Confucius said, "Dear parishioners, don't be good at filial piety. Teach people to be polite and tactful, but never be good at caring. Change customs, be good at music. Not good at treating people with courtesy. Politeness, respect. So if you respect your father, you will be happy; Respect his brother, then his brother is happy, respect his king, then his minister is happy; For one person, it is the happiness of thousands of people in Qian Qian. Fewer worshippers and more pleasers are called avenues.
Confucius said: "Nothing can educate people to be close and friendly to each other better than advocating filial piety. There is nothing better than teaching people to be polite and obedient. There is nothing better than educating people with music. Make the king feel at ease and the people tame. Nothing is better than doing things with morality. The so-called ceremony is love.
Introduction to filial piety
The Book of Filial Piety is a political and ethical work of Han nationality in ancient China, and it is one of the thirteen Confucian classics. The Book of Filial Piety is an ancient Confucian classic in China, which expounds the ideas of filial piety and filial rule, and is the core work of Confucian scholars in past dynasties. This book is the last words of seventy disciples of Confucius, written in Qin and Han Dynasties. From the Western Han Dynasty to the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, there were hundreds of commentators. At present, the more popular versions are Li Longji's Annotation of Emperor Xuanzong of Tang Dynasty and Xing Bing's Annotation of Song Dynasty. The book is divided into 18 chapters.
The Book of Filial Piety, with filial piety as its core, was highly praised by Confucian scholars in past dynasties, and expounded Confucian ethics in a concentrated way. Affirmed that "filial piety" is the norm set by heaven. "Filial piety is the essence of heaven, the meaning of the earth, and the trip of people." It is pointed out that filial piety is the foundation of all virtues, "one person's trip is greater than filial piety", the monarch governs the country with filial piety, and the minister governs the family with filial piety.
The above contents refer to Baidu Encyclopedia-Filial Piety