Does anyone know or use software tools to convert the typesetting file of Founder Book into Word file?

The method of converting typesetting file of Founder Book Edition into WORD;

1. Select Tools/Export Text File in Founder Book Edition;

2. What will be generated is a TXT file, which can be opened directly in WORD.

Founder book edition software is a book typesetting batch software developed by Beijing Peking University Founder Electronics Co., Ltd.

Founder Book Edition is powerful, and the batch processing function processes the contents and formats in book typesetting in batches, reducing the workload.

Founder Book Edition developed from 6.0 version of Founder Book Edition in the early 1990s to 7.0 version. The operation has also been upgraded from dos system to windows3. X operating system, and then to windows95, windows2000, windowsxp and other operating systems.