This article records the sage's words of modesty and self-study, as well as his appearance and behavior. Chapter 37.
Confucius said, "Words without deeds, loyalty to the past, beat my old Peng." Ok, listen to the sound. Say, pass on the old. Work, then the founding of the country. Pretend to be a saint, and a saint can reach you. Stealing comparison is a word of respect. Me, my dear words. Shang Xian doctor Lao Peng saw the gift and believed it. He passed it on. Confucius deleted poetry books, fixed rites and music, praised Zhouyi and revised Chunqiu, all of which were handed down by the old king, but he never did it, so he said so himself. Gai not only dared not be the author's saint, but also dared not obviously attach himself to the ancient sages; The higher the virtue, the lower the heart, and I don't know its modesty. But when the time came, the author prepared a little, and the master compromised by covering up the achievements of the group saints. Although the story is described, the work is twice as good as the work and is indispensable.
Confucius said, "What's the use of studying silently, never getting tired of learning and never getting tired of teaching?" Knowledge, voice and ambition are as words. Know and remember. Tacit knowledge means that you can keep your heart without words. Say: know, know, know without words. It is said that the former is closer. What it is to me, what you can say to me. Although the three men are not saints, they are modest gentlemen.
Confucius said, "If you don't practice morality, you will worry, if you don't talk about learning, if you smell righteousness, you will not move, and if you are not good, you will not change." Yin Shi said: "Virtue must be achieved, learning must be interpreted, be proactive, change and be generous. These four things are also important for a new day. If not, the sage is still worried, but the scholar? "
The son of Yanju, so is Shen and so is Yao. Yanju, when you have nothing to do. Yang said, "Shen Shen is tolerant. Yaoyao, its color is also pleasing. " Cheng Zi said, "This disciple is good at writing saints, and he can't say enough about Shen Shen, and he wants to die." Today, people live in Yan's house. If they are not lazy and presumptuous, they will be too strict. Don't wear this word when you are severe, and wear it when you are lazy and presumptuous, but saints will also have their own spirit of neutralization. "
Confucius said: "I am weak! For a long time, I stopped dreaming about Duke Zhou. " Reply, help, and oppose. When Confucius was in his prime, he wanted to follow the path of the Duke of Zhou, so he dreamed. When he is old and dying, it is a heart and a dream not to recover, so he regrets his decline. Cheng Zi said: "When Confucius was in his prime, he always kept the way of the Duke of Zhou; ? If he is old, he will worry about his decline and can do nothing. There is no distinction between young and old; And those who walk the streets are old, weak and sick. "
Confucius said, "Those who yearn for the Tao, those who yearn for it, are called the heart. Tao is also a walker in interpersonal relationships in daily life. You are right to care so much, and there will be no confusion. According to virtue, people and meaning. Virtue, too, the way to get it in the heart (1), will not be lost. If you keep it in your heart, you will be the only one in the end, and you will have new achievements. Rely on benevolence, rely on people, and do not violate. Benevolence, then selfish desires are gone, and the heart is full of virtue. At this point, kung fu does not violate the final food, so it is unnatural to be popular when you are mature. Swimming in art is said to be suitable for feelings. Art, the writing of rites and music, the method of shooting, the method of imperial defense, the method of calligraphy and the method of counting are all reasonable and indispensable for daily use. Traveling in the morning and evening to enrich the interest of righteousness and reason should be more than enough. This chapter says that people should learn from others. Gai Xue is not ahead of his ambition, but his heart is right and he is not; According to virtue, the Tao is in the heart without losing it; According to benevolence, virtue is often used instead of material desire; With fun, small things will come alive. Scholars here, in order not to lose their order and strictness, pay equal attention to both ends, support both inside and outside, swim without gap for daily use, and suddenly don't know that they are in the realm of sages.
(1) "Virtue has its way", and the Qing Dynasty imitated the Song Dynasty as "Virtue has its way". Wu Ying thought that the latter was not the final version of Zhu, so he didn't accept it. See the notes about the final version in Appendix 4 of this book for details.
Confucius said, "I have never been ignorant of self-discipline." Repair and save. Ten strings are a bundle. When the ancients met, they would hold reeds as a gift and cultivate them to the finest. The same is true of covering people's lives, so saints should be kind to people. But if you don't know how to learn, you won't have the gift of teaching, so if you come with courtesy, you will have the gift of teaching.
Confucius said, "If you don't get angry, you won't get angry. If you don't raise a corner, if you use three corners instead, you will never get it again." Anger, room powder against it. Hey, the robbers attacked each other. Reply, help, and oppose. Angry people seek to understand but get no meaning. Those who are anxious can talk, but they will fail. Kai means opening it. Send, that is, reach its words. If a thing has four corners, people can tell the third one. Instead, we should prove each other. Reply and then sue. As mentioned in the previous chapter, saints take pains to teach people. Because of this, scholars are willing to exert themselves and think that they are educated. Cheng Zi said, "Anger and sincerity can be seen in those who speak with color. Let us know when it is sincere. If you tell him, you must treat him with self-satisfaction. It is a reply. " He also said, "don't wait to be angry, you will know that you can't be strong; When he is angry, he will be very generous. "
Children are not satisfied with undertaker's side. You can't be happy when you are in mourning. If you cry every day, you won't sing. Crying is hanging and crying. In a few days, I haven't forgotten my sadness, so I can't sing. Xie Shi said, "Scholars can see the justice of human nature in these two aspects. You can know the feelings of saints and then you can learn the Tao. "
The son said to Yan Yuan, "Use it, discard it, and hide it.". Only you and I are husbands! " Give up and go up. Fu, Yin Fu. Yin Shi said, "Give up what you have and be content with what you meet. Life is not enough. " . Yanzi is a saint, so he can do it. "Lutz said," if you join the armed forces, who will join you? "Twenty-two thousand five hundred people is the army, a big country, the armed forces. Lutz saw that Confucius was beautiful only in Yan Yuan, and he was conceited of his courage. He means that if Confucius joins the three armed forces, he will be with himself. Confucius said, "I don't think so if you die without regret." "I am also afraid of things, and people who are good at it will succeed." Feng, leather and ice are opposite. Ok, listen to the sound. Violent tiger, desperate. Feng He, just got involved. Fear means respecting its affairs. Success means success. These words were taught by restraining one's own courage, but the importance of being a teacher is nothing more than that, and Zi Lugai didn't know it. Xie Shi said, "A saint has no intention, but needs it. Its behavior is not greedy, and its concealment is not good. You don't have to do it if you have a desire, but you don't hide it. You can do it with Stefanie. Although Lutz is not a man with desires, he can't be solid, but if he asks the three armed forces, his theory is beneficial and modest. As the master said, Guy saved it because of its loss. If you don't ask for nothing, you are not afraid of failure. Small things are still like this. What is that? "
Confucius said, "You can ask for wealth. Although you are a whipping man, I will do it for you. If you can't get it, just do as I say. " Okay, listen to the sound. Whip, bitch. If you say wealth is at your fingertips, you will not hesitate to seek it as a cheap servant. However, if you have a life and get it without asking, then you will be content. Why are you just ashamed? Su Shi said, "The sage has never been interested in seeking money. Why not ask him if he can?" It is particularly clear to people who speak this language that they should never ask for help. "Yang said:" A gentleman does not seek wealth unless he is evil, because he is in heaven, so there is no way to seek wealth. "
The precepts of the son: qi, war and disease. Qi, both sides are backwards. The words of the state of Qi are the words of the state of Qi. Those who are thoughtless will sacrifice to God. Sincerity and insincerity, God's enthusiasm and apathy all depend on this. War is the life and death of many people, the life and death of the country, and disease are the reasons for my life and death. Yin Shi said: "The master does everything he can, and his disciples remember his big ears."
The son is in Qi Wenshao, and I don't know the taste of meat in March. Yue: "Be happy if you don't want to be happy!" There is the word "Xue" in the historical records of March. I don't know the taste of meat, but Gaixin is not as delicious as him. For such beauty, we should be prepared to make a fuss, but we don't realize the depth of its sigh, which is not enough for a saint. Fan Shi said: "Shao is perfect, perfect, and there is nothing more gratifying than this." Therefore, in March of study, I didn't know the taste of meat, but I lamented the beauty. Sincerely, I feel deeply. "
You Ran asked, "Is your master Wei Jun?" Zi Gong said, "Promise. I will ask. " For, for the sound. Yes, still help. Wei Jun, you're going on a business trip. Gong Ling drove away his descendants. The male is a coward, while the Chinese are the sons of Kuai. So Jinna refused KuaiQin. At that time, Confucius lived in Wei, and Wei offended his father with Kuaiqin, but he didn't want his grandson to stand up, so Ran asked him doubtfully. Promise, you should resign. He went in and said, "Who is Boyi and who is Shu Qi?" Yue: "The ancient sages are also." Say, "Are you disgusted?" He said, "Why complain if you seek benevolence?" When he left, he said, "My Lord can't do it." Boyi, Shu Qi and Gu Zhi's second son. His father was dying, and he was ordered to be an uncle. Father and pawn, Shu Boyi. Boyi said, "My father ordered it" and ran away. Shu Qi fled, and the people of China stood among them. Later, the king of Wu attacked, and Yi and Qi detained the horse to remonstrate. When King Wu destroyed the Shang Dynasty, Yi and Qi ate it shamefully and ran to shouyangshan to hide and starved to death. Resentment or regret. A gentleman's residence is a country, not a doctor, but a gentleman. So Zi Gong didn't denounce Wei Jun, but asked about Yi and Qi. Master told you so, Wei Jun wouldn't know, Gaiboyi takes his father's life as his honour, and Shu Qi takes his family as his priority. It is also a matter of seeking the country, so it is in line with the righteousness and is the security of the people. Since each has his own ambition, it is still a shame to abandon his country. Any complaints? If Wei refused his father, he would be afraid of losing, and he could not say so in those days. Cheng Zi said, "Boyi and Shu Qisun fled, but they were remonstrated and starved, and they never regretted it. The master thinks this is wise, so he knows that they are not harmonious. "
Confucius said, "It's fun to eat and drink water and bend your arms and pillow it." . Unjust wealth is like a cloud to me. "Dinner, it's late. Food, sound, inheritance. Pillow, mute. Music. Music. Rice is also food. Eat less, eat less. The heart of a saint is completely natural. Although extremely sleepy, but also full of joy. It regards ill-gotten gains as nothing, indifferent and indifferent. Cheng Zi said, "If you don't like eating and drinking, you can't change your enjoyment. Ill-gotten wealth is as light as a cloud. " He said, "You should know what people who enjoy it are like. "
Confucius said, "Add me a few years old and I will be eager to learn at 50. It's no big deal." When Jea-won Yu saw Liu Cheng, he tried to read his theory and added "cheat" and "fifty" as pawns. Gaijia is similar to falsetto and misread, and pawn is similar to fifty characters. Foolish press: In this chapter, historical records are regarded as "fake me for several years, if it is easy, it will be gentle." There are not fifty words except true and false. Confucius was over seventy years old at the time of his reign, and there was no doubt that fifty words were wrong. If you learn Yi, you will know the truth of good and bad luck, you will be able to advance and retreat freely, and you will not make mistakes. Saint Guy deeply saw the infinity of Yi Dao. In this regard, he taught people that they must learn, but they could not learn easily.
Yan Zi, poetry, books and ceremonies are all elegant. Elegant, often also. Hold and defend. Poetry is based on emotion, books are based on politics, and etiquette is based on practice, so it is often said. People who insist on the ceremony alone, as far as what people insist on, are not just reciting. Cheng Zi said: "Confucius' elegant words stop here. If sex is related to the sky, you must know it silently if you can't get it or hear it. " Said, "This is for learning Yi language. "
Lord Ye asked Confucius about Luz, but Luz was wrong. Ye and Shu both participated in the rebellion. Ye Gong, a native of Zhu Liang, Shenyin, and Chu Yejun, is a tyrant with a high word. If Lord Ye doesn't know Confucius, someone will ask irrelevant questions, so the road is wrong. Restraint is also based on the virtue of saints. Are there any famous sayings that are not easy to change? Confucius said, "A woman is a human being if she doesn't say anything. She was angry and forgot to eat, and she was happy and forgot her troubles. I don't know that old age is coming. " If you don't get it, you will get angry and forget to eat; Have fun in it and forget your worries. So they had a fruitful day, but they didn't know the short years, but they said they were eager to learn. However, if you have deep taste, you will see that everything is extremely pure and wonderful, and some people who are not saints can't do it. Gaifanfu's soliloquy is like this, and scholars should think about it.
Confucius said, "You are not born with knowledge, but you are eager for it in ancient times." Ok, listen to the sound. People who are born with knowledge have a clear temperament and a clear sense of justice, and do not need to learn to know. Quick, quick, also called pumping. ○ Yin Shi said: "Confucius is a sage who knows life, and every cloud is a good scholar. He is not only encouraging people, but also just and wise. If her husband is famous for his rituals and music, he will have to study and then test it. "
The child is not strange, powerful, chaotic, and god. Weird, brave and chaotic things are all unfair, and saints are silent. Ghosts and gods, traces of nature, although not improper, are not unreasonable, and some are not easy to understand, so they are not light to people. Xie Shi said, "Sages often talk about wonder, virtue instead of strength, governance instead of chaos, people instead of God."
Confucius said: "In a threesome, there must be a teacher. Choose good and follow it, but change it if it is not good. " Three people walked together, and one of them was me. If there are two people, one is good and the other is evil, then I will change from good to evil, so both of them are my teachers. Yin Shi said: "See the sage Si Qi and Si Qi for introspection, then good and evil will be my teacher. Is it good to be poor? "
Confucius said, "Being born with virtue is better than Ofuse. What should you give it? " This is a slap in the face. Huan Xun, Song Sima Xiang Xun also. Because of Huan Gong, it is also called Huan Jia. I want to harm Confucius. Confucius said that God gave me such virtue. What can I do? Words must not go against nature and hurt themselves.
Confucius said, "Do the second sons and the third sons keep me a secret? I have nothing to hide. If I do nothing and don't work with two or three sons, it's Ye Qiu. " Disciples are so profound about the master's way that they suspect that there is a mystery hidden in it, but they don't know that saints have done nothing but teach, stop, speak and be silent, so the master knows by this statement. Moreover, it is also beautiful. Cheng Zi said: "The sage's way is natural, and the disciple wants it, and then he knows its lofty. If you think you can't reach it, then the heart of the trend is no less than laziness. Therefore, the teachings of saints are always so condescending, which not only makes people with low qualifications think about it, but also makes people with high talents dare not enter easily. " Lu Shi said, "The sacred human body has no hidden way, and it is brighter than the sky. Is teaching true? Often to show people, but people do not observe. "
Zi teaches four things: words, actions, loyalty and faith. Ok, listen to the sound. Cheng Zi said: "Teach people to study literature and practice while maintaining loyalty. Loyalty, this is also. "
Confucius said, "Saint, I can't see; If you can meet a gentleman, you can do it. " The number of saints and gods. Gentleman, the name of outstanding virtue. Confucius said: "Good man, I can't see; You can see that there is a constant, and you can do it. Heng, Hu,. ○ The word Confucius is in doubt. Constant, unchanging meaning. Zhang Zishuo: "Persistent people don't care about their own hearts. A kind person, determined to be kind, has no evil. "It is difficult to have perseverance when you die for something, but you are vain for profit and willing for Thailand." Wu, I read it for nothing. These three are all boastful things, and anyone who does this will lose his job. Zhang Jingfu said: "Sages and gentlemen learn to speak, and good people persist in speaking by quality." Fools say that there are constants and saints, but there is no such thing as saints without their own constants. Therefore, the prophecy at the end of the chapter has a constant meaning, indicating that people have entered the door of virtue, which can be said to be profound.
No classes for fishing, no shooting for cruising. Shooting and eating are also against it. Class, the rope goes to the net, and the fisherman also loses. Yi, shoot it with raw silk as an arrow. Accommodation, accommodation bird. Shi Hong said: "Confucius was poor and humble because he wanted to be pampered and sacrificed, or he had to fish, such as hunting." However, there is nothing wrong with taking everything by surprise. This shows the sincerity of the benevolent. Treat things like this and treat people with knowledge; The younger one is like this, and the older one knows it. "
Confucius said, "What I don't know has nothing to do with me." He who listens to his choice of goodness and follows it, knows it more and knows it next time. "Knowledge, phonology. Do what you don't know, do what you don't know. Confucius never said anything stupid, and Gai was modest, but it can also be seen that he knows everything. Know and remember. Never choose, remember that good and evil should be kept for reference. Although such a person doesn't know the truth, he may not be as good as the person who knows the truth.
It is difficult to talk to each other in my hometown. When the boy saw it, his master was confused. See, good times. Hometown, township name. He is used to being bad, difficult and good. Confused people suspect that the master should not have read it correctly. Confucius said, "What's the difference between advancing and retreating?" ! A person who is clean will be promoted, and if he is clean, he will not be guaranteed to leave. "There is a mistake in this chapter, Jane. The words "people are clean" to "go forward" should be before "go forward with them". Jiezhe, Xiuzhi also. Besides, so is Xu. Go, the day before yesterday. It is said that people come to clean themselves, but if you can clean your ears, you can't guarantee the good and evil you did the day before. But it is not good to allow him to continue to look at his ears instead of allowing him to retreat. Guy doesn't pursue the past or run counter to the future, so he is willing to accept it. Only the words are up and down, and there are doubts and texts. Generally speaking, it's not much. Cheng Zi said, "This is how sages treat things. "
Confucius said, "Is benevolence far away? I want benevolence, and I am benevolent. " Benevolent people, the virtue of the heart, not outside. Let go without seeking, so there are people who think far; Instead, you asked for it. You are here and your husband is far away. Cheng Zi said, "If you treat yourself well, you will get what you want. How far is it? "
Chen Si didn't ask Zhao Gong if he was polite? Confucius said, "Know the courtesy." Chen, country name. When the teacher is defeated, the official name is also the sheep herder. Zhao Gong, lujun, name. Accustomed to the festival of dignity, I thought it was polite at that time. Therefore, when the teacher was defeated, he thought it was a problem, but Confucius replied that Confucius retired and entered the stage of witchcraft, saying, "I heard that gentlemen are not party, but gentlemen are also party?" Your surname is Wu Meng. You know the ceremony, but you don't know the ceremony? "Here, seven live against. ○ Wu Ma surname, Zi Zi, a disciple of Confucius, Shi Mingren. The company failed and made progress. Help hide from the Japanese party. Li doesn't marry the same surname, and Lu and Wu share the same surname. People who call it Wu Mengzi are afraid to make it if the surname of the Song girl is natural. Wu Ma will come to inform you. Confucius said, "Autumn is also fortunate. If there is, people will know. "Confucius can't claim to be jealous of the evil of the monarch, nor can he marry the same surname as a gift, so it's too far away. Wu said, "Lu Gai's parents' country is a symbol of the public, and Lu is the first king. When we fail, it is appropriate to ask manners. The failure of the company is considered to be one-sided, but the master is overestimated, and it is omnipotent to cover up the virtue of the master. However, this is too much, and it is unreasonable. If you don't know Mencius at first, you can be the law of the world. "
When a son sings well with others, he acts the opposite way and makes peace with them. Also, it sounds. Reverse, reply also. Will make the singer, want to get its details, take its goodness. People who make peace with each other will be pleased with the details and will be kind to them. This shows that the saint is calm and sincere, but modest and prudent, and does not hide his kindness. It's a trivial matter, but the collection of many good things is invincible, so readers should savor it carefully.
Confucius said, "Wen, I am still human. If you are a gentleman, then I have nothing to gain. " Mo, doubt words. Jews cannot talk beyond others, but they can still talk with others. If you don't get anything, you don't get anything at all. It's all self-mockery It is enough to see the urgency of words and deeds, but it is also necessary to be reluctant. Xie Shi said: "Although the saints are the same as others, they are not inferior; You can be a gentleman and a saint, so you don't live; I still say that I am incompetent. "
Confucius said, "How dare I be a holy and benevolent person? If you don't stop it and teach people tirelessly, you can say that the cloud has gone. " Gong Xihua said: "Only disciples can't learn." This is also the modest words of the master. Holy one, make it bigger. Benevolence, then the whole heart is virtuous, and humanity is prepared. For it, it is called the way of benevolence and holiness. Teach others, that is, teach others. But if you are diligent, you can't do it unless you have it, so disciples can't learn it. Chao Shi said, "At that time, some people scolded Master for his kindness, so Master resigned. If the words are vague, there will be no material entering the world, and the goodness of the world will make the saints and the benevolent empty, and people will never reach it. Therefore, although the master does not live with benevolence and holiness, he will think that he is tireless and tirelessly teaches others. " It can be said that the clouds have dispersed and there are no other words. Gong Xihua sighed, and he also knew what the master meant.
Please pray for your child's illness. Confucius said, "What are these?" Lutz said to him, "Yes. Say, "Pray to the gods above and below." Confucius said, "I have been praying for a long time." Force ① goes against the track. Prayer is praying to ghosts and gods. All of these, ask if there is such a reason. A liar mourns his death and tells his deeds. Up and down, called heaven and earth. Heaven says god, but earth says only. Pray, repent and do good deeds, and pray for God's blessing. If there is no reason, there is no need to pray. If there is, it's no good for a saint to move. Its simple practice has always been in line with the gods, so it says, "The mountain has been praying for a long time." There are funerals, five prayers and courtiers' urgency. If you can't help yourself, don't ask for illness first, then pray. Therefore, Confucius did not directly reject Lutz, but told him that he had nothing to pray for.
(1) "force" the original "nine", according to the Qing dynasty song imitation.
Confucius said, "Those who are extravagant are not grandchildren, but those who are frugal are solid." It is better to be practical than to have no grandchildren. "Sun, stop. Sun, Shunya. Solid and ugly. All luxury and frugality are lost, but luxury is harmful. Chao Shi said, "If you have to do it, you can't keep it well. "
Confucius said, "an upright man is open and poised, I am worried." Tanya, Pinggu. Swing, wide appearance. Cheng Zi said: "A gentleman follows reason, so he often goes to Shu Tai; Small people serve things, so they are worried. " Cheng Zi said, "An upright person is open, calm, open-minded and obese."
Unlike Li, Wei is not fierce, respectful and safe. Shirley is also serious. Man's virtue is complete, but his temperament is rarely impartial, but all saints don't know, and Yin and Yang have virtue, so he sees the harmony between them in the appearance. The master is very familiar with it and remembers it in detail, which also shows the secret of his intention. It is not enough to know the saints, but it is not enough to talk about virtue. Therefore, Cheng Zi thinks Ceng Zi's words. Scholars should play with their hearts again and again.