Cold winter is relative to hot summer, and humidity is relative to dryness. During the Spring and Autumn Period, the monarch of Lu was relative to the monarch of Qi. Cold felt corresponds to warm mat, and night drink corresponds to morning food. In the Jin Dynasty, sheep (uncle Zi) often went into battle lightly and patrolled everywhere without wearing armor. Zhong You saw Confucius for the first time and wore a rooster's crown. Later, when he arrived in Wei, he refused to take it off. The capital of Zhou Dynasty was opposite to Shao Dan, the capital of Zhao during the Warring States Period. Midsummer is the season when seedlings thrive. At this time, farmers are worried about drought and lack of rain. Without rain, the seedlings will wither. Spring is the season when flowers bloom. If it is too cold, the bud will not bear fruit as scheduled. Green willows, Tao Yuanming's house and apricot flowers are in full bloom, reflecting the Confucius Forum. The continuous river shuttles between the mountains like a blue ribbon. At the full moon, the clear moon is like a plate made of white jade.
Lu Yin: During the Spring and Autumn Period, Lu Yingong, the monarch of Lu State, was killed by his half-brother Lu Huangong.
Qi Huan: Qi Huangong, the monarch of Qi in the Spring and Autumn Period, was named Xiaobai. In the struggle for and consolidation of the throne, he threatened Lu to kill his younger brother Gong Zijiu.
Uncle Dai: Uncle Zi, the word of Yang Hu in Jin Dynasty. It is said that Yang Hucheng, who was in charge of Jingzhou's military for ten years, planned to destroy Wu, secretly reclaimed land to reserve armaments and actively prepared for war. On the surface, he didn't wear armor, attacked lightly and slowly, and kept in frequent contact with Wu Kang, which bought off the hearts and minds of Jianghan area and Wu. See note 4.
Zhong You: Zhong You, a student of Confucius. According to the Biography of Disciples of Zhong Ni in Historical Records, "Lutz is contemptible, brave and upright, crowned as a rooster and admired as a dolphin." Lutz is vulgar, likes to fight by force, straightforward, wearing a rooster-shaped crown and wild boar-patterned ornaments. Roosters and wild boars are aggressive things, so Luz likes to wear them.
Yong (place name, that is, Luoyi in Zhou Dynasty. According to Shangshu Zhaogu and Historical Records Zhou Benji, the capital of the Western Zhou Dynasty is Haojing (now Xi 'an, Shaanxi). After Zhou Chengwang took office, the Duke of Zhou was ordered to build Luoyi (now Luoyang, Henan Province), and Wang Cheng also went to Luoyi to meet various governors, calling it the East Capital. Later, in 1999, Zhou Pingwang officially moved its capital to Luoyi, known as the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, to avoid the invasion of the northwest minority dog Rong, that is, at the beginning of the Spring and Autumn Period. The twelve kings of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty are all here.
Handan (hándān): Place name, so the address is in the area of Handan City, Hebei Province today. It was garrisoned in the Spring and Autumn Period, followed by Jin, and was the capital of Zhao in the Warring States Period.
Former residence of Liang Yuan: Liang Yuan was written by Tao Qian, a poet in Jin Dynasty. In Biography of Mr. Wuliu, Tao Qian said that there were five big willows beside his house, so he named himself "Mr. Wuliu".
Zhong Nitan: Zhong Ni is the word of Confucius. "Zhuangzi Fisherman" said that Confucius used to play in the forest, sit on the apricot altar at rest, his disciples were reading, and Confucius played the piano and sang. Later generations attached to Zhuangzi's fable, built an altar to plant apricots in front of Dacheng Hall of Confucius Temple in Qufu, Shandong Province, and built a pavilion and monument, which was recognized as the apricot altar where Confucius gave lectures.
Toad: The name of the moon. The ancients believed that there were toads in the moon (see Huainanzi Spiritual Practice), and the moon rose from the sea, so the sea toad was used to refer to the moon.