Why did Luke disappear in Star Wars 8? Is Luke really dead at the end of the movie?

First of all, I understand what force is. Generally speaking, force is the general name of the intangible and unknowable things in the universe, which I call "Tao".

So what is death? For those who are enlightened and have a deep grasp of the Force, death is only an illusion, an illusion, and an illusion that the film appeals to the audience.

From the film, Luke can already see Master Yoda's soul, then his own soul in vitro, and finally disappear into the sunset. Luke has a deep understanding of the nature of the Force, and naturally he can skim over dogmatic Jedi classics. Simply according to the meaning of China people, he is open-minded.

Luke skywalker forgave everything after settling the last business. In the sunset, a melodious music played something that everyone seemed to feel. He looked at the sunset and melted into its glory. His robe fluttered in the wind.