As such a generation of Confucian scholars, Confucius taught his disciples the five cores of benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom and faith, that is, the five elements theory of Confucianism. Confucius said that? Ren? That is, people should have a kind heart when doing things, and filial piety is the foundation of a kind heart. And then what? It's about etiquette. Confucius believed that all countries and families should have minimum etiquette standards. ? A gift? This is the standard of etiquette.
Wisdom? What is said is wisdom, which also restricts people's behavior norms, and morality contains wisdom. Confucius always reminds his disciples to be wise through some stories. As soon as he entered the gate screen of the Confucius Temple in Qufu, he would see a pair of "Don't covet", which was Confucius' reminder to future generations to be content and not greedy.
The beast in this picture is actually greedy. Greed is the ninth child of the dragon. It looks like Kirin in appearance, but its personality is completely different from Kirin. Kirin is a very auspicious animal in China mythology, which can ward off evil spirits and bring happiness to people. But greed is not as kind as Kirin. He is cruel by nature and insatiable in greed. He possessed the treasures of the world, but he was not satisfied, and wanted to keep the sun for himself. So greedy wanted to swallow the sun into his stomach. As a result, the greedy snake swallowed the elephant and drowned himself in the sea. Confucius also told his disciples not to be greedy from this story. Last one? Letter? Is to tell him that he is human, to be credible, and not to break his word.