1: Daughter-in-law is not filial; take four ounces of pig liver and a clay stove.
2: Yangzhai attracts wealth; bury two elephants in the house, and one ancient coin will bring prosperity.
3: When things go wrong at home and there are always troubles or lawsuits, just go to a brick and write the word "Tian'an" on it and bury it in the house.
4: If you want to be rich, take a bucket of heaven and earth. If you bury the deer bones in your own house, you will get rich in the coming year.
5: Most of the people living near the memorial archway and temple are not prosperous and there are many homeless people. If you do a "Taishan Stone Gandang" on Wushan, your god's throne will be destroyed. There is also a secret method to update.