The King of Wu Fu Chai set out to attack Yue, and the King of Yue Gou Jian set up his army against the river. The official Zhongnai offered his advice and said: "My husband, Wu's battle with Yue is only given by heaven, and the king has no need to fight. My husband Shenxu and Huadeng simply submitted the soldiers of the Wu state to the armored soldiers, but they did not suffer any setbacks. I am good at shooting." , Hundreds of men will be defeated, and victory will not be achieved. The husband's plan will always be accomplished, and then he can't give orders. It is better for the king to set up an army and say goodbye to the people, so as to widen the heart of the king of Wu. As for Heaven, if Heaven abandons Wu, it will definitely allow me to succeed without my being satisfied, and the general will be lenient to the princes. Since he has harmed his people, and Heaven has taken away the food, and accepts its ashes, there is no life. "The king of Yue promised and ordered Ji Ying to go to Wu, saying: "The prince Gou Jian sent his subordinate Ying, but he did not dare to show the money and salute. He dared to tell the deacon privately: 'In the past, the Yue country saw disaster. If you offend the king of heaven, he will go to the jade toe with his heart, and then forgive him. The king of Yue will raise the flesh and bones of the dead. He dare not forget the natural disaster, but he will not forget the king's great gift. ? Now Gou Jian is unscrupulous and a despicable person, dare to forget the great virtue of the king and think about the small grievances in the border areas, and offend the deacons? . Now the king is not aware of it, and he is angry and wants to attack the country of Yue. The king does not use whips, but humiliates the soldiers. Gou Jian invites his legitimate daughter to join the alliance. The surname of Ji Biao is in the palace; a legitimate son is sent to accompany the emperor. The contribution of the Spring and Autumn Period is not understood in the palace. How can the king of heaven disgrace him? "The husband said: "The fox is buried. The reason for this is that there is no success. "Today, the king has established the country of Yue and made it known to the world, and then exterminated it. This is the result of the king of heaven having no achievements in the work of the princes in the four directions." Wu? I dare to make my subordinates resign, but the king of heaven will do justice!" - Pre-Qin·Anonymous "Zhu Jiying came to Wu" Zhu Jiying came to Wu
Pre-Qin: Anonymous< /p>
King Wu Fu Chai set out to attack Yue, and King Gou Jian of Yue set up his army against the river.
The official Zhongnai offered his advice and said: "My husband, Wu, and Yue are only given by heaven, and the king has no need to fight. My husband Shenxu and Huadeng simply served as soldiers of the Wu State, but they did not achieve anything." Defeat. If one man is good at shooting and a hundred men can defeat him, he will not be able to achieve victory. His plan will always be successful, and he will not be able to carry out his orders. It is better for the king to set up an army and make an appointment to make his people successful. I have prophesied it to Heaven. If Heaven abandons Wu, it will allow me to succeed without my being satisfied. I will be merciful to the princes of Wu. I will not harm the people, but Heaven will take away their food. I will accept it in peace. "Jin, there is no life."
The King of Yue promised that he would order Ji Ying to go to Wu, saying: "The prince Gou Jian sent his subordinate Ying, but he did not dare to pay tribute in public, and he dared to tell him privately. The next deacon said: "In the past, when the Yue Kingdom saw disaster, it offended the king of heaven. The king of heaven approached the jade toe personally, practiced it with his heart and words, and then pardoned him. When the king treated Yue, he raised the flesh and white bones of the dead." How dare you forget the natural calamity, how dare you forget the king's great gift? Now Gou Jian is unscrupulous, and a despicable person dares to forget the great virtue of the king, and think about the petty grievances in the border areas, and seriously offend the deacon Gou Jian? The commander-in-chief of the second and third ranks, who personally committed a serious crime, stopped at the border. Now the king is not aware of it, and he is angry with the soldiers. He will attack the Yue country. Envoy Kou Ling Yan! Gou Jian asked for an alliance. A legitimate daughter held a broom and went to the palace; '" Ancient Wen Guan Zhi Diplomatic Translation and Notes
King Wu Fu Chai sent troops to attack Yue, and King Gou Jian of Yue led his troops to attack. The doctor Wen Zhong gave advice and said: "Which of Wu and Yue will survive and who will perish depends on God's will. There is no need to fight. The soldiers of Wu trained by Wu Zixu and Hua Deng have never been defeated. As long as one of them is good at archery, there will be victory." Hundreds of people raised their bows and practiced. It is difficult for us to defeat him. Whenever you plan something, you must foresee its success. You must not risk your life easily. It is better for the king to preserve his troops, strictly guard his position, and use humble words to ask for peace from the Wu people. We are so happy that the ambition of the King of Wu is growing day by day. We can divine God's will from this. If God really abandons the country of Wu, the people of Wu will definitely agree to negotiate peace, ignore our country, and boldly go to the Central Plains to fight for hegemony. In the event of a natural disaster and a bad harvest, if we go to clean up the mess, Wu will lose the blessing of God."
The King of Yue agreed and sent Zhu Jiying to ask for peace from Wu, saying: "My lord, Gou Jian. , sent his minister Zhu Jiying to come, but he did not dare to publicly offer jade silk and salute in front of the King of Heaven, so he had to take the liberty to say to the officials around the King of Heaven in private: Once upon a time, the Yue Kingdom unfortunately offended the King of Heaven, and the King of Heaven personally sent out jade toe, originally intending to destroy it. I, Gou Jian, have forgiven me again. The kindness of the King of Heaven to my country is like resurrecting the dead and making flesh grow in the bones. How can I, Gou Jian, dare not forget the disaster that God has sent me, and how can I forget the generous gift of the King of Heaven? Since we have suffered disasters from nature again because of our lack of virtue, how can we, the despicable people in the grassland, dare to forget the great virtue of the Heavenly King and only hold on to the petty grievances at the border, so as to offend the Heavenly King's officials again? Several old ministers personally committed heavy crimes and kowtowed at the border. The King of Heaven did not understand the situation, so he was furious and sent troops to attack. The country of Yue was originally a city that paid tribute to the King of Heaven, but the King of Heaven did not use a whip to drive it, but you made it so. The noble soldiers were aggrieved and came to carry out the crusade, which made Yue even more uneasy. Therefore, Gou Jian asked for an alliance. Now he sent a legitimate daughter to the palace with a dustpan and broom; he also sent a legitimate son to hold a plate. and washbasin, accompanying the guards to serve the King of Heaven.
In spring and autumn, we will never slack off in paying tribute to the king's treasury. Why does the king of heaven need to drive and conquer in person? This is the emperor's gift to tax the princes! The proverb goes: "The fox buries it, and the fox digs it out again, so the work is in vain." ’ Now that the King of Heaven has established the Yue Kingdom, your wisdom has been spread throughout the world; if you destroy it, wouldn’t the King of Heaven also work in vain? How to convince the princes from all directions to the state of Wu? Therefore, I order my subordinates to speak clearly and ask the King of Heaven to weigh the two aspects of benefit and justice! ”
A disciple asked Zengzi, “Are you mourning me, Master?” Said: "I have heard this: 'The desire to lose one's heart is to become poor quickly, and the desire to die is to be decayed quickly'." Youzi said, "This is not what a gentleman would say." Zengzi said: "Shen also heard from all the Masters." Youzi said again: "This is not what a gentleman would say." Zengzi said: "Shenye and Zi traveled together and heard about it." "Youzi said: "Yes. But the Master has something to say. Zengzi told Ziyou these words. Ziyou said, "What's so great! There is a son who speaks like Master!" In the past, Master lived in the Song Dynasty and saw Huan Sima building a stone coffin for himself, but it took three years to complete it. The Master said: 'If it is excessive, it is better to die than to recover quickly. ’ ‘The desire to die will lead to quick decay’ is what Huan Sima said. Nangong Jingshu rebels and will bring the treasure to the court. The Master said: "If it is a commodity, it is better to recover quickly than to be poor." ’ The desire to mourn quickly leads to poverty, which is what I said to respect my uncle. Zengzi told Youzi what Ziyou said. Youzi said, "Yes!" I firmly say that this is not what the Master said. Zengzi said: "How do you know this?" Youzi said: "Master made it in Zhongdu: a four-inch coffin and a five-inch coffin." So I know that I don’t want to die quickly. In the past, the master lost the Lu Sikou, and took the thorns, built them with Zi Xia, and then promoted them with Ran You. So I know that I don’t want to become poor quickly. ”——Pre-Qin·Anonymous “You have a son who speaks like the Master”
There is a son who speaks like the Master
Pre-Qin: Anonymous
A disciple asked Zengzi: : "Are you missing your master? "He said: "I have heard this: 'The desire to lose one's heart is to become poor quickly, and the desire to die is to be decayed quickly'. Youzi said, "This is not what a gentleman would say." Zengzi said: "Shen also heard from all the Masters." Youzi said again: "This is not what a gentleman would say." Zengzi said: "Shenye and Zi traveled together and heard about it." "Youzi said: "Yes. But the Master has something to say. "
Zengzi told Ziyou with these words. Ziyou said: "How wonderful! Youzi's words expand to read the full text∨
Youzi asked Zengzi: "Ask about mourning." Master Zeng said: "I have heard that 'the desire to be poor is to be poor, and the desire to die is to be corrupted.'" Youzi said, "This is not what a gentleman says." Confucius said again: "This is not the speech of a gentleman." Zengzi said: "Shen Ye traveled with you and heard about it." Youzi said: "Yes. However, Master has something to say."
Zengzi said: Si Yan told Ziyou. Zi You said: "How wonderful that there is a disciple who speaks like the Master! In the past, when the Master lived in the Song Dynasty, he saw Huan Sima making a stone coffin for himself, and it took three years to complete it. The Master said: 'If it is too wasteful, it is better to die than to decay quickly. Healing. "The desire to die is to die quickly." This is what Huan Sima said. If Nangong Jingshu rebels, he will bring the treasure to the court. If you want to be poor quickly, you should respect your uncle." According to ancient Chinese literature, what can be said about narratives that defeat people? Yes. How can it be done? Can kill. Why don't you say kill? I see that Duan Zhi has many disciples. Duan, Zheng Bodi. How do you know he is your younger brother? Killing the crown prince, his mother's younger brother, the king, because the king knows that he is his younger brother. Duan means younger brother, but he cannot be called younger brother; Duan means younger brother, but he cannot be called younger brother. Demean it. Duan has lost his way as a disciple, and he despises Duan even more than Zheng Bo. Why does it matter to Uncle Zheng? Uncle Zheng's deliberate intention resulted in killing. Yu Yan is far away, and it is said that he took it from his mother's arms, which is very serious. But what should Uncle Zheng do? Slow pursuit is the way to escape a thief, which is also the way to get close. ——Pre-Qin Gu Liangchi "Zheng Beke Duan Yu Yan"
Zheng Beke Duan Yu Yan
Pre-Qin Gu Liangchi
Who can overcome it? Yes. How can it be done? Can kill. Why not say kill? I see that Duan Zhi has many disciples.
Duan, Zheng Bodi. How do you know he is your younger brother? Killing the crown prince, his mother's younger brother, the king, he will know that he is his younger brother by his eyes. Duan is a younger brother, but he cannot be called a younger brother; Duan is a younger brother, but he cannot be called a younger brother. Demean it. Duan has lost his way as a disciple, and he despises Duan even more than Zheng Bo. Why does it matter to Uncle Zheng? Uncle Zheng's deliberate intention resulted in killing.
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What is the defeat? Yes. How can it be done? Can kill. Why not say kill? I see that Duan Zhi has many disciples.
Duan, Zheng Bodi. How do you know he is your younger brother? Killing the crown prince, his mother's younger brother, the king, he will know that he is his younger brother by his eyes. Duan is a younger brother, but he cannot be called a younger brother; Duan is a younger brother, but he cannot be called a younger brother. Demean it. Duan has lost his way as a disciple, and he despises Duan even more than Zheng Bo. Why does it matter to Uncle Zheng? Uncle Zheng's deliberate intention resulted in killing.
Yu Yan is far away, and it is said that he took it from his mother's arms, which is even worse. According to ancient literature, Guan Zhong and Duke Huan dominated the princes and fought against the barbarians and Di. Throughout his life, the country was prosperous and strong, and the princes did not dare to rebel. After Guan Zhong died, he set up tricks, changed teeth, and prescribed prescriptions. Duke Wei died in chaos, and the five young masters fought for power. The disaster spread. After the death of Duke Jian, Qi Dynasty had no peace. If a man's merit is accomplished, it must not be accomplished on the day when it is accomplished, and there must be a reason for it; if a disaster is caused, it must not be accomplished on the day when it is accomplished, and there must be a reason for it. Therefore, I do not call him Guan Zhong when he governs Qi, but I call him Bao Shu. It is also chaotic. I don’t call it Shu Diao, Yi Ya, and Prescription, but call it Guan Zhong. Why? The three disciples of Shu Diao, Yi Ya, and Kai Fang are those who are determined to cause chaos in the country, and those who care about their use are also majestic. When Shun was there, he knew how to release the four evil spirits; when there was Zhongni, he knew how to go to Shaozhengmao. Who is that majestic public? Guan Zhongye was the one who wanted to make Wei Gong use his three sons. Zhongzhi is also ill, and the public asks about his appearance.
At that time, I intend to be neutral and raise up all the sages in the world to respond. But what he said was nothing more than: The three disciples of Shu Diao, Yi Ya and Kai Fang are inhumane and unapproachable. Alas! Do you think Wei Gongguo can do without the third son? Zhong and Wei Gong have been together for several years. Do you know what kind of person Wei Gong is? The sound of majesty never ceases in the ears, and the color never ceases in the eyes. Those who are not three sons cannot fulfill their desires. The reason why he didn't use it at first was because he had Zhong Yaner. If there is no match for one day, then the three sons can play their crowns and celebrate each other. Do you think that the words about death can be used to punish the brothers and sisters of Wei Gong? The state of Fuqi does not suffer from three sons, but from the absence of two sons. If there is Zhong, then those who have three sons will have three husband ears. Otherwise, how could there be so many disciples of the Three Sons in the world? Although Duke Wei was lucky enough to listen to Zhong, he killed these three people, but could Zhong get rid of all the others? Alas! Zhong can be said to be a person who does not know his true nature. Because of the question of Wei Gong, if the sages of the world are raised to replace him, then Zhong will die, but the state of Qi will not be without Zhong. Why should I have trouble with three sons? It's okay to say nothing. None of the fifth uncles excelled in majesty and literature. Duke Wen was only as talented as Duke Wei, and his ministers were not as good as Duke Ling. The cruelty of Duke Ling was not as generous as the kindness of Duke Xiao. After the death of Duke Wen, the princes did not dare to rebel against the Jin Dynasty. The Jin Dynasty retained the power of Duke Wen and was able to remain the leader of the princes for more than a hundred years. Which one? Although the king is unworthy, he is still old and mature. When Wei Gong dies, the ground is in chaos and there is no confusion. He only relies on Guan Zhong, and Zhong will die. Husband, there is no wise man in the world. There are those who have ministers but no king. I don't believe it when you say that there is no such thing as Guan Zhong in the world. Zhong Zhi's book records that when he was about to die, he commented on Uncle Bao and Bin Xu's incompetence, and ignored their shortcomings. His heart is that those who count his sons are not enough to support the country. And if he knew that he was about to die, his writing would be unreliable. When I look at the history, I can't advance Zang Boyu, but retreat from the flaws of his son, so I have some advice after his death. Xiao He died, and Cao Shen was promoted to take his place. This is the intention of the minister. A country prospers with one person and falls with one person. A wise man is not sad about his own death, but worried about the decline of his country. Therefore, there must be a wise man again, and then he can die. Why did Guan Zhong die? ——Song Dynasty·Su Xun's "Guan Zhong Lun"
Guan Zhong Lun
Song Dynasty: Su Xun
Guan Zhong served as Duke Huan, dominating the princes and fighting against the barbarians and Di throughout his life. Qi is rich and powerful, and the princes dare not rebel. After Guan Zhong died, he set up tricks, changed teeth, and prescribed prescriptions. Duke Wei died in chaos, and the five young masters fought for power. The disaster spread. After the death of Duke Jian, Qi Dynasty had no peace. If a man's merit is accomplished, it must not be accomplished on the day when it is accomplished, and there must be a reason for it; if a disaster is caused, it must not be accomplished on the day when it is accomplished, and there must be a reason for it. Therefore, I do not call him Guan Zhong when he governs Qi, but I call him Bao Shu. It is also chaotic. I don’t call it Shu Diao, Yi Ya, and Prescription, but call it Guan Zhong. He Read the full text ∨
Guan Zhong served as Duke Huan, dominating the princes and fighting off the barbarians and Di. Throughout his life, the country was prosperous and strong, and the princes did not dare to rebel. After Guan Zhong died, he set up tricks, changed teeth, and prescribed prescriptions. Duke Wei died in chaos, and the five young masters fought for power. The disaster spread. After the death of Duke Jian, Qi Dynasty had no peace. If a man's merit is accomplished, it must not be accomplished on the day when it is accomplished, and there must be a reason for it; if a disaster is caused, it must not be accomplished on the day when it is accomplished, and there must be a reason for it. Therefore, I do not call him Guan Zhong when he governs Qi, but I call him Bao Shu. It is also chaotic. I don’t call it Shu Diao, Yi Ya, and Prescription, but call it Guan Zhong. Why? The three disciples of Shu Diao, Yi Ya, and Kai Fang are those who are determined to cause chaos in the country, and those who care about their use are also majestic. When Shun was there, he knew how to release the four evil spirits; when there was Zhongni, he knew how to go to Shaozhengmao. Who is that majestic public? Guan Zhongye was the one who wanted to make Wei Gong use his three sons. Zhongzhi is also ill, and the public asks about his appearance. At that time, I intend to be honest and raise up all the sages in the world to respond. But what he said was nothing more than: "Zu Diao, Yi Ya, and Kai Fang are all inhumane and unapproachable."
Woohoo! Do you think Wei Gongguo can do without the third son? Zhong and Wei Gong have been together for several years. Do you know what kind of person Wei Gong is? The sound of majesty never ceases in the ears, and the color never ceases in the eyes. Those who are not three sons cannot fulfill their desires. The reason why he didn't use it at first was because he had Zhongyaner. If there is no match for one day, then the three sons can play their crowns and celebrate each other. Do you think that words about death can kill the brothers of Duke Wei? The state of Fuqi does not suffer from three sons, but from the absence of two sons. If there is Zhong, then those who have three sons will have three husband ears. Otherwise, how could there be so many disciples of the Three Sons in the world? Although Duke Wei was lucky enough to listen to Zhong, he killed these three people, but could Zhong get rid of all the others? Alas! Zhong can be said to be a person who does not know his true nature. Because of the question of Wei Gong, if the wise men in the world are raised to replace him, then Zhong will die, but Qi will not be without Zhong. Why does the husband have trouble with three sons? It's okay to say nothing. None of the fifth uncles excelled in majesty and literature. Duke Wen was only as talented as Duke Wei, and his ministers were not as good as Duke Ling. The cruelty of Duke Ling was not as generous as the kindness of Duke Xiao. After the death of Duke Wen, the princes did not dare to rebel against the Jin Dynasty. The Jin Dynasty retained the power of Duke Wen and was able to remain the leader of the princes' allies for more than a hundred years. Which one? Although the king is unworthy, he is still old and mature. When Wei Gong dies, the ground is in chaos and there is no confusion. He only relies on Guan Zhong, and Zhong will die.
Views of ancient prose, discussing and writing about people