(Go to this website to see the picture of Purple Air coming from the east)
Speaking of the Hangu Pass guard Guan Yin, an official, was fond of astronomy and reading ancient books when he was young, and he was deeply cultivated. One night, while gazing at the starry sky from the Independent Tower, I suddenly saw purple clouds gathering in the east. It was thirty thousand miles long and shaped like a flying dragon, rolling in from east to west. He said to himself: "Purple clouds come thirty thousand miles from the east. The saint traveled westward and passed by this place. The green ox slowly carried the old man and disappeared. "Guan Yin had heard about Lao Dan's name and thought, could it be that I am coming? So he sent people to clean the road for forty miles and burn incense along the road to welcome the saint.
On the afternoon of July 12th, the sun sets in the west and shines in the east. Guan Yin was about to go down to the pass to check, but suddenly he saw an old man riding a green bull backwards among the few people walking down the pass. The old man has white hair as white as snow, his eyebrows hang down on his temples, his ears hang down on his shoulders, his beard hangs down on his knees, he has a red face and plain robes, he is simple and clean. Guan Yin looked up to the sky and sighed: "I am lucky in life. I can see the saint!" He took three steps and two steps at a time, ran forward, knelt in front of the green ox and worshiped: "Guan Yin kowtows to see the saint."
When I saw that the person who was prostrating had a square face, thick lips, thick eyebrows, and a straight nose, he was dignified but not cold, gentle but not flattering, I knew he was not an ordinary person, so I deliberately tried to test it: "Your Excellency, Guan Ling, is prostrate to a poor and lowly old man. This is very polite!" I don’t dare to accept it. I don’t know what I can teach you.” Guan Yin said, “Master, I am a saint! Please stay in Guanshe to guide me on the path of spiritual practice.” I said, “What is so sacred about me that I feel ashamed to be so favored by you?” , Are you ashamed to kill me?" Guan Yin said: "Guan Yin is not talented. He is good at observing astronomy and knows a little about the changes. When he saw the purple air coming from the east, he knew that there was a sage going west. He saw the purple air rolling like a dragon, and it was thirty thousand miles long. He knows that the one who comes is the most holy and supreme, and is not an ordinary saint. When he sees the white clouds surrounding the head of the purple air, he knows that the saint has white hair and looks like an old man. When he sees the green ox star in front of the purple air, he knows that the saint is coming on a green bull. "
After hearing this, I burst into laughter: "Thank you, thank you! I've heard of your name a long time ago and came here to visit you." Guan Yin was overjoyed when he heard this and kept kowtowing. Afterwards, Guan Yin led Lao Tzu to his official residence, asked him to sit down, burned incense and performed the disciple's rituals, and begged: "Sir, you are a great sage today! A sage will not steal his own wisdom as his own, but will benefit the people of the world." Wisdom is your own duty. Now that you are living in seclusion and not benevolent, it will be difficult for anyone to ask for advice! Why not write down your sage wisdom in a book? Although Guan Yin is humble, I hope that it will be passed down to future generations and benefit all generations." The "purple energy coming from the east" when I came out of isolation has become a gene in Chinese culture. The emperor's family regards "purple energy" as auspicious and auspicious. You see, if a child is born and the house is full of purple energy, the ancients believed that the child will definitely Great potential. Ordinary people's homes also regard "purple air" as a symbol of auspiciousness, so they write the words "purple air comes from the east" on their doors and so on. The ancestors also believed that wherever there was a treasure, purple gas would appear in the sky.
Collection of minor officials in the Zhou Dynasty
Li Xiaer was born and his surname remained
Purple air came from the east to block Han Valley
Qingniu west Where can I find the traces?
The Tao Te Ching and Lao Dan's words
Asking about the history of rituals and inscriptions about Confucius
There are still thoughts and sacrifices in Luyi
The head and tail of the dragon are hidden in the clouds