In order to control the flood, Dayu once searched the house for three times and refused to enter. Even eating and sleeping, he was reluctant to miss a minute. Once, Dayu was eating meat from a picnic. The meat in the casserole was so hot that he couldn't catch it at once. He didn't want to waste time, so he cut off two branches and took out the meat to eat. Over time, Dayu learned to be picky about food with branches. When his subordinates saw him eating like this, they would neither burn their hands nor get their hands dirty, so they followed suit and created the custom of eating with chopsticks.
Chopsticks were called chopsticks in ancient times, and the ancient book Han Feizi Yu Lao said, "The past is like chopsticks, but Ji Zi is terrible." Zhou Wang was the monarch at the end of Shang Dynasty, which shows that chopsticks made of ivory appeared in China as early as 1 1 century BC. In other words, the recorded history of using chopsticks in China has exceeded 3,000 years. In addition, there are many folk legends about chopsticks, such as Jiang Ziya's invention of bamboo and silk chopsticks inspired by the divine bird, da ji's invention of chopsticks with a hairpin to win the favor of Zhou Wang, and the legend of Dayu's invention of chopsticks to save time in taking hot food from branches during water control.
196 1 year, three round copper chopsticks were unearthed from the bronze coffin in Dabona, Xiangyun, Yunnan Province, and were identified as cultural relics in the middle and late Spring and Autumn Period around 495 BC by carbon 14.