Sukhbaatar (? ~ 1923) Member of Tubo Department of Outer Mongolia. Under the influence of Russian October socialist revolution, д sukhbaatar and ⅹ Joe Balsam organized underground revolutionary groups in Kulun (now Ulaanbaatar) at the end of 19 18 respectively, leading the people in the former outer Mongolia region of China to strive for national liberation. 1 921March1day, the Mongolian People's Revolutionary Party was established in Chaktu, Soviet Russia, and the People's Army Command with sukhbaatar as the commander in chief was established. On March 13, 2003, the Provisional People's Government was established in Chaktu as an organ to prepare for the armed uprising. With the help of the Soviet Red Army, on July 8, Cullen was liberated, and Wen Ganlun's White Bandit Army was defeated. 1 1 On July 6th, 2008, the People's Revolutionary Government was formally proclaimed in Cullen. The new government has feudal lords and upper lamas, and retains the monarchy with Bogdo root as the king, but its power is greatly limited. 1922, the people's government promulgated laws to abolish serfdom and feudal lords' privileges. In this regard, the reactionary feudal lords were extremely dissatisfied. They colluded with Japanese imperialism and the White Bandit Army to hold a rebellion and poisoned sukhbaatar in February 1923.