Duke of Zhou is a folk dream interpretation book that relies on people's dreams to predict good or bad luck. * * * There are seven kinds of dreams. The Duke of Zhou in the book is Zhou Gongdan, and Confucius' dream of "I no longer dream of Duke of Zhou" often appears in Confucianism. Duke Zhou is a frequent figure in Confucius' dreams.
Dunhuang dream books are adapted and revised from various dream interpretation books introduced into Dunhuang in the late Tang Dynasty and the Five Dynasties, and have absorbed local folk customs in Dunhuang. There are many dream interpretation books in Tang and Song Dynasties, but none of them have survived to this day, so Dunhuang dream books are particularly precious.
Other books in the "Ancient Library" are also very good and rare ancient books to interpret dreams.
A guide to collecting dreams
A complete study of dreams. The second volume. Ming dynasty.
Mysterious dream occupation: an essay on dream culture
A Complete Book of Dream Studies, New Hui Ze County edition, Volume II, the book of Banliutang in Yang Yulin in Ming Dynasty.
The newly published category selects ancient and modern facts, dreams and complete works of dreams. Three volumes. Ming Xie Jingfu editor. Published by Lin Shu and Chen Zun in the late Ming Dynasty.
The test of dream career
Meng Lin Xuan steet
Dream, Dream Circle, Dream Theory and Dream Rules have two volumes each. Dreams account for 23 volumes. Song Shaoyong series. Chen Ming Times Supplement. Ming Chongzhen 2009 edition.
Textual research on dreams. Twelve volumes. Written by Zhang Fengyi in Ming Dynasty. Wang Shi of Xinyang was published in the 13th year of Wanli in Ming Dynasty.
The book of dreams