Benevolence is for others, not for others, nor is it a benevolent person. Be merciless to other things, be kind to others, be kind to others. So is benevolence, and so is benevolence. Therefore, benevolence for the people can be done. Shennongjiao said: "In those days, a scholar would starve to death if he didn't plow the fields;" If a woman didn't achieve anything in that year, then the world may be cold. "Therefore, the body is close to agriculture, and the wife is close to performance, so it is also beneficial to the people. Sages are not far from the middle of the sea, but they come and go by governors, not only for the benefit, but also for the people. If the master can serve the people, the world will return. If you are a king, you must strengthen your armor and choose soldiers to practice. You must kill people on the battlefield. There are many kings in the world, but everything is different. The urgency of this world is to care about the interests of the people and eliminate the harm of the people.
The defeat is like a high ladder, and they want to attack the Song Dynasty. When Mozi heard about Pet-name ruby, he arrived from Shandong, bound his feet and walked day and night for ten days and ten nights. As for Pet-name ruby. Seeing King Jing (1 1), he said, "I am a minister in the north. It is said that the King will attack the Song Dynasty. Do you believe it? " The king said, "Of course." Mozi said, "Is Song Hui attacking? If you die, you can't be in the Song Dynasty, and grievances still attack you (12)? " Wang said, "If there is no Song, there is injustice (13). Why attack it?" Mozi said, "Very good. I can't get it with Song. " Wang said, "Like a defeat, the wonders of the world have become a sharp weapon to attack the Song Dynasty." Mozi said, "Please try to attack it with defeat, and I will try to defend it." As a result, the machinery for attacking the Song Dynasty was established like a public defeat, and Mozi established a defense for the Song Dynasty. Nine attacks seemed to be a public defeat (14), but Mozi attacked nine times, so he could not enter. So Jing stopped attacking Song (15). Mozi can avoid the trouble of Song State with his skills, which is also called it.
Saint Wang Xiucai (16) is nothing more than serving the people. In the past, the ancient Longmen was not opened (17), Lvliang was underdeveloped (18), the river flowed out of Mengmen (19), there were no hills, fertile hills and high plains (20), which were all destroyed, so it was called "flood (2 1). Yu dredged the river and governed it, which was the obstacle of (22) and dried up the land of the East (23), living in 8,800 countries. This is also Yu's achievement. Hard work for the people, nothing happens.
Zhang Kuang said to Keiko (24), "How can you learn respect from the public? Now the king is the king?" Keiko said, "If someone were here today, he would hit his beloved son on the head, and stones could replace him." Puffed up, "take it from the public? Isn't it the same as (26)? " "Replace it. The head is heavy; The stone is light. It's not good to tap in order not to be heavy! Zhang Kuang said, "Why does the King of Qi keep fighting and attacking people?" Keiko said, "The great one can be king, and the second one can dominate. Today, you can live the life of the king of Qi and the king of money, so as to avoid the hardship of the people. It's a stone, not Aiko's head. Why not (27)? "Man, cold is * * *: summer is ice, dryness is wet, and wetness is dry. On the contrary, it is beneficial to the people. How can I benefit the people? It's time (28).
Note 1 Jude Law: Still, still. 2 convenience: affordable. (3) The teaching of Shennong: It was a peasant theory in the Warring States Period, in the name of Shennong. The History of Literature and Art of Han Dynasty contains 20 articles of Shennong, which have been lost today. That year: prime of life, adulthood. Achievements: seize hemp, rub hemp into a line. ⑤ Want: Seek. ⑥ Ash: Destruction. 7 when: bear. ⑧ Like public defeat: In the Spring and Autumn Period, there was a famous Lu nationality named Gong Bo. The world called him Lu Ban ("Ban" and "General"), and he was a famous craftsman in ancient times. Mozi: Mingzhai (Di), a native of Lu in the early Warring States period, was the founder of Mohism. Attending: During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, the capital of Chu was in the northwest of Jiangling, Hubei. (1 1) King Jing: refers to King Hui of Chu, who reigned from 488 BC to 432 BC. (12) Death (Wu Wu) Its: Still. (13) Yes: Pass "you". (14) Nine: refers to multiple times. (15) Chucha: Stop, stop. (16) Tong Shi: A well-read scholar. (17) Longmen: the name of the mountain, located in Hejin County, Shanxi Province, on the bank of the Yellow River. According to legend, Yu cut the dragon gate to talk. (18) Lvliang: The name of the mountain, namely Liangshan, "Ruling Liang Qi State" in Shangshu Gong Yu, is in Hancheng County, Shaanxi Province. Liangshan is in the middle reaches of the Yellow River. It is said that Dayu dug it. F: It's open. (19) Mengmen: Shanming, located in the west of Jixian County, Shanxi Province, on both sides of the Yellow River, north of Liangshan and Longmen. Out: above, beyond. (20) Woyan: fertile and flat land. Fu: Tushan. (2 1) Hong: Great. (22) Li Peng (Lili): It was called Poyang Lake in ancient times. Barrier: dike. (23) dry: use as if to make it move. (24) Puffed up: General of Qi in the Warring States Period. Keiko: Shi Ming, a native of Song Dynasty, was once the king of Hui Liang. (25) Right: Down, upside down. (26) No: No (27) What is inaction? The former "Wei" is a preposition and the latter "Wei" is a verb. (28) when: appropriate.
It is not benevolence to love others but not others; If you don't love other things but love others, it's still benevolence. The so-called benevolence is to love your own kind. Therefore, caring people have nothing to do with the people as long as they can benefit them. Shennong Fatwa said: "If a person does not farm when he is an adult, then some people in the world will starve because of this;" If a woman is an adult but not numb, then someone in this world will be frozen. "So Shennong cultivated his own land, and his wife personally grasped hemp, indicating that he wanted to benefit the people. Sages don't think that the sky is vast, so they go to the imperial court when they come, not for personal gain, but for the benefit of the people. If there is a monarch who can benefit the people, then all the people in the world will join him. To unify the world, it is not necessary to rely on solid armor, sharp weapons, hand-picked foot soldiers and well-trained warriors, nor to destroy battlements and kill people. In ancient times, there were many people who unified the world, and their deeds were different, but they undertook the urgent needs of society, cared about people's interests and eliminated people's sins.
Make a high ladder like a public transport, and want to use it to attack the state of Song. After hearing the news, Mozi immediately set out from Lu and rushed to Chu. He tore his clothes and wrapped his feet. He walked around the clock for ten days and ten nights and arrived in Du Ying. When Mozi saw the king of Chu, he said, "I am a layman in the north. I heard that the king was going to attack the state of Song. Is this really the case? " The king of Chu said, "Yes." Mozi said, "Do you think you can let Song attack it? Or even if you can't get it, you have to attack the Song State and lose the reputation of injustice? " The king of Chu said, "If you can't get the Kingdom of Song, and you have the name of injustice, why attack it?" Mozi said, "You speak very well. I don't think you can get Song Guo. " King Chu said, "Gong Bo is the most famous craftsman in the world. He made instruments to attack the Song State." Mozi said, "Please try to attack like a loser, and I'll try to defend." So the equipment for attacking the Song Dynasty was set up like public transportation, and Mozi set up the equipment for defending the Song Dynasty. He was defeated in many attacks, and Mozi beat back many times, but he could never attack the city like defeat. Therefore, the State of Chu stopped attacking the State of Song. The so-called Mozi can resist Chu and avoid the danger of Song Dynasty, which is what he said.
There are no wise kings and learned men who do not seek the welfare of the people. Before the ancient Longmen Mountain was dug and Luliang Mountain was opened, the Yellow River overflowed from Mengmen Mountain and flooded, and all hills, plains and mountains were submerged. People call it a flood. So the Yellow River was dredged, the Yangtze River was diverted, and dikes were built to calm the floods in the East and save more than 1,800 countries. This is Yu's achievement. There is nothing like working harder to serve the people.
Puffed up and said to Keiko, "Your theory advocates giving up the status of respect, but now you respect Wang Qi as king. Why are your words and deeds so contradictory? " Keiko said: "If there is such a person, if you have to, you must hit his beloved son on the head. Aiko's head can be replaced with a stone." Zhang Kuang interrupted him and asked, "Did you use stones instead? Still not like this? " Keiko said, "I will replace Aiko's head with a stone." Aiko's head is precious, but the stone is contemptible. Why can't we crack down on cheap things and protect precious things from harm? " Puffed up and asked, "What is the reason why the King of Qi keeps fighting and attacking?" Keiko said: "Because if you do this, the big ones can rule the world, and the small ones can also dominate the princes. Now we can use the method of respecting the king of Qi as king to stop the fighting and let the people die. This is just replacing Aiko's head with a stone. Why not do it? " People want fire when they are cold, ice when they are hot, wet when they are dry and dry when they are wet. Cold and heat and dryness and dampness are opposites, but they are the same from the perspective of benefiting the people. Is there only one way to benefit the people? It just needs to be suitable for the situation at that time.
Comment on Tang Ming Bin Yin: "This article discusses that it is the key to benevolence that the benevolent should be timely, care about the interests of the people and eliminate the harm of the people."
Wang Ming's poem says, "When grammar turns weak, it is most appropriate to emphasize intonation."
Feng Ming Xu Ji: "When a piece is collected, the needle and thread are the densest, and nothing is lacking."
Wang Ming Wei Zhen: "Metaphor (by: referring to replacing the head of a beloved son with a stone) is the most intimate and enough to make people feel worried."
Chen Ming Bi Xu: "It is the simplest way to express God's will to keep cold as warm and summer as cool." (For the above five articles, see Jiao Hong's Interpretation of Twenty-nine Children. )
Generally speaking, this is the fifth article of "On Springs". "Love" means loving your own kind, which is "benevolence". Benevolence means "love", "serving the people" and "worrying about the interests of the people and eliminating the harm of the people". In the author's view, Shennong's pro-agriculture, Mozi's failure to attack, Dayu's flood control and Keiko's Life of Wang Shouqian in Wang Qi are all acts of loving the people and benefiting the people. There is more than one way to benefit the people, as long as it suits the needs of the times. The article interprets "benevolence" as "benevolence is similar", which is quite close to Mohist theory of "universal love". The deeds of Mozi and Dayu are also enjoyed by Mohists. At the same time, the article also praised Hui Shi, a famous person, and showed Lv Chunqiu's eclectic and mixed style. The article is well-structured and appropriate; Quotes and metaphors are used, and the language is lively.