""is a complete equal sign, "∨" is a parallel symbol, "⊥" is a vertical symbol, "∝" is a direct proportion symbol (inverse relation can be used to indicate inverse proportion), and "∈" belongs to. Contained in symbols.
"?" It is an inclusive symbol, where "|" means divisible (for example, a|b means "A is divisible by B" and ||b means that R is the greatest power of A divisible by B), and any letter such as X and Y can represent an unknown number.
Combination symbols: such as square brackets (), brackets [], braces {} and horizontal lines.
Attribute symbols: such as plus sign, minus sign, plus sign (and corresponding minus sign).
Omitted symbols: triangle (△), right triangle (Rt△), sine (see trigonometric function), hyperbolic sine function (sinh), function of x (f(x)), limit (lim), angle (∞), ∵ because ∴ so.
Sum, add: ∑, quadrature, multiply: ∏, take out all different combinations of r elements from n elements (the total number of n elements; R the number of elements participating in the selection), idempotent.
Symbol of permutation and combination: the number of c combinations, the number of a (or p) permutations, the total number of n elements, r! Factorial, such as 5! =5×4×3×2× 1= 120, specify 0! = 1、! ! Half factorial (also called double factorial).
For example: 7! ! =7×5×3× 1= 105, 10! ! = 10×8×6×4×2=3840。
Discrete mathematical symbols:? Full weighing,? Existential quantifier, determinant (formula can be proved in L), satisfier (formula is valid in E, formula can be satisfied in E), and non-operational proposition.
For example, the negation of proposition is ﹁p, the conjunction of proposition, the disjunction of proposition, and the conditional operation of proposition.
"Double Condition" Operation of Proposition, P
Wff formula: if and only if, the NAND operation of proposition, the NOR operation of proposition, the necessity of modal particles, the possibility of modal particles, and? Empty set, ∈ belongs to (such as "A∈B", that is, "A belongs to B")? A power set that does not belong to the P(A) set a.
|A| The number of points in set A, r? =R○R[R, =R, ○R] The "compound" of relation R? Alef, Alef? Including,? (or? ) really included, in addition, there are corresponding? ,? ,? Wait a minute.
Union operation of ∪ set: U(P) represents the domain of p, the intersection operation of ∩ set, the difference operation of -or \ set, the symmetric difference operation of ⊕ set, the restriction, and the equivalence class of set with respect to relation R.
On quotient set of R on A/R set A, cyclic group generated by element A of [a], I ring, ideal, congruence class set of Z/(n) module n, reflexive closure of r(R) relation.
Symmetrical closure of relation R of s(R), deduction theorem of CP proposition (CP rule), EG existential generalization rule (existential quantifier introduction rule), ES existential quantifier specific reference rule (existential quantifier elimination rule), UG universal extension rule (universal quantifier introduction rule) and US universal reference rule (universal quantifier elimination rule).
Extended data:
More mathematical expressions:
∞ infinity, π π, |x| absolute value, ∪ union set, ∩ intersection, ≥ greater than or equal to, ≤ less than or equal to, ≡ constant is equal to or congruence, ln(x) is based on the logarithm of e, lg(x) is based on the logarithm of 10, and floor(x).
Xmody of remainder, fractional part of x-floor(x), indefinite integral of ∫f(x)dx, definite integral of ∫[a:b]f(x)dxa logba, function value of f(x) at independent variable x, sine function value of sin(x) at independent variable x, exp(x).
The value of cosx cosine function at independent variable x, tanx is equal to the value of sinx/cosx, cotx cotangent function or the value of cosx/sinx, secx secant content, its value is equal to the value of 1/cosx, cscx cotangent function, and its value is equal to the value of the inverse function of 1/sinx, asinxy sine function at x, that is, x.
The value of the inverse function of acoxy cosine function at x, namely x=cosy, the inverse function of atanxy tangent function at x, namely x=tany, the inverse function of acoxy cotangent function at x, namely x=coty, asecxy x=secy cotangent function at x, namely x=cscy.