Liu Qingsun was in Taifu's Mansion, and many people at that time were suspicious of him. Only Yu Zisong had other affairs, and there was no trace of him. Later, because of his frugal nature and his rich family, he said that the Taifu's order would be exchanged for tens of millions, hoping that he could take advantage of his stinginess. The Taifu asked Yu among the people who were sitting there. Yu was slumped and already drunk. His robe fell down a few times and he pulled it through with his head. Xu replied: "The official's family can have two million yuan, which can be taken by the public." So he accepted it. Later someone told Yu this, and Yu said: "It can be said that a gentleman's heart is judged by the concerns of a villain."
Liu Qingsun (Liu Yu) served in the Taifu Mansion , many celebrities at that time were framed by him, but only Yu Zisong was broad-minded and detached from the world, leaving nothing to exploit. Later, Liu Qingsun took advantage of Yu Zisong's frugal nature and his rich family, and persuaded Taifu Sima to ask for tens of millions of dollars more, hoping that Yu Zisong would show stinginess, so that he could take the opportunity to frame him.
The Taifu asked about Yu Zisong at a gathering. Yu was already drunk at the time, and his turban fell on the table. He leaned his head over to put the turban on his head, and slowly replied: "The official's house is indeed You can use it as you wish if you have twenty or thirty million." Only then did Liu Qingsun become convinced. Later, someone told Yu Zisong the whole story, and Yu Zhuo said: "Liu Qingsun's behavior can be called using the heart of a villain to save the heart of a gentleman."
From "Shishuoxinyu" written by Liu Yiqing of the Southern Dynasties.
Content Introduction
Shishuo There are several stories in each category (volumes 1, 2, and 3). There are more than 1,200 stories in the whole book. Each text is of different lengths, some are several lines, and some are just a few words. This shows that "note novels" are "note-book novels". The demands and characteristics of "memorize as you go".
The content mainly records the words, deeds and anecdotes of some celebrities from the late Eastern Han Dynasty to the Jin and Song Dynasties. The books contained in the book are all historical figures, but some of their remarks or stories are based on rumors, and not all of them are consistent with historical facts.
A considerable amount of this book is collected from various books. For example, the stories of individual characters of the Western Han Dynasty contained in "Gui Zhen" and "Xian Yuan" are taken from "Historical Records" and "Han Shu". Other parts are mostly taken from previous records.