What shape is a bat?

Bats don't come out during the day.

Bats have strong flying ability, and are also natural reservoirs of many kinds of human and animal viruses, which can carry dozens of viruses. Bats have adapted to the ability of flying and living at night, and their physiological functions have undergone a series of important changes.

Usually bats have poor eyesight, but their hearing is extremely developed. At night or in a very dark environment, they can fly freely and catch food accurately.

Bats have light bones. The degree of skull healing is high, and the suture is not obvious. Many kinds of nasal bones have nasal cavities (sinuses) developed in different degrees at the front end, and ventral palatal bones often have palatal cavities (palatal sinuses) in different degrees. The shoulder strap is developed, and the sternum has a keel. Degeneration of tibia and fibula in hind limbs.

There are two typical types of bat wings, which reflect two different ratios, namely the ratio of wingspan to wing width. Some species, such as the big-headed bat (A), have a relatively small proportion and can adapt to low-speed and exquisite flight among leaves, while others, such as the Mexican bat (B), have a relatively large proportion and can adapt to high-speed and barrier-free flight.