What is Li Bingzhi's website for translating classical Chinese?
A few weeks later, Qin was appointed as Li Bing, the prefect of Shu County. Ice can connect astronomy and geography, and open doors for Wenshan. As for washing, I went to the county seat and saw two mountains like a net, so I called them Tian Peng Que. He seemed to see God, standing in three places out of water, offering three animals. Guibi sank into Australia. With the rise of the Han Dynasty, envoys were sent to sacrifice for many times. The ice will cut off the river, cross Yongjiang River, Jianjiang River and another tributary, and cross the county seat for ships to pass. There are many bamboos, cypresses and bamboos in Minshan, which drift with the water, making wood and industry rich. The three counties irrigate and open rice fields, so the land of Shu is thousands of miles away, connecting land and sea. A long time ago, the water was soaked and the rain ended the Watergate. Therefore, it is recorded that floods and droughts come from people and hunger is unknown. There was no famine at that time, and the so-called land of abundance was the world. Make five stone rhinoceros outside to satisfy the water essence; It's right to cross the Xishi River in the south of the Yangtze River. It's called rhinoceros, and then two rhinoceros, one at the bridge gate of Fushicheng, and now it's Shi Niu Gate; One is in deep water. So from the weir, from Yangmohe, Jiangxi was irrigated. Be a jade girl's house, a three-stone man in Baishagang and build three waters. Ask Jiang Shen: Water is inexhaustible, and it can't be irrigated without shoulders. At that time, she had foam water and fell to the ground from the foot of Mengshan Mountain, which coincided with the south bank of the river and hit the cliff on the side of the mountain. The rushing water hit the boat on the rock, and generations were worried. The soldiers were sent by the ice to level the cliffs and straighten out the waterways. Some people say that ice cuts a cliff, and the water god is angry, and ice fights with god with a knife like water. So far, I have been lucky. I also know how to observe water veins. In the pond of Yanjing in Guangdu County, Shu is in good health.