First, the scope of knowledge culture Knowledge culture is to let people know their living environment, what kind of objective things will appear in the living environment, and what kind of objective characteristics these objective things will have. Simply put, the category of knowledge culture is that people know their living environment, what they want to do and what they want. The knowledge here is the correct description of objective things and phenomena. The development of knowledge and culture is a comprehensive reflection of people's subjective and objective reality and their needs.
Second, the category of technical culture The so-called category of technical culture means that people actively realize their wishes. The goal of technological innovation is to maximize people's ability to control and transform objective things. The main performance is the emergence of creating tools and using tools. Skills can be divided into two types. 1 Body coordination is the main action, such as jugglers walking a tightrope, or chefs learning cooking skills, all of which require body coordination. The other is through the application of knowledge, for example, people improve their work efficiency by developing high technology.
Third, the concept of conceptual culture category is a very important spiritual phenomenon of human beings, and all human activities are dominated by conceptual culture. Human thought-form has laid the foundation of human self-form. Simply put, different people have different self-knowledge because of different living environments or different life experiences, and will form different ideas. People with different ideas will form different subjective wishes and different value judgments.