There is no ice and snow in the world, and the spring breeze falls on the door.
At the sight of Qinchuan's intestines, he wanted to hold grass and ask Wang Sun. The snow in the cold city is full of fragrance, and the sound of thousands of trees and apes is not audible. Looking east, Plum Blossom sent a message, and Sijun sent a cloud dragon mountain. -Feng Weiner's Two Letters to His Highnesses in Hedong Qingxi and Two Letters to His Highnesses in Hedong Qingxi in Ming Dynasty.
The snow in the cold city is full of fragrance, and the sound of thousands of trees and apes is not audible.
Looking east, Plum Blossom sent a message, and Sijun sent a cloud dragon mountain. Outside the Jincheng Pass, it was covered with snow, and Weilong rushed to Bai Bo. Exhausted overnight, Han made the Ming Dynasty want to cross the river. -Feng Ming Weiner's "Gaolan Watching Soldiers" Gaolan Watching Soldiers
Outside the Jincheng Pass, it was covered with snow, and Weilong rushed to Bai Bo.
Exhausted overnight, Han made the Ming Dynasty want to cross the river. See more poems by Feng Weina.