Subject catalogue is a retrieval tool that arranges descriptive items in a certain subject order.
Commonly used citation analysis tools:
Literature retrieval tools are divided into print retrieval, computer retrieval and software retrieval.
1, print retrieval directory, index and abstract retrieval tools. Catalogue is a retrieval tool that records related books and publications in a certain order; Index is a retrieval tool to record the titles and authors of articles in a batch or category of books, newspapers, periodicals, etc. , and indicate the source, organized in a certain way; It is a retrieval tool to collect a large number of abstracts of documents, match the corresponding bibliographies and arrange them in a certain way.
2. Computer retrieval SCI is an international index, including natural science, biology, medicine, agriculture and so on. The selected journals come from China journals in 94 categories, more than 40 countries and more than 50 languages; EI is a famous comprehensive retrieval tool for engineering technology published by American Engineering Information Company. VIP is the largest digital periodical database in China.
3. Software retrieval There are many literature management softwares at home and abroad that provide retrieval functions. The more integrated databases, the more convenient it is to use. NoteExpress reference management software supports hundreds of global library stacks and electronic databases, such as periodical network, Elsevier ScienceDirect, ACS, OCLC and the Library of Congress. Search once and save forever.