God in English is caused by the translation error of ELOHIM in Hebrew original. Eloin is the plural of ELOHA, which means "people from the sky" in Hebrew, and refers to aliens from other planets who have scientifically created all life on earth. In the future, scientists on earth will be called "Elon" when they go to other planets to create life, but they are not gods.
My guide (ELOHIM) went on to say:
"The more primitive a society is, the more common it is to worship various natural gods. These are myths fabricated by visitors from other planets, because it is the only way for them to visit human beings who have not been able to control their attacks peacefully. Suppose you reach that stage and you are a civilized visitor to the savage world, I believe you will have to adopt this method. It is interesting to think that primitive people are worshipped as immortals. In fact, it is easy to understand, because for primitive people, what fell from the sky must be God. Of course, you should express a little praise to being worshipped, and then let them welcome you cheerfully. It's no big deal. Since then, we have done some magical deeds on the earth at any time to see if it is still working and to see how people, governments, newspapers and magazines react to it. We often entertain ourselves with this.
"As I explained in the initial message, there is no such thing as God and soul. After death, nothing will be left unless it is treated scientifically. As you know, we can take out a cell from a dead person. This cell has the appearance and wisdom blueprint of the original individual, and we can create a brand-new life with it. And it has been proved that a living individual will lose a few grams at the moment of death. This reduction is just that the energy possessed by the original living body is released at the moment of death. Like matter, energy has weight.
"We found that even in a tiny world, there are intelligent organic creatures, and they did evolve to civilization with us on the whole, which is comparable to our civilization. We also confirmed this. In addition, we find that the star is just an atom of a huge living body, and this behemoth is staring at other stars curiously. It is possible that human beings only live in a very large body and a very small world. It is also possible that when human beings still believe in the invisible' God', they are likely to meet their own kind.
"You should fully understand that everything has been hidden in other objects. For example, at this moment, there are millions of' gods' in an atom on your arm or a small world that doesn't believe in' gods' is being born and dying. A thousand years' time is only a small step for that huge cosmic entity that only regards the sun as particles. In fact, time and quality, more appropriately, are inversely proportional to the level of life forms. In the universe, everything is alive, all have life, and all live in harmony with infinity and infinitesimal. The earth is alive like other planets, and human beings are as small as hyphae attached to it. Because of the great difference in mass between the two, the time difference is also great, and it is precisely for this reason that it is difficult for human beings to observe the pulsation of the earth. Just like a red blood cell in our blood, or any atom that makes up our body, we can't imagine how it and its companions around it formed a huge life.
"Indeed, no matter what happens to each individual, the whole universe will remain in balance and will never change. However, if we want to live happily, we must strive to maintain a harmonious relationship with the infinite and infinitesimal world and our kind.
"When we think about the infinity of the universe, any argument supporting the existence of various' gods' and' souls' cannot be established. Because the universe is vast and infinite, it has no central point, so there can never be a heaven somewhere. In addition, as I explained to you before, because of the great disparity in quality between infinite entities and infinitesimal entities, the same time flow is also quite different, which leads to the inability to communicate between them.
"So, if we can imagine such an immortal soul leaving the body after death, as the ancients thought, it is quite poetic and naive, then we really don't know where to put this soul in the infinite universe. At the moment of death, the energy separated from the human body dissipates everywhere, and when it is mixed with the energy scattered in the surrounding air, it loses its original unique essence. The cells just after death in the human body are unique, which are deeply engraved in the living body according to the blueprint that depends on the genes of men and women, that is, the first cells formed during fertilization.
"Some people will ask the origin of life on earth:' You have been talking for a long time, but you still can't tell us how life originated.' This is a stupid question, which proves that the person who asks this question is ignorant of the infinity of space and time in the universe. Because for matter itself, there is neither a beginning nor an end. You already know,' nothing is lost, nothing is gained, everything just changes its shape', and the shape of matter only changes according to human wishes with high-tech standards.
"Similarly, an infinite level of life is appearing in the second part of our badge, the Star of David: it includes two intersecting triangles, indicating that the upper and lower parts are the same, and there is a swastika in the middle, which symbolizes that everything is endless. The combination of these two symbols contains all the wisdom in the world. It can also be seen in ancient books in other parts of the world. For example, The Death Sutra in Tibet ... and so on.
"Obviously, it is quite difficult to feel the concept of infinity with a limited mind. Therefore, it is necessary to limit the universe to a time and space, and by believing in one or more gods, let human beings have something to trust, so that God can bear everything. In fact, it is difficult for people who have not reached a certain level of understanding of the universe to accept the concept of infinity, because this concept of infinity makes human beings no longer pretentious, but only people in a certain time and space in the infinite universe. Obviously, human beings prefer all things that are limited, framed, and' bounded', as well as things that can be imagined with their own minds. People who ask themselves whether there are creatures on other planets are examples of this limited thinking. We really appreciate the metaphor you made in a previous speech: frogs in wells, I really want to find out whether there are frogs in other wells. "