1, Confucius said: "You can lose people without words; Don't talk to it in words, it's rude. The knower does not lose people, nor does he lose words. " This sentence is from The Analects of Confucius and Wei Linggong.
Here, Confucius talked about the art of speaking: some words should be said to someone but not said, that is, sorry for this person, that is, losing someone; It's a slip of the tongue to tell someone something you shouldn't say. A smart and wise person can always keep a good proper limit when he speaks, and he will neither slip of the tongue nor slip of the tongue.
The saints have realized and clearly stated the problem from the beginning, but it is a pity that most of us still can't be perfect until today.
I visit myself three times a day: Are you unfaithful to others? Don't believe in making friends? Can you pass it on?
This sentence comes from The Analects of Confucius and was said by Ceng Zi, Confucius' favorite student.
Ceng Zi, a famous ginseng, is a descendant of Qi nobles. He is a famous dutiful son and the main heir of Confucius' theory. Zi Si, Mencius' teacher, was a disciple of Ceng Zi, so Ceng Zi was regarded as an important figure connecting the past with the future.
The meaning of Ceng Zi's sentence: I reflect on myself many times every day: Have I done my best and wholeheartedly when planning things for others? Is it sincere and trustworthy to associate with friends? Can you review the knowledge taught by the teacher on time and master it well?
Confucian pursuit of individual personality is completed in the perfection of collective personality. Confucius had this idea, and Ceng Zi inherited it well. He is very good at being strict with himself and constantly reflecting and improving himself in his contacts with others.
3, see xian Si Qi yan, see xian Si Qi introspection.
This sentence comes from the Analects of Confucius, which means: When you see a virtuous and talented person, you should study hard from him, so that you can become a virtuous person like him; When you see that a person has no virtue, you should reflect on yourself from the bottom of your heart and see if you have his shortcomings.
The so-called "self-cultivation, keeping the family in order, governing the country and leveling the world" began here.
4, Germany is not alone, there must be neighbors.
This sentence is concise, that is, people with morality will not feel lonely.
It can also be understood that people who can devote themselves to valuable things and constantly strive to improve their moral cultivation will get the understanding and support of others sooner or later.
5, three friends who have benefited, three friends who have lost: friends who are straight, friends who forgive, friends who listen more and benefit; Friends make friends, friendly and soft, and friends will be destroyed and damaged.
It is not enough to pay attention to improving one's moral cultivation, but also to choose friends. Sages have also taught us in this respect, telling us the criteria for distinguishing good friends from bad friends:
There are three kinds of useful friends, honest people, honest people and people with wide knowledge. It is beneficial to associate with such friends. There are three kinds of harmful friends, one is good at flattery, the other is flattering but backstabbing, and the other is good at rhetoric. It is harmful to make friends with such people.
A clear "theory of making friends" is a ready-to-use six criteria for making friends.
6, parents are here, don't travel far, be sure to travel well.
This sentence is also from the Analects of Confucius, which is about the relationship between filial piety and personal development.
The ancients valued filial piety, so saints first taught their children to be filial to their parents and never left when their parents needed care. On the other hand, he didn't impose strict restrictions on people, but said, "Be sure to travel well", indicating that if you really need to go to a distant place to study and do things, it's not impossible, but you must let your parents know where you have gone.
Filial piety and personal development have long been considered by the ancients. For us now, there are generally rules to follow in this situation, and it is difficult to choose without hesitation.
7. Disciples are filial when they enter, but embarrassed when they leave. I sincerely believe that if they love the masses and are kind to others, they will study if they have spare capacity.
This sentence involves not only filial piety, but also how to get along with brothers and others, and then learn and improve yourself.
Confucius told his disciples: at home and abroad, we should honor our parents, respect our brothers, be cautious in words and deeds, and pay attention to honesty; At the same time, we should care about others extensively and be close to others with kindness. If you still have energy after finishing these things, you can read books and learn to improve yourself.
It can be seen that Confucius' education is not based on imparting knowledge, but on improving people's moral cultivation, and then talk about learning cultural knowledge. This is no different from the "having both ability and political integrity" we advocate now, but the terms are clear and more concrete and feasible.
8. A gentleman is figurative, while a villain is figurative.
Gentlemen and villains have different values. As long as a gentleman knows what is right, a villain is different and needs to be moved.
9. The gentleman is harmonious but different, and the villain is not harmonious.
This sentence still talks about the difference between a gentleman and a villain. "Harmony without difference" is an important part of Confucius' ideological system;
A gentleman has his own independent thinking and never blindly follows others, but even if he disagrees with others, he will maintain a harmonious relationship with the people around him.
The villain is different. Little people have no opinions and like to reach an agreement with others at will, but even if they reach an agreement, they can't get along well with others.
10, Confucius said: "Eat with water, bend with your arms, and enjoy yourself." Unjust wealth is like a cloud to me. "
This sentence comes from The Analects of Confucius.
Confucius said: "Even if I live in poverty, I can only eat coarse grains and drink cold water every day. Without comfortable bedding, I can only bend my arms as a pillow. I am very satisfied and have some fun. " If you get wealth by dishonest means, it's like a cloud in the sky to me. This is not desirable and should not be taken. "
This is the idea that "the poor can enjoy the Tao" advocated by Confucius, which has been influencing the intellectuals in China for thousands of years.
Such a simple truth, if we can always remember it and use it to regulate our words and deeds, will naturally get more heartfelt happiness.