2. Origin of the title of "Wang Youjun": At the age of 48, Wang Xizhi got an opportunity to go abroad. At that time, Wang Shu's mother died in Huiji, and Wang Shu had to leave his post for mourning. So, Wang Xizhi filled this vacancy. This is the last official position we talked about, that is, Hui Gine's history, and the right general of the bugle.
3. In this position, Wang Xizhi was able to improve his calligraphy skills in the mountains and rivers with ease and became the first person in the history of calligraphy in China. The preface of Lanting Collection, the best running script in the world, also appeared in this post. That year, Wang Xizhi was over 50 years old.
At the age of 4.53, Wang Xizhi resigned. On the ninth day of March that year, Wang Xizhi swore to be an official at his parents' grave and vowed never to be an official. Therefore, Wang Xizhi's last official position was the general of the right army, and during this term, his calligraphy became famous all over the world, so the world called him Wang Youjun, and all his calligraphy works handed down to this day are called the calligraphy of the right army.