Kuang Heng is diligent and studious, but there are no candles at home. There are candles next door, but the light can't reach his house. Therefore, Kuang Heng dug a hole in the wall to attract the light from his neighbors, so that it could be read in a book. People in the same county are not very literate, but they have money and many books at home. Kuang Heng was hired by his family to work for free. The host was surprised and asked him why. He said, "I hope to read all the books of the host family." The master was surprised and gave Kuang Heng some books. Later, he became a great scholar.
Yue Fei studied art.
Yue Fei, a national hero, was born in troubled times and was born in a poor family since childhood. With the support of his neighbors, he learned martial arts from Zhou Tong, a famous Shaanxi teacher. During this period, he witnessed the broken mountains and rivers, displaced people, sprouted the ambition of learning to serve the country and overcame complacency. Under the careful instruction of the famous teacher Zhou Tong, he eventually became a Yue family thief, and led Wang Gui, Tang Xian and other partners to join the patriotic torrent of resisting gold and saving the country.
3. Li Guizhen learns to draw tigers.
Li Guizhen, a famous tiger painter in the Five Dynasties, liked painting since childhood, especially tigers. However, because he has never seen a real tiger, he always paints it as a sick cat. So he decided to go deep into the forest to see the real tiger. With the help of Uncle Orion, he finally saw the real tiger. Through a lot of sketching and copying, his tiger painting skills have advanced by leaps and bounds, and the tigers in his works are vivid and confusing. Since then, he has traveled many famous mountains and rivers for most of his life, met many birds and animals, and finally became a generation of painting masters.
4. Wang Xizhi and Mo Chi?
Wang Xizhi was a famous calligrapher in the Eastern Jin Dynasty. He keeps practicing calligraphy every day, and then washes his pen in the pond near his home. Day after day, the water in the whole pond was dyed black. So people call this pond "Mo Chi", also known as "Xiyan Lake" and "Pen Washing Pool".
5. The story of Monk's hard study
In ancient times, there was a scholar named Monk. When he first went to school, he was very careful and wrote neatly. Soon, he felt that studying was too hard, so he might as well play outside. So he played truant and often went to the Woods on the hillside to play. How happy he is!
One day, when he came home, his mother, who was weaving, asked him, "Why did you leave school so early?" He had to admit playing truant. Mother said angrily, "I worked hard to weave things for you to learn, but you played truant." It's so hopeless! " "The little hurriedly knelt down for his mother.
Mother picked up scissors and cut the unfinished cloth at once, saying, "What's the use of cutting the cloth like this if you don't study hard!" " "
Little monk cried and said, "I was wrong! I will never play again. I must study hard! " From then on, Little Monk studied hard and never slacked off. Later, he became a famous great thinker.