Foods rich in VB1 include cereals, beans, dried fruits, yeast, and hard-shelled fruits. The content is especially high in the epidermis of cereals, so the grinding accuracy should not be excessive. The content is also high in animal offal, eggs and green leafy vegetables. The content is also rich in celery leaves and lettuce leaves, which should be fully utilized. Although the content in potatoes is not high, areas where potatoes are the staple food are also the main sources of VB1. Some fish and molluscs contain thiamine enzyme, and eating them raw can cause the loss of VB1 in other foods. Therefore, the saying "eating fish raw and eating shrimp alive" is neither hygienic nor scientific.
Vitamin B1 is also called thiamine or anti-neuritis. A B vitamin composed of a pyrimidine ring and a thiazole ring. It is a colorless crystal, soluble in water, very stable in acidic solutions, unstable in alkaline solutions, and easily destroyed by oxidation and heat. Vitamin B1 is mainly found in the outer coat and germ of seeds. It is abundant in rice bran and bran, and is also extremely abundant in yeast. It is also abundant in lean meat, cabbage and celery. Vitamin B1 currently used are chemically synthesized products. In the body, vitamin B1 participates in the catabolism of sugar in the form of coenzyme, protecting the nervous system; it can also promote gastrointestinal motility and increase appetite.
Vitamin B1 deficiency can cause a variety of neuroinflammations, such as athlete's foot. Polyneuritis caused by vitamin B1 deficiency causes inflammation and degeneration of peripheral nerve endings in patients, accompanied by symptoms such as numbness of the limbs, muscle atrophy, heart failure, and edema of the lower limbs. Beriberi was widely spread in China, Japan, and especially Southeast Asia in the 18th and 19th centuries. At that time, hundreds of thousands of people died from beriberi every year. The treatment of beriberi has long been recorded in ancient Chinese medical books. Sun Simiao, a famous Chinese doctor, is known to use rice husk to treat beriberi. In modern medicine, vitamin B1 preparations have significant effects in treating beriberi and various neuroinflammations.
Vitamin B1
Thiamine hydrochloride
Basic pharmacological knowledge
Water-soluble . Like all B vitamins, excess B1 will not be stored in the body but will be completely excreted. Therefore, it must be replenished every day.
Participates in the metabolism of sugars in the body.
There is a synergistic effect between the B vitamins - that is to say, taking all the B vitamins at one time will have a better effect than taking them separately.
Vitamin B1 is called a spiritual vitamin because vitamin B1 has a good impact on nervous tissue and mental state;
The measurement unit of vitamin B1 is milligrams (mg)
Usage and dosage
The recommended daily intake for adults is 1.0 to 1.5 mg. During pregnancy and lactation, take 1.5 to 1.6 mg per day;
When you are sick, have a stressful life, or undergo surgery, you should increase the necessary dosage.
Function and use
▲Promote growth;
▲Helping digestion, especially the digestion of carbohydrates;
▲Improve mental status ;Maintain normal activity of nerve tissue, muscles, and heart;
▲Reduce airsickness and seasickness;
▲Can relieve pain after dental surgery;
▲ Helps in the treatment of herpes zoster.
Vitamin B1 deficiency is often due to insufficient intake, increased requirements and impairment of absorption and utilization. Liver damage and alcohol consumption can also cause it. It can occur in patients with renal disease on long-term dialysis, patients with complete parenteral nutrition, and patients with long-term chronic fever.
Initial symptoms include fatigue, apathy, poor appetite, nausea, depression, irritability, depression, leg numbness and abnormal electrocardiogram. Generally divided into several categories:
1. Dry beriberi
It is mainly caused by polyneuritis, with ascending peripheral meningitis, manifested as numbness of fingers and toes, muscle soreness, Tenderness, especially in the gastrocnemius muscle.
2. Wet beriberi
The main symptoms are edema and heart disease.
3. Infant beriberi
It mostly occurs in infants aged 2-5 months, and is mostly caused by breast-fed infants who are deficient in vitamin B1. The onset is sudden and the condition is acute. In the early stage, there is loss of appetite, vomiting, excitement, fast heartbeat, shortness of breath and difficulty.
Food sources
Yeast, rice bran, whole wheat, oats, peanuts, pork, most types of vegetables, wheat bran, milk.
Nutritional supplements
There are two different intake methods, low-efficiency and high-efficiency, usually 50mg, 100mg or 500mg. The best effect is achieved if vitamins B1, B2 and B6 are taken in a balanced manner. If pantothenic acid, folic acid and vitamin B12, which have anti-stress effects, are added, the effect will be even better. The general intake is 100 to 300 mg per day.
Side Effects
This water-soluble vitamin has no side effects.
The excess weight is completely excreted from the body and will not be stored in the human body.
When taking more than 5 to 10g per day, side effects such as tremors, herpes, edema, nervousness, increased heartbeat, and allergies may occasionally occur.
Medication recommendations
▲People who smoke, drink alcohol, and often consume sugar should increase their intake of vitamin B1;
▲During pregnancy, lactation, or taking Women taking birth control pills need a lot of vitamin B1;
▲If you have the habit of taking gastric acid suppressants after meals, you will lose the B1 you get in this meal;
▲People who are in a state of stress—sickness, anxiety, mental shock, surgery, etc.—not only need B1, but also all vitamins in the B family, which means they should take additional vitamin B complex preparations.
Vitamin B1
(Properties and Stability) Vitamin B1 is white crystal or crystalline powder; it has a weak special odor, bitter taste, and hygroscopicity. In the air, it easily absorbs moisture. It is easy to decompose and deteriorate in alkaline solution. When the pH is 3.5, it can withstand high temperatures of 100 degrees Celsius. When the pH is greater than 5, it will easily fail. The potency decreases when exposed to light and heat. Therefore, it should be stored in a dark and cool place and should not be stored for a long time.
(In vivo process) This product is administered orally and is mainly absorbed in the duodenum in the gastrointestinal tract. Malabsorption syndrome or drinking too much alcohol can prevent the absorption of this product. Intramuscular injection is rapidly absorbed. After absorption, it can be distributed in various tissues of the body and can also enter breast milk and is not stored in the body. The plasma half-life is approximately 0.35 hours. Metabolized in the liver and excreted by the kidneys.
Vitamin B1 is converted into thiamine pyrophosphate in the liver, kidneys and white blood cells, which is the coenzyme of the carboxylase required for the decomposition of pyruvate in the body. However, this product is not stored in the body, so short-term deficiency can cause the accumulation of pyruvate in the patient's body, thereby disrupting glucose metabolism.
(Drug effect) Vitamin B1 is necessary for human energy metabolism, especially sugar metabolism, so the human body's demand for thiamine is usually related to the amount of calories ingested. When the body's energy mainly comes from sugar, the need for vitamin B1 is greatest.
Vitamin B1 is also necessary to maintain the normal function of the heart, nerves and digestive system. When vitamin B1 is deficient, depending on the degree, the following reactions may occur: nervous system reaction (dry beriberi), cardiovascular system reaction (wet beriberi), Wernicke's encephalopathy, and Korsakoff syndrome (polyneuritis) sexual psychosis).
Many neurologic signs and symptoms are peripheral neuritis, accompanied by acral sensory disturbances, including localized areas of hyperesthesia or numbness.
Cardiovascular symptoms include dyspnea during labor, palpitations, tachycardia and other abnormal electrocardiograms, as well as high-output heart failure. This failure is called "wet foot disease." It is accompanied by widespread edema.
Wernicke syndrome is another serious consequence of vitamin B1 deficiency and alcohol poisoning. The special signs of this disease are ophthalmoplegia, nystagmus and ataxia. After taking vitamin B1, the effects can be seen quickly. Wernicke's encephalopathy is often accompanied by signs of Korsakoff psychosis and is characterized by marked memory loss. Inability to acquire new knowledge, and talkativeness. These are often irreversible.
In normal people, many mild vitamin B1 deficiencies can also occur, but they are easily ignored. Its main symptoms include loss of appetite, muscle weakness, limb pain and abnormal sensation, easy edema, decreased blood pressure and lowered body temperature. The diagnosis can be made by carefully studying the patient's diet and measuring the activity of red blood cell transketolase.
(Adapt to symptoms) (1) Prevention and treatment of vitamin B1 deficiency, such as "beriberi", peripheral neuritis and indigestion.
(2) Vitamin B1 supplementation during pregnancy or lactation, hyperthyroidism, burns, long-term chronic infection, heavy physical labor, malabsorption syndrome accompanied by hepatobiliary disease, small intestinal system disease and gastrectomy.
(Adverse reactions and precautions) (1) Normal doses are almost non-toxic to people with normal renal function. Anaphylactic shock may occur when large doses are given intravenously.
(2) When used in large doses, it can interfere with the measurement of serum theophylline concentration, the measurement of uric acid concentration can be falsely increased, and urobilinogen can produce false positives.
(3) It is recommended that vitamin B1 should be used before injecting glucose to treat Wernicke encephalopathy.
(4) Anaphylactic shock caused by large-dose parenteral application of vitamin B1 can be treated with epinephrine.
(Drug interactions) (1) Vitamin B1 is easily decomposed in alkaline solutions, and combined use with alkaline drugs such as phenobarbital, sodium bicarbonate, sodium citrate, etc. may easily cause deterioration. .
(2) When Chinese medicine containing tannins is combined with vitamin B1, it can form a permanent combination in the body, causing it to be excreted from the body and lose its effect. If you need to take tannin-containing traditional Chinese medicine for a long time, you should supplement vitamin B1 appropriately.
(Usage and dosage) (1) Oral administration: Beriberi: Adults 5-10 mg once, 3 times a day.
Children: 10 mg per day; vitamin B1 deficiency: adults: 5-10 mg once, 3 times a day; children: 10-50 mg per day, divided into doses: Deficiency during pregnancy: 5-10 mg per day; alcoholism causes Vitamin B1 deficiency: 40 mg per day.
(2) Recommended daily dietary intake: 0.9 mg for children 4-6 years old; 1.4 mg for adults (male), 1 mg (female); 1.4 mg for pregnant women; 1.5 mg for lactating women.
The treasure of whole grains: vitamin B1
Today we want to talk to you about "beriberi". When you see this word, do you think we are talking about "athlete's foot"? Many people may have this misunderstanding. In fact, what we often call "athlete's foot" is tinea pedis caused by a fungus, while "athlete's foot" is a disease caused by a lack of certain vitamins. This article is talking to you about this vitamin—thiamine, or vitamin Bl.
Please think about it first: Do we usually eat coarse rice or polished rice at home, standard rice or refined rice, steamed rice or steamed rice? Now living conditions are getting better and better, and we eat more and more. Food is becoming more and more refined. Most people eat white rice and noodles, and beans account for an increasingly smaller proportion of staple food. At the same time, due to the eating habits of Chinese residents, the proportion of meat food is also low. These reasons will lead to a lack of vitamin B1 and lead to beriberi.
What is vitamin B1?
The biochemical name of vitamin Bl is thiamine, which is a water-soluble vitamin.
As we all know, our bodies are undergoing metabolism all the time, and human body heat mainly comes from the metabolic process of carbohydrates. The most important role of vitamin Bl is to participate in carbohydrate metabolism as a coenzyme, so that this process can go smoothly. carried out. In addition, vitamin Bl also has the functions of increasing appetite and digestive function, and maintaining the normal function of the nervous system.
What happens if the body lacks vitamin B1?
When the body lacks vitamin B1, heat energy metabolism is incomplete and acidic substances such as pyruvate are produced, which in turn damages the brain, nerves, heart and other organs. , the resulting series of symptoms are collectively called "beriberi".
The amount of vitamin Bl stored in the body is very small. Therefore, once there is a lack of vitamin Bl in the diet, the amount of vitamin Bl in the body will decrease rapidly after one or two weeks, resulting in the following symptoms:
1 . Gastrointestinal symptoms: vomiting, anorexia, constipation or diarrhea.
2. Nervous system symptoms: irritability, loss or disappearance of certain nerve reflexes, or even drowsiness, blindness, drooping eyes, and convulsions.
3. Circulatory system symptoms: rapid heart rate, general edema, until heart failure occurs.
Infant beriberi mostly occurs in babies between 2 and 5 months old. It is mainly caused by the lactating mother's lack of vitamin B1, resulting in insufficient intake of the baby. The condition develops rapidly and is severe, and can lead to death if left untreated. Therefore, parents must pay attention.
How much vitamin B1 do we need?
As mentioned before, vitamin B1 plays a key role in carbohydrate metabolism, so its requirement is generally based on carbohydrate intake. Determined by the amount, approximately 0.5 mg of riboflavin is required for every 1,000 kcal of heat energy supplied. Under normal circumstances, the daily supply of riboflavin for infants under 1 year old is 0.4 mg, and the daily requirement for children between 1 and 3 years old is 0.7-0.8 mg. However, due to individual differences, the requirement of vitamin B1 is different. Especially for pregnant women, nursing mothers and children with large appetites, the supply of vitamin B1 should be appropriately increased.
How to supplement vitamin B1
Vitamin B1 is widely found in natural foods. Its content varies with different types of food. It is also affected by processing and cooking, so you should pay attention to the following points. Points:
1 Adjust the diet structure. The finer the processing of rice noodles, the lower the vitamin Bl content. Therefore, do not always feed your children refined white rice and noodles. On the premise of not affecting the child's appetite, it is necessary to match the thickness and thickness, eat more beans and other grains, such as millet, mung beans and other foods, which are rich in vitamin B, and the proportion of meat in the meal should be appropriately increased.
2. Improve cooking methods to increase the utilization and preservation rate of vitamin B1 in food. If the method of cooking rice is not good, we should promote the method of steaming rice without discarding the juice. Since the vitamin Bl in flour is relatively stable in an acidic environment but is easily destroyed in an alkaline environment, it is not advisable to add alkali to the dough and it is recommended to use fresh yeast for baking. When cooking noodles, about 50% of vitamin BI will be lost into the noodle soup, so. If you eat noodles, drink some soup to make full use of the nutrients in the noodle soup. Since high-temperature frying and the addition of alkali will destroy the vitamin B in the dough, you should eat less fried foods such as fried dough sticks and fried dough cakes.
Pregnant women who are about to become mothers should avoid vitamin B1 deficiency, especially the above points. To avoid causing congenital beriberi in newborns.
People who often eat out are most likely to be deficient in vitamin B1, because the vitamin B1 contained in foods such as noodles outside is almost zero.
Vitamin B1 has the effect of decomposing the calories in sugar and then decomposing it again into water and carbon dioxide.
Therefore, if there is a lack of vitamin B1 during decomposition, it will not be able to decompose to the final stage, leaving lactic acid, pyrimidine acid and other substances in the body. Once the content of lactic acid in the body increases, it will cause fatigue, numbness of hands and feet, swollen skin, and even affect the brain nerves. Once vitamin B1 is insufficient in the body, some people will become very anxious or have memory loss, are particularly prone to restlessness and irritability, and may even get into arguments with others. Therefore, it is better to supplement vitamin B1 first to refresh yourself.
Unrefined cereals contain a lot of vitamin B1, so you can get enough vitamin B1 by eating more whole wheat bread, brown rice, germ rice, germ bread, etc.
Compared with other vitamins, if you are deficient in vitamin B1, it is particularly serious. You will often suffer from colds, gastritis, stiff shoulders, and muscle fatigue. Therefore, people who have these symptoms, smoke and drink too much, or suffer from diabetes need to increase their absorption of vitamin B1. The best countermeasure is to increase the intake of vitamin B1, such as switching to white rice with added vitamin B1, or eating it with other foods rich in vitamins. Among them, pork is rich in vitamin B1, and ham or bacon that is 100% pure pork is also very rich in vitamin B1. In addition, liver and eel liver, as well as peanuts, sesame seeds, seaweed flakes, etc. are also extremely rich in content.
1. The effects of vitamin B1
1. Promote growth; help digestion, especially the digestion of carbohydrates;
2. Improve mental status; maintain nerves Normal activities of tissues, muscles, and heart;
3. Reduce airsickness and seasickness;
4. Can relieve pain after dental surgery;
5. Helps in the treatment of herpes zoster.
2. Vitamin B1 deficiency:
3. Foods rich in vitamin B1:
Yeast, rice bran, whole wheat, oats, peanuts, pork, most types of vegetables, wheat bran, milk.
4. Side effects of vitamin B1:
Water-soluble vitamins have no side effects. Excess weight is completely excreted from the body and will not be stored in the human body. When taking more than 5-10g per day, side effects such as tremors, herpes, edema, nervousness, rapid heartbeat, and allergies may occasionally occur.
5. Points of note when using vitamin B1:
1. People who smoke, drink alcohol, and often consume sugar should increase their intake of vitamin B1;
2. Women who are pregnant, breastfeeding, or taking birth control pills need a lot of vitamin B1;
3. If you have the habit of taking gastric acid suppressants after meals, you will lose the vitamin B1 in this meal. The ingested B1;
4. People who are in a state of stress - illness, anxiety, mental shock, after surgery, etc. - need not only B1, but also all vitamins in the B family, that is to say Vitamin B complex preparations should be added.
Like all B vitamins, it is water-soluble. Excess B1 will not be stored in the body, but will be completely excreted. Must be replenished daily.
Cooking temperatures can easily destroy this vitamin. Other enemies of vitamin B1 are caffeine, alcohol, food processing, air, water, estrogen, sulfonamides, etc.
History of discovery
Vitamin B1 was extracted from rice bran by Dutch doctor Ekman at the end of the 19th century. It is the first vitamin discovered by people.
Biochemical reactions
General effects
Vitamin B1 is called a spiritual vitamin because vitamin B1 has a good influence on nervous tissue and mental state. .
Has a slight diuretic effect.
Promote growth;
Helping digestion, especially the digestion of carbohydrates;
Improve mental status; maintain nervous tissue, Normalize muscle and heart activity;
Reduce airsickness and seasickness;
Can relieve pain after dental surgery;
Help treat herpes zoster ( herpes zoster) treatment.
Normal needs
The recommended daily intake for adults is 1.0 to 1.5 mg. During pregnancy and lactation, take 1.5 to 1.6 mg per day.
When you are sick, have a stressful life, or undergo surgery, you should increase the necessary dosage.
Side Effects
This water-soluble vitamin has no side effects. Excess weight is completely excreted from the body and will not be stored in the human body. When taking more than 5 to 10g per day, side effects such as tremors, herpes, edema, nervousness, rapid heartbeat, and allergies may occasionally occur.
Vitamin B1 deficiency is often due to insufficient intake, increased requirements and millions of disorders of absorption and utilization. Liver damage and alcohol consumption can also cause it. It can occur in patients with renal disease on long-term dialysis, patients with complete parenteral nutrition, and patients with long-term chronic fever.
Initial symptoms include fatigue, apathy, poor appetite, nausea, depression, irritability, depression, leg numbness and abnormal electrocardiogram.
Generally divided into several categories:
1. Dry beriberi
It is mainly caused by polyneuritis, with ascending peripheral meningitis, manifested as numbness of fingers and toes, muscle soreness, Tenderness, especially in the gastrocnemius muscle.
2. Wet beriberi
The main symptoms are edema and heart disease.
3. Infant beriberi
It mostly occurs in infants aged 2-5 months, and is mostly caused by breast-fed infants who are deficient in vitamin B1. The onset is sudden and the condition is acute. In the early stage, there is loss of appetite, vomiting, excitement, fast heartbeat, shortness of breath and difficulty.
Vitamin B1 deficiency
Food sources
Foods rich in vitamin B1
Yeast , rice bran, whole wheat, oats, peanuts, pork, most types of vegetables, wheat bran, milk.
Nutritional supplements
There are two different intake methods, low-efficiency and high-efficiency, usually 50mg, 100mg or 500mg. The best effect is achieved if vitamins B1, B2 and B6 are taken in a balanced manner. If pantothenicacid, folic acid and vitamin B12, which have anti-stress effects, are added, the effect will be even better. The general intake is 100 to 300 mg per day.
People who smoke, drink alcohol, and regularly consume sugar should increase their intake of vitamin B1;
Those who are pregnant, lactating, or taking birth control pills Women need a lot of vitamin B1;
If you have the habit of taking gastric acid suppressants after meals, you will lose the B1 you get in this meal;
People who are in a stressful situation - illness, anxiety, mental shock, after surgery, etc. - need not only B1, but also all vitamins in the B family, which means they should take a B complex vitamin preparation.
Well-known brands
Storing knowledge
Combined use of drugs
There is a synergistic effect among the B vitamins - that is to say, taking all the B vitamins at one time is more effective than taking them separately. Also, if the intake ratio of B1, B2, and B6 is uneven, there will be no effect; the ratio is as follows: B150mg, B250mg, B650mg. Therefore, it is recommended to take vitamin B complex.
Special purposes
Vitamin B1 - a good weapon to "repellent mosquitoes"
Xinhuanet 2001.07.25 11:10:52
Sultry weather is a breeding ground for mosquitoes. In most cases, mosquito bites only cause itchy skin, but they may also transmit serious diseases such as Japanese encephalitis and malaria. To deal with mosquitoes, methods such as mosquito repellent and mosquito repellent can be used. Do not camp near water sources such as grass, rivers, and lakes. When going out, apply mosquito repellent or essential oil on your body and sprinkle it on your clothes for better results. After vitamin B1 is taken into the human body, it undergoes metabolism in the body, and part of the metabolites are secreted to the body surface with sweat. This metabolite has a special smell that makes mosquitoes afraid to approach, and can also play a role in repelling mosquitoes. In summer when mosquitoes are rampant, you should eat more foods rich in vitamin B1 such as pork and animal offal. Taking oral vitamin B1 tablets temporarily when traveling is a simple and effective way.