Original text:
Yes, my son, also surnamed Yang and Gongsun. Shaoyang is good at learning the name of punishment, while Wei Xianggong's uncle is a middle-aged son. When Uncle CuO died, Gong Sunyang was told that those who were seeking sages at home should repair Mu Gong's inheritance and invade the land of the East, so he went to the Western Qin Dynasty to ask for Jing Jian, the courtier of Xiao Gong. Gong Yu, I don't know that I am at my knees. I took the trouble to say it for days. Jing Jian said, "Why did Zi win the favor of my king? My king is very happy?" Yang Yang said, "I said that people compared the emperor Wang Zhidao to three generations, but you said,' I can't stay long. And those virtuous people are famous all over the world. Can they stay in the city for hundreds of years as emperors? "So, I use the skill of a powerful country to say that you are a big ear." Zuo Shu, led by Wei Yang, made the order of political reform. Why do you let people sit together? If you don't sue a traitor, you will be guilty of the same crime as your enemy. Those who fight for personal interests are punished according to their severity. Those who are lazy and poor think they will be rewarded.
What makes the existing, unfinished, and afraid that the people will not believe in themselves is to erect a tree at the south gate of the country, and those who can move to the north gate will raise ten gold. People blame it and dare not migrate. Reply: "50 gold for those who can migrate." There is a person who moves to it and needs to pay 50 gold, making it clear that he will not cheat. Order of death In the years of People's Republic of China (PRC), the capital of Qin people was inconvenient for thousands of people from the beginning. So the prince broke the law. Wei Yang said, "If the law doesn't work, you should commit it from above." Prince Jiang Fa. The prince, your heir, cannot be punished. Punish the piety of his son, Fu Gongzi, and insult his teacher Gong. Tomorrow, Qin people are eager for order. At the beginning of Qin Min's speech, people who were inconvenient came to make it convenient. Wei Yang said, "These are all mobs." Border town that has been moved. Later, people were afraid to discuss order.
Wei Yang said that Xiao Gong cut Wei, and Xiao Gong thought so, so he let Wei Yang cut Wei. Wei asked the son to attack him with an arrogant general. Because the two armies are far apart, Uncle Ang, the son of Wei Yang Liu Wei, said, "At first, I was at peace with my son, but now we are both generals of the two countries and we can't bear to attack each other. You can meet your son face to face, form an alliance, and quench your thirst by drinking poison to protect Qin and Wei. " Wei Gongzi was impressed. The alliance has been decided, Wei Yang fell on the army and attacked Zi Ang. Because of attacking its army, breaking it, it belongs to Qin.
Qin Xiaogong died and the prince stood up. Childe Qian moved to tell him that he wanted to rebel and sent someone to arrest Shang Jun. King Hui of Qin divided the money to show his partiality and said, "There is nothing worse!" " Then destroy sang-joon's home.
Shang Jun is the son of concubines, the monarch of Wei. His name is Yang and his surname is Gongsun. When Shang Yang was young, he liked to study the study of criminal names. He used to work for Wei's uncle and uncle and was an ordinary son. After the death of Gong Shu Cuo, Gong Sunyang heard that he was collecting talents all over the country, trying to reorganize Mu Gong's hegemony and recover the occupied land to the east, so he ran to the western state of Qin and sought audience with Xiao Gong through the relationship of Jing Ke, a favorite. Xiao Gong talked to Wei Yang, unconsciously kneeling on the mat and moving his knees forward. I didn't feel satisfied after chatting for a few days. Jing Ke said, "What reason do you use to express the wishes of King China? Our king is very happy. " Wei Yang replied: "I persuaded the king to establish the prosperity of Xia, Shang and Zhou Dynasties by governing the country by emperors, but the king said:' It's too far away, I can't wait. Besides, most wise kings want to be famous all over the world when they are in power. How can they wait for decades and hundreds of years to achieve the great cause of the emperor? "So, I persuaded the king with the method of Qiang Bing, a rich country, and the king was very happy." Wei Yang was appointed as Chang and finally ordered to change the law. It is ordered that every ten families of the people should be formed and every five families should be formed. Mutual supervision and reporting, one illegal, nine reports, not reporting, ten punished together. Those who do not report violations of law and discipline will be beheaded, and those who conceal violations of law and discipline will be punished as those who surrender to the enemy. Fighting for personal matters is punished according to the seriousness of the case. Those who are engaged in industry and commerce and are poor because of laziness will take all their wives and children as official slaves.
The law has been made, but it has not been published. I'm afraid the old man doesn't believe in himself. He erected a 30-foot-long wood at the south gate of the capital market to recruit people. Whoever can move the wood to the north gate will get ten gold coins. People find it strange that no one dares to touch it. He also ordered: "whoever can move the wood to the north gate will be rewarded with 50 gold." A man moved the wood and immediately gave him fifty gold coins, indicating that he would never cheat. Later, a new law was promulgated. On the first anniversary of the implementation of the new law among the people, thousands of Qin people went to the capital to complain about the inconvenience of the new law. At this time, the prince broke the law. Wei Yang said: "The new law can't be universally implemented because it doesn't obey the law." The prince should be brought to justice. As the heir to the throne, the prince could not impose punishment, so he punished his master, Gongzi Qian, and put his teacher, Gongsunjia, to death. The next day, the people of Qin all obeyed the new law. At first, the Qin people said that the new law was inconvenient, and later they said how convenient it was. Wei Yang said, "These are people who disturb education." Move them all to the border. Since then, the people have never dared to talk about the new law.
Wei Yang persuaded Xiao to attack Wei. Xiao realized that he was right and sent Wei Yang to lead the army to attack Wei. Guo Wei sent his son Ann to meet his troops. When the two armies confronted each other, Wei Yang wrote to Ang, the son of General Wei, saying, "At the beginning, I got along well with my son. Now you and I are the main commanders of both sides, and we can't bear to kill each other. You can meet with the son, make a Covenant, and stop fighting after the banquet to stabilize the situation between the two countries. " Wei Gongzi Ang thinks Wei Yang is right. After the alliance, he was drinking and having fun, but was ambushed by Wei Yang's ambush warriors, captured Wei Gongzi Ang, took the opportunity to attack his army, completely defeated them, and returned to the State of Qin.
After Qin Xiaogong's death, the prince succeeded to the throne. A group of sons and goddesses condemned Shang Jun for wanting to rebel and sent officers to arrest him. King Hui of Qin executed Shang Jun for smashing a car and said, "Don't rebel like Shang Jun!" Therefore, Shang Jun was copied.