It is often recorded in ancient books: "In the thirteenth year of Taizu, Dongting handed over to the county, and a scholar crossed the sea. In case of strong wind, he was not in the waves. A few days later, the body floated on the shore, and a fisherman saw that his mouth contained beads, such as pigeon eggs, which were so gorgeous that he couldn't bear to touch them, thinking it was ominous. After a while, I woke up. I entered the Dragon Palace and the Dragon Lady. Suddenly I felt the water surging, but I didn't know where I was ... —— Notes on Pingshan Caotang by Ming and Ye Zhizi.
"There is Jiao Ren in the South China Sea, and water lives like a fish. Don't waste your weaving skills, your eyes are weeping. " -Jin, Zhang Hua and Natural History
"Jiao Ren, that is, spring comes first, also known as spring. ..... There is the Dragon Palace in the South China Sea, the yarn is woven first in spring, and there are people from Bai Rushuang. " -Southern dynasties, recounting different records.
This is a legend, and its existence cannot be confirmed.