Destiny is nature, frankness is Tao, and cultivation is teaching. If you are a Taoist, you can't leave for a moment. You can stay, but you can't. So a gentleman is wary of what he can't see, and fear is almost unheard of. Don't be invisible, don't be insignificant. Therefore, a gentleman is cautious and independent. Emotions and sorrows are not sent, which means that they are in the middle; All the hair is in the middle section, called and. If you are in the middle, you are the biggest in the world; He who is harmonious achieves the way of the world. Neutrality, the position of heaven, the education of all things.
God-given is sex, following nature is the Tao, and self-cultivation is teaching by the way. Tao is inseparable for a moment, but it is not Tao that can leave. Therefore, a gentleman should be careful where no one sees him and be in awe where no one hears him.
When hidden, it will be found, and the nuances are obvious. So a gentleman should be careful when he is alone. Emotional emotions are not revealed, which is called neutrality. Show it, but do it properly. This is called harmony. China is the most fundamental thing in the world, and harmony is the rule that the world follows. Neutralization is achieved, heaven and earth belong to their places, and everything grows and develops.
The influence of the golden mean
The Doctrine of the Mean is a Confucian classic, which has been circulated for more than two thousand years. It occupies an important position in Confucianism, ranking second among the four books, and has its unique academic characteristics, academic achievements and social status in various periods in China history. The Doctrine of the Mean is a classic philosophy of the Chinese nation, which has influenced the development of China's history extensively and profoundly.
After entering the 2 1 century, with the rise of China becoming a topic of international concern and the discovery and interpretation of newly unearthed cultural relics, people have made more in-depth research on the golden mean, an important embodiment of China's ideology and culture, and its significance has not only attracted the attention of contemporary China academic circles, but also become an important topic of international conferences.