The Five Black Wrathful Dakini
Padmasambhava was granted many Vajrayana Tantras by the Wisdom Dakini in the Pure Land of Urgyen Natural Corpse Grove, and was given by Vajra Mother Yogi taught herself the mantra of the Black Wrathful Dakini. Guru Rinpoche thought that this Dharma was so sublime that he kept it secret in his heart. When Guru Rinpoche arrived in Tibet, the Buddha Mothers of the Five Directions gave a prophecy to Yeshe Tsogyal Buddha and instructed Yeshe Tsogyal Buddha to ask Guru Rinpoche for the initiation of this Dharma. Therefore, Mother Yeshe Tsogyal made a pious request, Guru Rinpoche then bestowed the Black Wrathful Dakini Dharma on Mother Yeshe Tsogyal and other disciples who had this deep connection.
In order to benefit future generations of disciples, Guru Rinpoche sealed up almost all the Dharma in the form of rock dharma. When the cause and conditions matured, a great Bodhisattva among Guru Rinpoche's disciples would appear as a rock dharma to take it out. Benefit all sentient beings. The Black Wrathful Dakini Dharma Guru Rinpoche himself is hidden in the heart of Dudjom Lingpa's previous life, Dropon Ch?jing Jingzha. In this rock cave, Guru Rinpoche has many great prayers, and it is predicted that this rock cave Dharma will be here. In the Age of Ending Dharma, the Dzogchen Dharma yogi, who is indistinguishable from Guru Rinpoche, will appear in the heart of Dropen Chojung Ryotra. After Droben Chojung Ryotra understands and realizes the truth of his own nature, all dharma will be formed from the three heart rocks. Appearing in the treasure, and receiving the retribution of the Vidajana Vidajana, the holder of the secret treasure of Guru Rinpoche, the wrathful Vajra Chovola will appear. Dudjom Lingpa is the holder of the secret treasure of Guru Rinpoche, the incarnation of Guru Rinpoche riding the tiger. . Among the top ten rock-taking masters, Guru Rinpoche also predicted the name of Dudjom Lingpa.
The Black Wrathful Dakini is an extremely special deity in the Dudjom lineage of the Nyingma sect. Some people also call her the Black Vajra Haimu, and her other name is "Xia Yong Triman Nammo", which means all the gods. The mother of the Buddha is the Black Wrathful Dakini, which means that all Buddhas are born from this. That is to say, by practicing the Black Wrathful Dakini's method, you will surely become enlightened and become a Buddha.
The deep black Black Wrathful Dakini is the collection of Buddha Mothers from the five directions, and also collects the blessings of all body, speech, mind, career and merit. The Black Wrathful Dakini can only be seen in the pure form of meditation by those who are destined to do so. She is the incarnation of the pure form. Its Sambhogakaya is the red Vajrayana, and its Dharma body is the white Samantabhadra Tathagata. The right hand of the Black Wrathful Dakini holds a scimitar, which represents the destruction of self-grasping, and the left hand holds the skull skull, which contains the nectar of merits of breathing, increasing, embracing, and killing the four dharma, which can bestow unity and dissatisfaction on the disciples. * Great blessing. All dakinis and the dakinis of the five directions are manifestations of Vajra Haimu, and the black wrathful dakini has one hundred thousand dakini retinues. Offering a holy image of the black wrathful dakini is equivalent to making an offering. The extraordinary merits of one hundred thousand dakinis. Any place where you make offerings to the Black Wrathful Dakini is the Dakini’s Pure Land. The mandala where the Black Wrathful Dakini is located is the Dharmakaya Mysterious Pure Land. Making offerings to the Black Wrathful Dakini can make us happy in countless lifetimes. Ignorance and foolishness are eliminated.
The symbol of the Black Wrathful Mother is as follows: one side represents the unity of all dharmas, two arms represent wisdom and convenience, the pig's head on top represents the wisdom of the Dharma Realm, and the yue knife in her right hand represents the wisdom of cutting off troubles and destroying them. Self-grasping, the blood-filled skull in the left hand represents nectar, the skull on the heavenly staff represents the three incarnations of Dharma, the three wide-open eyes represent the wisdom of the third world, the angry frown on the face represents the four demons, and the fangs represent the lack of eloquence. Obstacles, hanging fifty fresh heads on the surface of the body are always silent, stepping on the surface of the corpse to subdue the ego, etc.
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