Guan Zhongke lives in Shangqiu and sees a child raising scorpions for fun in a hotel. Asked about his method, the child said, "After I caught the scorpion, it couldn't poison me except its tail, so it was for me to play with." Guan Zhong will come to see that there are more than a dozen scorpions in the children's utensils, all of which are very tame. If you throw food, you will compete to gather; With a flick of your finger, they will run away in horror.
Look at them like that, as if they were afraid of being sure. So the child was very happy and took the scorpion away with a smile and a shout. The guest said to Guan Zhong, "If you master this method, you can resist the bad guys."
Boys play scorpion original:
Shangqiu made a guest appearance in Guanzi, and saw that the boy who traveled against the brigade had a son as the core of the organization. When asked about his skills, he said, "I caught it, but I got rid of its tail, so he shouldn't poison it, but let me play with my ears." After a look, there are dozens of scorpions in the equipment, all of which are very tame. If you feed, you will fight; I jumped up and down when I pointed at it. Judging from its state, if you are very afraid of people, you will. So the boy smiled and left. The guest called Guan Zi and said, "You must have the ability to resist the wicked."
Extended content:
Teenagers who play scorpions should store scorpions for the play, also known as "Playing Scorpions", which is selected from Selected Poems of Yin Jixuan. It's a classical Chinese article about Guan Zhong who lives in Shangqiu and talks with children who raise scorpions for fun in a hotel. Warn people to grasp the characteristics of things and prescribe the right medicine before they can be used by me.
Because of the title of Xuan Wen Ji. Clear the pipeline, and Qi Xin will work together. Sixteen volumes. The first set has ten volumes and the second set has six volumes. Add another volume. There is a copy of Guan Jiashi in the 13th year of Qing Daoguang, a copy of He Fei Zhang Jiashi in the 5th year of Guangxu, and a suicide note attached. Shanghai Ancient Books Publishing House's "Continued Si Ku Quan Shu" was photocopied according to Daoguang.
Collected Works of Yin *** 16, written by Tong. This episode includes four articles: Taicheng Fu, Diaozouyang Fu, Mourning Kang Zong Fu and Xia Fu. It's a publication funded by Mr. Deng Tingzhen after his death. The first episode was edited and recorded by Deng Jia, and the second episode and addendum were edited and recorded by Zhang Shiyan. The board was destroyed by fire, and Xue Weinong and others donated money to reprint it during Guangxu period.