How do you spell this symbol?

First of all, when you enter "ba" (the first sound) in sogou input method, the word "hey" will appear.

Second, Wu Bi 86&; 98:UYT? Zheng code: Siheyuan code: 80000? UniCode:CJK unified Chinese character U+4E37

1. In the chat window, after switching to the intelligent ABC input method, press the character V key, and then press any number key between 1 and 9, and special characters will appear. You can use the+sign on the keyboard to turn pages and type more special characters.

2. Use QQ Pinyin Input Method to input special characters: switch to QQ Pinyin Input Method, then find the icon of QQ Pinyin Input Method in the lower right corner of the taskbar, right-click the icon, select Pinyin Tool in the pop-up menu, and click the symbol &; Expression ",the pop-up" QQ Pinyin Symbol Input Device "covers almost all the special characters in the Chinese character set.

3. Use Sogou Pinyin Input Method to input special characters: In sogou Pinyin, if you want to input the special characters of smiling faces:), you can directly input the Pinyin "Lian Xiao" of Chinese smiling faces, or the special character □ of boxes, or you can directly input "Fang Kuang". For more special characters, please use Ctrl+Shift+B shortcut keys to open the "sogou Expression" and "Special Characters" menus, which are not just listed here.

4. Use the Google Pinyin input method to input special characters: After switching to the Google Pinyin input method, click the gear icon in the status bar of the input method in the lower right corner of the taskbar, and select "Soft Keyboard" from the pop-up menu. After clicking "Special Symbol", a soft keyboard with special symbols will appear on the screen. Now you can use the soft keyboard to type special symbols.