1. Production and use of stamps: You can make the stamps yourself, or you can use stamps found elsewhere. But please remember: it must be in PNG format, that is, it must be a picture with a transparent background. Such stamps can be placed on any background.
Create a new document in PS, the size is arbitrary (but please note that it is better to show a complete picture), and the background color is pure black. If the stamp is originally designed to be black, you can use color overlay to turn the stamp into white.
2. Create a sense of nostalgia
1. Blur the stamp layer with Gaussian blur of 2 pixels (Filter -> Blur -> Gaussian blur), and the blur radius is based on your Determine the size of the picture. After blurring, the following effect will appear. Nostalgia always creates a vague sense of antiquity, which is what this step is intended to create. Of course, the processing effect cannot be too blurry.
2. The brush creates a "mottled" effect. At this time, open your brush library and find a brush with a "decadent" feel. This type of brush can be downloaded from the Internet. The search keyword can be set to "grunge brush". A large number of foreign free brushes can be downloaded.
3. Create a new layer on the stamp, set the foreground color to black, and use the "Decadent" brush you just selected to start painting. First, tap lightly on the surface of the "stamp" to ensure that the stamp maintains a "mottled" feeling that is visible but is slowly "eroded" by time. Then swipe the edges again.
4. "Just right" is a very subjective description, which is based on your own needs and preferences.
3. Add a background image. At this time, you need to create a group of these layers - "stamp". Add a nice background image below the stamp group. And change the stamp group's blending mode to "Linear Dodge (Add)".
At this time, if you can also open the stamp group and continue to modify the stamp, such as adding more "mottled" brushes.
4. Final modification 1. Right-click the stamp group and select "Convert to Smart Object". At this time, we will continue to modify the stamp. Add the "Strengthen Edges" filter from the filter gallery to the stamp. The purpose of this step is to make the stamp more colorful, making it brighter and easier to distinguish from the background.
2. Continue to change the fill of the stamp to 80%, the transparency to 70%, and then reduce the size of the stamp to be smaller so that the background can be fully displayed.
3. At this time, you find that the stamp is not prominent enough? Don’t change the stamp anymore, let’s make some small changes to the background image.
I modify the exposure of the background image here and reduce the exposure by 1.5. Other methods can also be used. The purpose is to lower the brightness of the picture and make the night color of the entire picture darker. Or change the "Curves" to adjust the lightness and darkness of the picture.
4. In addition to being applied to a beautiful picture, this stamp can also be displayed on a solid color.
The following is a display of stamps on a set of retro color grids I made: